#!/bin/bash -e # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Use this to copy all config files into the tree. for os in linux linux-noasm mac win win-vs2013; do for target in Chromium ChromiumOS Chrome ChromeOS; do # Copy config files for various architectures: # - ia32/x64 have config.asm, config.h # - arm/arm-neon have config.h for arch in arm arm-neon arm64 ia32 x64 mipsel; do # Don't waste time on non-existent configs, if no config.h then skip. [ ! -e "build.$arch.$os/$target/config.h" ] && continue for f in config.h config.asm libavutil/avconfig.h; do FROM="build.$arch.$os/$target/$f" TO="chromium/config/$target/$os/$arch/$f" if [ "$(dirname $f)" != "" ]; then mkdir -p $(dirname $TO); fi [ -e $FROM ] && cp -v $FROM $TO done done done done echo "Copied all existing newer configs successfully."