#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # TODO(mmoss) This currently only works with official builds, since non-official # builds don't add the "${BUILDDIR}/installer/" files needed for packaging. set -e set -o pipefail if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then set -x fi set -u # Create the Debian changelog file needed by dpkg-gencontrol. This just adds a # placeholder change, indicating it is the result of an automatic build. # TODO(mmoss) Release packages should create something meaningful for a # changelog, but simply grabbing the actual 'svn log' is way too verbose. Do we # have any type of "significant/visible changes" log that we could use for this? gen_changelog() { rm -f "${DEB_CHANGELOG}" process_template "${SCRIPTDIR}/changelog.template" "${DEB_CHANGELOG}" debchange -a --nomultimaint -m --changelog "${DEB_CHANGELOG}" \ "Release Notes: ${RELEASENOTES}" GZLOG="${STAGEDIR}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}/changelog.gz" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${GZLOG}")" gzip -9 -c "${DEB_CHANGELOG}" > "${GZLOG}" chmod 644 "${GZLOG}" } # Create the Debian control file needed by dpkg-deb. gen_control() { dpkg-gencontrol -v"${VERSIONFULL}" -c"${DEB_CONTROL}" -l"${DEB_CHANGELOG}" \ -f"${DEB_FILES}" -p"${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}" -P"${STAGEDIR}" \ -O > "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/control" rm -f "${DEB_CONTROL}" } # Setup the installation directory hierachy in the package staging area. prep_staging_debian() { prep_staging_common install -m 755 -d "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN" \ "${STAGEDIR}/etc/cron.daily" \ "${STAGEDIR}/usr/share/menu" \ "${STAGEDIR}/usr/share/doc/${PACKAGE}" } # Put the package contents in the staging area. stage_install_debian() { # Always use a different name for /usr/bin symlink depending on channel. # First, to avoid file collisions. Second, to make it possible to # use update-alternatives for /usr/bin/google-chrome. local USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME="${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}" if [ "$CHANNEL" != "stable" ]; then # This would ideally be compiled into the app, but that's a bit too # intrusive of a change for these limited use channels, so we'll just hack # it into the wrapper script. The user can still override since it seems to # work to specify --user-data-dir multiple times on the command line, with # the last occurrence winning. local SXS_USER_DATA_DIR="\${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-\${HOME}/.config}/${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}" local DEFAULT_FLAGS="--user-data-dir=\"${SXS_USER_DATA_DIR}\"" # Avoid file collisions between channels. local INSTALLDIR="${INSTALLDIR}-${CHANNEL}" local PACKAGE="${PACKAGE}-${CHANNEL}" # Make it possible to distinguish between menu entries # for different channels. local MENUNAME="${MENUNAME} (${CHANNEL})" fi prep_staging_debian stage_install_common echo "Staging Debian install files in '${STAGEDIR}'..." install -m 755 -d "${STAGEDIR}/${INSTALLDIR}/cron" process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/repo.cron" \ "${STAGEDIR}/${INSTALLDIR}/cron/${PACKAGE}" chmod 755 "${STAGEDIR}/${INSTALLDIR}/cron/${PACKAGE}" pushd "${STAGEDIR}/etc/cron.daily/" ln -snf "${INSTALLDIR}/cron/${PACKAGE}" "${PACKAGE}" popd process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/debian/debian.menu" \ "${STAGEDIR}/usr/share/menu/${PACKAGE}.menu" chmod 644 "${STAGEDIR}/usr/share/menu/${PACKAGE}.menu" process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/debian/postinst" \ "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/postinst" chmod 755 "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/postinst" process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/debian/prerm" \ "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/prerm" chmod 755 "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/prerm" process_template "${BUILDDIR}/installer/debian/postrm" \ "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/postrm" chmod 755 "${STAGEDIR}/DEBIAN/postrm" } # Actually generate the package file. do_package() { echo "Packaging ${ARCHITECTURE}..." PREDEPENDS="$COMMON_PREDEPS" DEPENDS="${COMMON_DEPS}" REPLACES="" CONFLICTS="" PROVIDES="www-browser" gen_changelog process_template "${SCRIPTDIR}/control.template" "${DEB_CONTROL}" export DEB_HOST_ARCH="${ARCHITECTURE}" if [ -f "${DEB_CONTROL}" ]; then gen_control fi fakeroot dpkg-deb -Zxz -z9 -b "${STAGEDIR}" . } # Remove temporary files and unwanted packaging output. cleanup() { echo "Cleaning..." rm -rf "${STAGEDIR}" rm -rf "${TMPFILEDIR}" } usage() { echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-c channel] [-a target_arch] [-o 'dir'] " echo " [-b 'dir']" echo "-c channel the package channel (trunk, asan, unstable, beta, stable)" echo "-a arch package architecture (ia32 or x64)" echo "-o dir package output directory [${OUTPUTDIR}]" echo "-b dir build input directory [${BUILDDIR}]" echo "-h this help message" } # Check that the channel name is one of the allowable ones. verify_channel() { case $CHANNEL in stable ) CHANNEL=stable RELEASENOTES="http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/search/label/Stable%20updates" ;; unstable|dev|alpha ) CHANNEL=unstable RELEASENOTES="http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/search/label/Dev%20updates" ;; testing|beta ) CHANNEL=beta RELEASENOTES="http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/search/label/Beta%20updates" ;; trunk|asan ) # Setting this to empty will prevent it from updating any existing configs # from release packages. REPOCONFIG="" RELEASENOTES="http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/" ;; * ) echo echo "ERROR: '$CHANNEL' is not a valid channel type." echo exit 1 ;; esac } process_opts() { while getopts ":o:b:c:a:h" OPTNAME do case $OPTNAME in o ) OUTPUTDIR=$(readlink -f "${OPTARG}") mkdir -p "${OUTPUTDIR}" ;; b ) BUILDDIR=$(readlink -f "${OPTARG}") ;; c ) CHANNEL="$OPTARG" ;; a ) TARGETARCH="$OPTARG" ;; h ) usage exit 0 ;; \: ) echo "'-$OPTARG' needs an argument." usage exit 1 ;; * ) echo "invalid command-line option: $OPTARG" usage exit 1 ;; esac done } #========= # MAIN #========= SCRIPTDIR=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")") OUTPUTDIR="${PWD}" STAGEDIR=$(mktemp -d -t deb.build.XXXXXX) || exit 1 TMPFILEDIR=$(mktemp -d -t deb.tmp.XXXXXX) || exit 1 DEB_CHANGELOG="${TMPFILEDIR}/changelog" DEB_FILES="${TMPFILEDIR}/files" DEB_CONTROL="${TMPFILEDIR}/control" CHANNEL="trunk" # Default target architecture to same as build host. if [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]; then TARGETARCH="x64" else TARGETARCH="ia32" fi # call cleanup() on exit trap cleanup 0 process_opts "$@" BUILDDIR=${BUILDDIR:=$(readlink -f "${SCRIPTDIR}/../../../../out/Release")} source ${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/installer.include get_version_info VERSIONFULL="${VERSION}-${PACKAGE_RELEASE}" if [ "$CHROMIUM_BUILD" = "_google_chrome" ]; then source "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/google-chrome.info" else source "${BUILDDIR}/installer/common/chromium-browser.info" fi eval $(sed -e "s/^\([^=]\+\)=\(.*\)$/export \1='\2'/" \ "${BUILDDIR}/installer/theme/BRANDING") REPOCONFIG="deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" verify_channel # Some Debian packaging tools want these set. export DEBFULLNAME="${MAINTNAME}" export DEBEMAIL="${MAINTMAIL}" # We'd like to eliminate more of these deps by relying on the 'lsb' package, but # that brings in tons of unnecessary stuff, like an mta and rpm. Until that full # 'lsb' package is installed by default on DEB distros, we'll have to stick with # the LSB sub-packages, to avoid pulling in all that stuff that's not installed # by default. # Need a dummy debian/control file for dpkg-shlibdeps. DUMMY_STAGING_DIR="${TMPFILEDIR}/dummy_staging" mkdir "$DUMMY_STAGING_DIR" cd "$DUMMY_STAGING_DIR" mkdir debian touch debian/control # Generate the dependencies, # TODO(mmoss): This is a workaround for a problem where dpkg-shlibdeps was # resolving deps using some of our build output shlibs (i.e. # out/Release/lib.target/libfreetype.so.6), and was then failing with: # dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for ... # It's not clear if we ever want to look in LD_LIBRARY_PATH to resolve deps, # but it seems that we don't currently, so this is the most expediant fix. SAVE_LDLP=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-} unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH DPKG_SHLIB_DEPS=$(dpkg-shlibdeps -O "$BUILDDIR/chrome" | \ sed 's/^shlibs:Depends=//') if [ -n "$SAVE_LDLP" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SAVE_LDLP fi # Format it nicely and save it for comparison. # The grep -v is for a duplicate libc6 dep caused by Lucid glibc silliness. echo "$DPKG_SHLIB_DEPS" | sed 's/, /\n/g' | \ grep -v '^libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~)$' > actual # Compare the expected dependency list to the generate list. BAD_DIFF=0 diff "$SCRIPTDIR/expected_deps_$TARGETARCH" actual || BAD_DIFF=1 if [ $BAD_DIFF -ne 0 ] && [ -z "${IGNORE_DEPS_CHANGES:-}" ]; then echo echo "ERROR: Shared library dependencies changed!" echo "If this is intentional, please update:" echo "chrome/installer/linux/debian/expected_deps_ia32" echo "chrome/installer/linux/debian/expected_deps_x64" echo exit $BAD_DIFF fi rm -rf "$DUMMY_STAGING_DIR" # Additional dependencies not in the dpkg-shlibdeps output. # - Pull a more recent version of NSS than required by runtime linking, for # security and stability updates in NSS. ADDITION_DEPS="ca-certificates, libappindicator1, libcurl3, \ libnss3 (>= 3.14.3), lsb-base (>=3.2), xdg-utils (>= 1.0.2), wget" # Fix-up libnspr dependency due to renaming in Ubuntu (the old package still # exists, but it was moved to "universe" repository, which isn't installed by # default). DPKG_SHLIB_DEPS=$(sed \ 's/\(libnspr4-0d ([^)]*)\), /\1 | libnspr4 (>= 4.9.5-0ubuntu0), /g' \ <<< $DPKG_SHLIB_DEPS) COMMON_DEPS="${DPKG_SHLIB_DEPS}, ${ADDITION_DEPS}" COMMON_PREDEPS="dpkg (>= 1.14.0)" # Make everything happen in the OUTPUTDIR. cd "${OUTPUTDIR}" case "$TARGETARCH" in ia32 ) export ARCHITECTURE="i386" stage_install_debian ;; x64 ) export ARCHITECTURE="amd64" stage_install_debian ;; * ) echo echo "ERROR: Don't know how to build DEBs for '$TARGETARCH'." echo exit 1 ;; esac do_package