(List (= scope= flags=0 words=[] bindings=[('gpg_version', {[ComSub (Com redirects=[(DescriptorRedirectNode target={[LIT_CHARS 1]} &"> 2)]{[LIT_CHARS gpg]} {[LIT_CHARS --version]})]})]) (If (Com {[LIT_CHARS test]} {[VarSub ?]} {[LIT_DBRACKET_LIKE "="]} {[LIT_CHARS 127]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS say]} {[DQ [LIT_CHARS "You do not seem to have gpg installed"]]} ) (ElseTrue) (Case to_match={[DQ [VarSub gpg_version]]}, pat_word_list=[[{[SQ ] [LIT_OTHER "*"]}], [{[LIT_OTHER "*"]}]] (Com {[LIT_CHARS say]} {[DQ [LIT_CHARS "Your version of gpg (1.0.6) is too buggy for testing"]]} ) (List (Com {[LIT_CHARS cp]} {[LIT_CHARS -R]} {[DQ [VarSub TEST_DIRECTORY]] [LIT_CHARS /lib-gpg]} {[LIT_CHARS ./gpghome]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS chmod]} {[LIT_CHARS 0700]} {[LIT_CHARS gpghome]} ) (= scope= flags=0 words=[] bindings=[('GNUPGHOME', {[DQ [ComSub (Com {[LIT_CHARS pwd]})][LIT_CHARS /gpghome]]})]) (= scope= flags=1 words=[{[LIT_CHARS GNUPGHOME]}] bindings=[]) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_set_prereq]} {[LIT_CHARS GPG]} ) ) ) ) (FunctionDef sanitize_pgp [] (Com {[LIT_CHARS perl]} {[LIT_CHARS -ne]} {[SQ ]} ) ) )