What Breaks When You Upgrade to Oil

Only a few things break when you put this at the top of a shell script:

shopt --set oil:upgrade

This doc enumerates and explains them.

Table of Contents
Reasons for Upgrading
Syntax Changes
if ( ) and while ( ) take expressions, not subshell commands
@() is spliced command sub, not extended glob
r'c:\Users\' is a raw string, not joined strings
Extended Globs in Word Evaluation
More Quotes May Be Needed
With oil:upgrade Options

Reasons for Upgrading

First, let's emphasize the good things that happen when you upgrade:

You can also use bin/osh indefinitely, in which case you don't need to read this doc. OSH is a highly compatible Unix shell.

Syntax Changes

Now onto the breakages. Most of them are unlikely, but worth noting.

if ( ) and while ( ) take expressions, not subshell commands

Code like if ( ls /tmp ) is valid shell, but it's almost always a misuse of the language. Parentheses mean subshell, not grouping as in C or Python.

In Oil:


( not_changed=foo )
echo $not_changed


forkwait {
  setvar not_changed = 'foo'
echo $not_changed

Note that the idiom of running commands in a different dir no longer requires a subshell:


( cd /tmp; echo $PWD )
echo $PWD  # still the original value


cd /tmp {
  echo $PWD 
echo $PWD  # restored

(Option parse_paren is part of group oil:upgrade.)

@() is spliced command sub, not extended glob

Oil doesn't have implicit word splitting, so we want @(seq 3) to be consistent with $(hostname). They're related in the same way that @myarray and $mystr are.

This means that @() is no longer extended glob, and ,() is an alias.


echo @(*.cc|*.h)

Use this Oil alias instead:

echo ,(*.cc|*.h)

(Option parse_at is part of group oil:upgrade.)

r'c:\Users\' is a raw string, not joined strings

The meaning of \ within string literals can be confusing, so Oil distinguishes them like this:

The prefix changes the meaning of commands like:

echo r'foo'
# => foo in Oil
# => rfoo in shell, because of implicit joining

Instead, write 'rfoo' if that's what you mean.

(Option parse_raw_string is part of group oil:upgrade.)


Extended Globs in Word Evaluation

Like regular globs, the extended glob syntax is used in two ways:

  1. Pattern matching
  2. Word Evaluation

Extended globs are not supported in Simple Word Evaluation, so you can't use them in the second way after upgrading.

You may want to use the find command or Egg expressions instead.

(Option simple_word_eval is part of group oil:upgrade.)

More Quotes May Be Needed

With oil:upgrade Options

Option parse_at. In Oil, @ is used to splice arrays. To pass a string @foo to a command, quote it like '@foo'.

Option parse_brace. Braces after commands start block arguments. To change to a directory named {, quote it like cd '{'.

Option parse_equals. A statement like x = 42 is a "bare assignment" or attribute. To pass = to a command x, quote it like x '='.


There is very little reason to use commands like '=x' and 'proc', so you will likely never run into this!


This concludes the list of features that's broken when you upgrade from OSH to Oil. We tried to keep this list as small as possible.

There are other features that are discouraged, like $(( x + 1 )), (( i++ )), [[ $s =~ $pat ]], and ${s%%prefix}. These have better alternatives in the Oil expression language, but they can still be used. See Oil vs. Shell Idioms.

Also related: Known Differences Between OSH and Other Shells.

Generated on Sat Jun 11 16:16:24 EDT 2022