#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail readonly KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE="/srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver/known_tokens.csv" readonly BASIC_AUTH_FILE="/srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver/basic_auth.csv" # evaluate-manifest evalutes the source manifest with the environment variables. function evaluate-manifest() { local src=$1 local dst=$2 cp ${src} ${dst} sed -i 's/\"/\\\"/g' ${dst} # eval will remove the double quotes if they are not escaped eval "echo \"$(< ${dst})\"" > ${dst} } # evaluate-manifests-dir evalutes the source manifests within $1 and put the result # in $2. function evaluate-manifests-dir() { local src=$1 local dst=$2 mkdir -p ${dst} for f in ${src}/* do evaluate-manifest $f ${dst}/${f##*/} done } function configure-kube-proxy() { echo "Configuring kube-proxy" mkdir -p /var/lib/kube-proxy evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/kubeproxy-config.yaml /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig } function configure-logging() { if [[ "${LOGGING_DESTINATION}" == "gcp" ]];then echo "Configuring fluentd-gcp" # fluentd-gcp evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/fluentd-gcp.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/fluentd-gcp.yaml elif [[ "${LOGGING_DESTINATION}" == "elasticsearch" ]];then echo "Configuring fluentd-es" # fluentd-es evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/fluentd-es.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/fluentd-es.yaml fi } function configure-admission-controls() { echo "Configuring admission controls" mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes/admission-controls cp -r ${SALT_DIR}/salt/kube-admission-controls/limit-range /etc/kubernetes/admission-controls/ } function configure-etcd() { echo "Configuring etcd" touch /var/log/etcd.log evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml } function configure-etcd-events() { echo "Configuring etcd-events" touch /var/log/etcd-events.log evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/etcd-events.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd-events.yaml } function configure-addon-manager() { echo "Configuring addon-manager" evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/kube-addon-manager.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-addon-manager.yaml } function configure-kube-apiserver() { echo "Configuring kube-apiserver" # Wait for etcd to be up. wait-url-up touch /var/log/kube-apiserver.log # Copying known_tokens and basic_auth file. cp ${SALT_OVERLAY}/salt/kube-apiserver/*.csv /srv/kubernetes/ evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml } function configure-kube-scheduler() { echo "Configuring kube-scheduler" touch /var/log/kube-scheduler.log evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/kube-scheduler.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml } function configure-kube-controller-manager() { # Wait for api server. wait-url-up echo "Configuring kube-controller-manager" touch /var/log/kube-controller-manager.log evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/kube-controller-manager.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml } # Wait until $1 become reachable. function wait-url-up() { until curl --silent $1 do sleep 5 done } # Configure addon yamls, and run salt/kube-addons/kube-addons.sh function configure-master-addons() { echo "Configuring master addons" local addon_dir=/etc/kubernetes/addons mkdir -p ${addon_dir} # Copy namespace.yaml evaluate-manifest ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/namespace.yaml ${addon_dir}/namespace.yaml if [[ "${ENABLE_L7_LOADBALANCING}" == "glbc" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/cluster-loadbalancing/glbc ${addon_dir}/cluster-loadbalancing/glbc fi if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS}" == "true" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/dns ${addon_dir}/dns fi if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI}" == "true" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/dashboard ${addon_dir}/dashboard fi if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING}" == "true" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/fluentd-elasticsearch ${addon_dir}/fluentd-elasticsearch fi if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" == "influxdb" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/cluster-monitoring/influxdb ${addon_dir}/cluster-monitoring/influxdb elif [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" == "google" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/cluster-monitoring/google ${addon_dir}/cluster-monitoring/google elif [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" == "standalone" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/cluster-monitoring/standalone ${addon_dir}/cluster-monitoring/standalone elif [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING}" == "googleinfluxdb" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/cluster-monitoring/googleinfluxdb ${addon_dir}/cluster-monitoring/googleinfluxdb fi # Note that, KUBE_ENABLE_INSECURE_REGISTRY is not supported yet. if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY}" == "true" ]]; then CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_SIZE=$(convert-bytes-gce-kube "${CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_SIZE}") evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/registry ${addon_dir}/registry fi if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR}" == "true" ]]; then evaluate-manifests-dir ${MANIFESTS_DIR}/addons/node-problem-detector ${addon_dir}/node-problem-detector fi } function configure-master-components() { configure-admission-controls configure-etcd configure-etcd-events configure-kube-apiserver configure-kube-scheduler configure-kube-controller-manager configure-master-addons configure-addon-manager } # TODO(yifan): Merge this with mount-master-pd() in configure-vm.sh # Pass ${save_format_and_mount} as an argument. function mount-master-pd() { if [[ ! -e /dev/disk/by-id/google-master-pd ]]; then return fi device_info=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/google-master-pd) relative_path=${device_info##* } device_path="/dev/disk/by-id/${relative_path}" # Format and mount the disk, create directories on it for all of the master's # persistent data, and link them to where they're used. echo "Mounting master-pd" mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd safe_format_and_mount=${SALT_DIR}/salt/helpers/safe_format_and_mount chmod +x ${safe_format_and_mount} ${safe_format_and_mount} -m "mkfs.ext4 -F" "${device_path}" /mnt/master-pd &>/var/log/master-pd-mount.log || \ { echo "!!! master-pd mount failed, review /var/log/master-pd-mount.log !!!"; return 1; } # Contains all the data stored in etcd mkdir -m 700 -p /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd # Contains the dynamically generated apiserver auth certs and keys mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/kubernetes # Contains the cluster's initial config parameters and auth tokens mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/salt-overlay # Directory for kube-apiserver to store SSH key (if necessary) mkdir -p /mnt/master-pd/srv/sshproxy ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd /var/etcd ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/kubernetes /srv/kubernetes ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/sshproxy /srv/sshproxy ln -s -f /mnt/master-pd/srv/salt-overlay /srv/salt-overlay # This is a bit of a hack to get around the fact that salt has to run after the # PD and mounted directory are already set up. We can't give ownership of the # directory to etcd until the etcd user and group exist, but they don't exist # until salt runs if we don't create them here. We could alternatively make the # permissions on the directory more permissive, but this seems less bad. if ! id etcd &>/dev/null; then useradd -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/etcd etcd fi chown -R etcd /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd chgrp -R etcd /mnt/master-pd/var/etcd } # The job of this function is simple, but the basic regular expression syntax makes # this difficult to read. What we want to do is convert from [0-9]+B, KB, KiB, MB, etc # into [0-9]+, Ki, Mi, Gi, etc. # This is done in two steps: # 1. Convert from [0-9]+X?i?B into [0-9]X? (X denotes the prefix, ? means the field # is optional. # 2. Attach an 'i' to the end of the string if we find a letter. # The two step process is needed to handle the edge case in which we want to convert # a raw byte count, as the result should be a simple number (e.g. 5B -> 5). # # TODO(yifan): Reuse the one defined in configure-vm.sh to remove duplication. function convert-bytes-gce-kube() { local -r storage_space=$1 echo "${storage_space}" | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]\+\)\([A-Z]\)\?i\?B$/\1\2/g' -e 's/\([A-Z]\)$/\1i/' } # TODO(yifan): Use create-salt-master-auth() in configure-vm.sh function create-salt-master-auth() { if [[ ! -e /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt ]]; then if [[ ! -z "${CA_CERT:-}" ]] && [[ ! -z "${MASTER_CERT:-}" ]] && [[ ! -z "${MASTER_KEY:-}" ]]; then mkdir -p /srv/kubernetes (umask 077; echo "${CA_CERT}" | base64 --decode > /srv/kubernetes/ca.crt; echo "${MASTER_CERT}" | base64 --decode > /srv/kubernetes/server.cert; echo "${MASTER_KEY}" | base64 --decode > /srv/kubernetes/server.key; # Kubecfg cert/key are optional and included for backwards compatibility. # TODO(roberthbailey): Remove these two lines once GKE no longer requires # fetching clients certs from the master VM. echo "${KUBECFG_CERT:-}" | base64 --decode > /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.crt; echo "${KUBECFG_KEY:-}" | base64 --decode > /srv/kubernetes/kubecfg.key) fi fi if [ ! -e "${BASIC_AUTH_FILE}" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver (umask 077; echo "${KUBE_PASSWORD},${KUBE_USER},admin" > "${BASIC_AUTH_FILE}") fi if [ ! -e "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/salt-overlay/salt/kube-apiserver (umask 077; echo "${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN},admin,admin" > "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}"; echo "${KUBELET_TOKEN},kubelet,kubelet" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}"; echo "${KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN},kube_proxy,kube_proxy" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}") # Generate tokens for other "service accounts". Append to known_tokens. # # NB: If this list ever changes, this script actually has to # change to detect the existence of this file, kill any deleted # old tokens and add any new tokens (to handle the upgrade case). local -r service_accounts=("system:scheduler" "system:controller_manager" "system:logging" "system:monitoring") for account in "${service_accounts[@]}"; do token=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) echo "${token},${account},${account}" >> "${KNOWN_TOKENS_FILE}" done fi } # $1 is the directory containing all of the docker images function load-docker-images() { local success local restart_docker while true; do success=true restart_docker=false for image in "$1/"*; do timeout 30 docker load -i "${image}" &>/dev/null rc=$? if [[ "$rc" == 124 ]]; then restart_docker=true elif [[ "$rc" != 0 ]]; then success=false fi done if [[ "$success" == "true" ]]; then break; fi if [[ "$restart_docker" == "true" ]]; then systemctl restart docker; fi sleep 15 done } function load-master-components-images() { echo "Loading images for master components" export RKT_BIN=/opt/rkt/rkt export DOCKER2ACI_BIN=/opt/docker2aci/docker2aci ${SALT_DIR}/install.sh ${KUBE_BIN_TAR} ${SALT_DIR}/salt/kube-master-addons/kube-master-addons.sh # Get the image tags. KUBE_APISERVER_DOCKER_TAG=$(cat ${KUBE_BIN_DIR}/kube-apiserver.docker_tag) KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_DOCKER_TAG=$(cat ${KUBE_BIN_DIR}/kube-controller-manager.docker_tag) KUBE_SCHEDULER_DOCKER_TAG=$(cat ${KUBE_BIN_DIR}/kube-scheduler.docker_tag) } ########## # main # ########## KUBE_BIN_TAR=/opt/downloads/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz KUBE_BIN_DIR=/opt/kubernetes/server/bin SALT_DIR=/opt/kubernetes/saltbase SALT_OVERLAY=/srv/salt-overlay MANIFESTS_DIR=/opt/kube-manifests/kubernetes # On CoreOS, the hosts is in /usr/share/baselayout/hosts # So we need to manually populdate the hosts file here on gce. echo " localhost" >> /etc/hosts echo "::1 localhost" >> /etc/hosts if [[ "${KUBERNETES_MASTER}" == "true" ]]; then mount-master-pd create-salt-master-auth load-master-components-images configure-master-components else configure-kube-proxy fi if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING}" == "true" ]];then configure-logging fi echo "Finish configuration successfully!"