#!/bin/bash -e # Expected to be run in the root of the Chef Git repository (e.g. chef-bcpc) set -x if [[ -f ./proxy_setup.sh ]]; then . ./proxy_setup.sh fi if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then BOOTSTRAP_IP= else BOOTSTRAP_IP=$1 fi if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then USER=root else USER=$2 fi # make sure we do not have a previous .chef directory in place to allow re-runs if [[ -f .chef/knife.rb ]]; then knife node delete `hostname -f` -y || true knife client delete $USER -y || true mv .chef/ ".chef_found_$(date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")" fi echo -e ".chef/knife.rb\nhttp://$BOOTSTRAP_IP:4000\n\n\n/etc/chef-server/chef-webui.pem\n\n/etc/chef-server/chef-validator.pem\n.\n" | knife configure --initial cp -p .chef/knife.rb .chef/knife-proxy.rb if [[ ! -z "$http_proxy" ]]; then echo "http_proxy \"${http_proxy}\"" >> .chef/knife-proxy.rb echo "https_proxy \"${https_proxy}\"" >> .chef/knife-proxy.rb fi cd cookbooks # allow versions on cookbooks so for cookbook in "apt 1.10.0" ubuntu cron "chef-client 3.3.8" chef-solo-search ntp "yum 3.2.2" "logrotate 1.6.0"; do if [[ ! -d ${cookbook% *} ]]; then # unless the proxy was defined this knife config will be the same as the one generated above knife cookbook site download $cookbook --config ../.chef/knife-proxy.rb tar zxf ${cookbook% *}*.tar.gz rm ${cookbook% *}*.tar.gz if [[ -f ${cookbook% *}.patch ]]; then pushd ${cookbook% *} patch -p1 < ../${cookbook% *}.patch popd fi fi done