JSON in Oil

JSON is used by both web services and command line tools, so a modern Unix shell needs support for it.

This page describes Oil's JSON support as of December 2019 (version 0.7.pre8). It will likely expand over time, depending on user feedback.

(Note: the help builtin will provide shorter, reference-style documentation.)

Table of Contents
json read parses from stdin
json write prints to stdout
Other Data Structures Can Be Printed as JSON

The json builtin has read and write subcommands, which convert between text and data structures in memory. Oil's data structures are like those in Python and JavaScript, so this correspondence is natural.

json read parses from stdin


json read FLAGS* VAR_NAME

  None for now, but there likely will be one to skip UTF-8 validation.


$ cat stats.json
{"count": 42}

# Read from a file.  myvar is created in local scope.
$ json read :myvar < stats.json

# Use = to pretty print an expression
$ = myvar   
(Dict)   {'count': 42}

# 'json read' is valid at the end of a pipeline (because Oil implements
# shopt -s lastpipe)
echo '{"count": 42}' | json read :myvar

# Failure with invalid input data
$ echo '[ "incomplete"' | json read :myvar < invalid.json
[ "incomplete"
json read: premature EOF

$ echo $?


json write prints to stdout


json write FLAGS* VAR_NAME+

  -indent=2     Indentation size
  -pretty=true  Whether to add newlines for readability


# Create a Dict.  As in JavaScript, keys don't require quotes.
$ var d = {name: "bob", age: 42}

# Print the Dict as JSON.  By default, newlines are added for readability, with
# 2 space indentation.
$ json write :d
  "name": "bob",
  "count": 42

$ json write -indent 4 :d
    "name": "bob",
    "count": 42

$ json write -pretty=F :d
{"name": "bob", "count": 42}


Other Data Structures Can Be Printed as JSON

Oil arrays and shell arrays both serialize to a list of strings:

$ declare sharray=( foo.txt *.py )
$ json write :sharray

$ var oilarray = %( foo.txt *.py )
$ json write :oilarray

Bash-style associative arrays are printed like Dict[Str, Str]:

$ declare -A assoc=(["key"]=value)
$ json write :assoc
  "key": "value"


Under the hood, Oil uses yajl and a fork of the py-yajl binding.

Generated on Tue Jul 6 00:43:52 PDT 2021