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Four Slashes and Three Meanings


Aboriginal Linux has these lines of code:

if [ "$(noversion "${i/*\//}")" == "$1" ]
NO_CLEANUP=${NO_CLEANUP/temp//} blank_tempdir "$WORK"

Note that there are three slashes on each line, which means the last slash is a literal slash, not an operator.

The author is using the pattern replacement operator /, which works like this:

$ foo='-z-z-z'
> echo ${foo/z/ZZ}

A third meaning for / is as pattern prefix. /z means "replace all occurences of z, not just the first one":

$ foo='-z-z-z'
> echo ${foo//z/ZZ}

(In addition to /, you can also use # or % for a prefix- or suffix- anchored replacement.)

Now we have our example with four slashes and three meanings for /: operator, literal, and pattern modifier.

$ foo='-z-z-z'
> echo ${foo//z//}

In the last post I showed five meanings for #, and discussed the larger motivation for this trivia. I will have a few more head-scratchers, and then there should be more "fun" posts.