#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. set -e OUT=$1 shift for v; do # Extract all the libchromeos sublibs from 'dependencies' section of # 'libchromeos-<(libbase_ver)' target in libchromeos.gypi and convert them # into an array of "-lchromeos--" flags. sublibs=($(sed -n " /'target_name': 'libchromeos-<(libbase_ver)'/,/target_name/ { /dependencies/,/],/ { /libchromeos/ { s:[',]::g s:<(libbase_ver):${v}:g s:libchromeos:-lchromeos: p } } }" libchromeos.gypi)) echo "GROUP ( AS_NEEDED ( ${sublibs[@]} ) )" > "${OUT}"/lib/libchromeos-${v}.so deps=$(<"${OUT}"/gen/libchromeos-${v}-deps.txt) pc="${OUT}"/lib/libchromeos-${v}.pc sed \ -e "s/@BSLOT@/${v}/g" \ -e "s/@PRIVATE_PC@/${deps}/g" \ "libchromeos.pc.in" > "${pc}" deps_test=$(<"${OUT}"/gen/libchromeos-test-${v}-deps.txt) sed \ -e "s/@BSLOT@/${v}/g" \ -e "s/@PRIVATE_PC@/${deps_test}/g" \ "libchromeos-test.pc.in" > "${OUT}/lib/libchromeos-test-${v}.pc" done