(List (Com {[LIT_CHARS set]} {[LIT_CHARS -e]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS mkdir]} {[LIT_CHARS -p]} {[LIT_CHARS site]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS sass]} {[LIT_CHARS theme/styles.scss] [LIT_OTHER ":"] [LIT_CHARS theme/styles.css]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS python2]} {[LIT_CHARS buildsite.py]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS aws]} {[LIT_CHARS s3]} {[LIT_CHARS sync]} {[LIT_CHARS site/]} {[LIT_CHARS s3] [LIT_OTHER ":"] [LIT_CHARS //srclib.org/]} ) (Com {[LIT_CHARS echo]} < (HereDocRedirectNode here_end='EOF' do_expansion=True body_word={[DQ [LIT_CHARS "You are not finished! If you're done deploying to the site, you need\n"][LIT_CHARS "to invalidate CloudFront's files with the following command:\n"][LIT_CHARS "\n"][LIT_CHARS " s3cmd --cf-invalidate sync site/ s3://srclib.org/\n"][LIT_CHARS "\n"][LIT_CHARS "This costs "][VarSub 0][LIT_CHARS ".005 per file invalidated (after the first 1000 files in\n"][LIT_CHARS "a month), which isn't a ton, but it's best to only run it when you\n"][LIT_CHARS "need to.\n"]]} 0), > ) )