#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Test rules provided in Bazel not tested by examples # set -u ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS=$1 WORKER_TYPE_LOG_STRING=$2 shift 2 # Load the test setup defined in the parent directory CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../integration_test_setup.sh" \ || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } # TODO(philwo): Change this so the path to the custom worker gets passed in as an argument to the # test, once the bug that makes using the "args" attribute with sh_tests in Bazel impossible is # fixed. example_worker=$(find $BAZEL_RUNFILES -name ExampleWorker_deploy.jar) function set_up() { # This causes Bazel to shut down all running workers. bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} --worker_quit_after_build &> $TEST_log } function write_hello_library_files() { mkdir -p java/main cat >java/main/BUILD <java/main/Main.java <java/hello_library/BUILD <java/hello_library/HelloLibrary.java < $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" expect_log "Created new ${WORKER_TYPE_LOG_STRING} Javac worker (id [0-9]\+)" bazel-bin/java/main/main | grep -q "Hello, Library!;Hello, World!" \ || fail "comparison failed" } function prepare_example_worker() { cp ${example_worker} worker_lib.jar chmod +w worker_lib.jar echo "exampledata" > worker_data.txt cat >work.bzl <<'EOF' def _impl(ctx): worker = ctx.executable.worker output = ctx.outputs.out # Generate the "@"-file containing the command-line args for the unit of work. argfile = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s_worker_input" % ctx.label.name) argfile_contents = "\n".join(["--output_file=" + output.path] + ctx.attr.args) ctx.file_action(output=argfile, content=argfile_contents) ctx.action( inputs=[argfile] + ctx.files.srcs, outputs=[output], executable=worker, progress_message="Working on %s" % ctx.label.name, mnemonic="Work", execution_requirements={"supports-workers": "1"}, arguments=ctx.attr.worker_args + ["@" + argfile.path], ) work = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "worker": attr.label(cfg="host", mandatory=True, allow_files=True, executable=True), "worker_args": attr.string_list(), "args": attr.string_list(), "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True), }, outputs = {"out": "%{name}.out"}, ) EOF cat >BUILD <>BUILD < $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" assert_equals "hello world" "$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world.out)" bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker :hello_world_uppercase &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" assert_equals "HELLO WORLD" "$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_uppercase.out)" } function test_workers_quit_after_build() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world_2 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) # If the worker hadn't quit as we told it, it would have been reused, causing this to be a "2". assert_equals "1" $work_count } function test_worker_restarts_after_exit() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", worker_args = ["--exit_after=2"], args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_1=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_2 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_2=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "2" $work_count # Check that the same worker was used twice. assert_equals "$worker_uuid_1" "$worker_uuid_2" bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_3 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_3=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count expect_log "worker .* can no longer be used, because its process terminated itself or got killed" # Check that we used a new worker. assert_not_equals "$worker_uuid_2" "$worker_uuid_3" } function test_worker_restarts_when_worker_binary_changes() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_1=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_2 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_2=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "2" $work_count # Check that the same worker was used twice. assert_equals "$worker_uuid_1" "$worker_uuid_2" # Modify the example worker jar to trigger a rebuild of the worker. tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c32 > dummy_file zip worker_lib.jar dummy_file rm dummy_file bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_3 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_3=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count expect_log "worker .* can no longer be used, because its files have changed on disk" # Check that we used a new worker. assert_not_equals "$worker_uuid_2" "$worker_uuid_3" } function test_worker_restarts_when_worker_runfiles_change() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_1=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_2 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_2=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "2" $work_count # Check that the same worker was used twice. assert_equals "$worker_uuid_1" "$worker_uuid_2" # "worker_data.txt" is included in the "data" attribute of the example worker. echo "changeddata" > worker_data.txt bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_3 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_3=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) work_count=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep COUNTER | cut -d' ' -f2) assert_equals "1" $work_count expect_log "worker .* can no longer be used, because its files have changed on disk" # Check that we used a new worker. assert_not_equals "$worker_uuid_2" "$worker_uuid_3" } # When a worker does not conform to the protocol and returns a response that is not a parseable # protobuf, it must be killed, the output thrown away, a new worker restarted and Bazel has to retry # the action without struggling. function test_bazel_recovers_from_worker_returning_junk() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", worker_args = ["--poison_after=1"], args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_1=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_2 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_2=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) # Check that the worker failed & was restarted. expect_log "invalidating and retrying with new worker" assert_not_equals "$worker_uuid_1" "$worker_uuid_2" } function test_input_digests() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--print_inputs"], srcs = [":input.txt"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF echo "hello world" > input.txt bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_1=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) hash1=$(fgrep "INPUT input.txt " bazel-bin/hello_world_1.out | cut -d' ' -f3) bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_2 >> $TEST_log 2>&1 \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_2=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) hash2=$(fgrep "INPUT input.txt " bazel-bin/hello_world_2.out | cut -d' ' -f3) assert_equals "$worker_uuid_1" "$worker_uuid_2" assert_equals "$hash1" "$hash2" echo "changeddata" > input.txt bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 :hello_world_3 >> $TEST_log 2>&1 \ || fail "build failed" worker_uuid_3=$(cat bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | grep UUID | cut -d' ' -f2) hash3=$(fgrep "INPUT input.txt " bazel-bin/hello_world_3.out | cut -d' ' -f3) assert_equals "$worker_uuid_2" "$worker_uuid_3" assert_not_equals "$hash2" "$hash3" } function test_worker_verbose() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" expect_log "Created new ${WORKER_TYPE_LOG_STRING} Work worker (id [0-9]\+)" expect_log "Destroying Work worker (id [0-9]\+)" expect_log "Build completed, shutting down worker pool..." } function test_logs_are_deleted_on_server_restart() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' [work( name = "hello_world_%s" % idx, worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) for idx in range(10)] EOF bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} -s --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world_1 &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" expect_log "Created new ${WORKER_TYPE_LOG_STRING} Work worker (id [0-9]\+)" worker_log=$(egrep -o -- 'logging to .*/bazel-workers/worker-[0-9]-Work.log' "$TEST_log" | sed 's/^logging to //') [ -e "$worker_log" ] \ || fail "Worker log was not found" # Running a build after a server shutdown should trigger the removal of old worker log files. bazel shutdown &> $TEST_log bazel build &> $TEST_log [ ! -e "$worker_log" ] \ || fail "Worker log was not deleted" } function test_missing_execution_requirements_gives_warning() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' work( name = "hello_world", worker = ":worker", args = ["--write_uuid", "--write_counter"], ) EOF sed -i.bak '/execution_requirements/d' work.bzl rm -f work.bzl.bak bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" expect_log "Worker strategy cannot execute this Work action, because the action's execution info does not contain 'supports-workers=1'" expect_not_log "Created new ${WORKER_TYPE_LOG_STRING} Work worker (id [0-9]\+)" expect_not_log "Destroying Work worker (id [0-9]\+)" # WorkerSpawnStrategy falls back to standalone strategy, so we still expect the output to be generated. [ -e "bazel-bin/hello_world.out" ] \ || fail "Worker did not produce output" } function test_environment_is_clean() { prepare_example_worker cat >>BUILD <<'EOF' work( name = "hello_world", worker = ":worker", args = ["--print_env"], ) EOF bazel shutdown &> $TEST_log \ || fail "shutdown failed" CAKE=LIE bazel build ${ADDITIONAL_BUILD_FLAGS} --worker_verbose --strategy=Work=worker --worker_max_instances=1 --worker_quit_after_build :hello_world &> $TEST_log \ || fail "build failed" fgrep CAKE=LIE bazel-bin/hello_world.out \ && fail "environment variable leaked into worker env" || true } run_suite "Worker integration tests"