(List (= scope=<EAssignScope.GLOBAL 1> flags=0 words=[] bindings=[('test_description', {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "git svn reset">]})]) (Com {[LIT_CHARS .]} {[LIT_CHARS ./lib-git-svn.sh]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "setup test repository">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\tsvn_cmd co \"$svnrepo\" s &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t(\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tcd s &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tmkdir vis &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\techo always visible > vis/vis.txt &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd add vis &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd commit -m \"create visible files\" &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tmkdir hid &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\techo initially hidden > hid/hid.txt &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd add hid &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd commit -m \"create initially hidden files\" &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd up &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\techo mod >> vis/vis.txt &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd commit -m \"modify vis\" &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t\tsvn_cmd up\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t)\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "clone SVN repository with hidden directory">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\tgit svn init \"$svnrepo\" g &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t( cd g && git svn fetch --ignore-paths=\"^hid\" )\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "modify hidden file in SVN repo">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t( cd s &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t echo mod hidden >> hid/hid.txt &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t svn_cmd commit -m \"modify hid\" &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t svn_cmd up\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t)\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "fetch fails on modified hidden file">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t( cd g &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t test_must_fail git svn fetch 2> ../errors &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\tfgrep \"not found in commit\" errors &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\ttest_cmp expect expect2\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "reset unwinds back to r1">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t( cd g &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn reset -r1 &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn find-rev refs/remotes/git-svn > ../expect2 ) &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\techo 1 >expect &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\ttest_cmp expect expect2\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_expect_success]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "refetch succeeds not ignoring any files">]} {[SQ <LIT_CHARS "\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t( cd g &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn fetch &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t git svn rebase &&\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t fgrep \"mod hidden\" hid/hid.txt\n"> <LIT_CHARS "\t)\n">]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS test_done]} ) )