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Oil 0.7.pre9 and a Fast Shell Parser


This is the latest version of Oil, a compatible Unix shell and an experimental new language:

If you're new to the project, see Why Create a New Shell? and the 2019 FAQ.

To build and run it, follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt. Please try it on your shell scripts and report bugs. I'm also looking for feedback on the Oil language, which you can send through Github or Zulip.

Table of Contents
oil-native Shows How We'll Optimize Oil
Changes and Contributors
0.7.pre6 on November 11th (changelog)
0.7.pre7 on December 2nd (changelog)
0.7.pre8 on December 6nd (changelog)
0.7.pre9 on December 8nd (changelog)
What's Next?
Help Wanted
Appendix A: What happened to OPy, OVM, and OVM2?
Appendix B: Metrics for Release 0.7.pre9
Native Code and Bytecode Metrics

oil-native Shows How We'll Optimize Oil

I've warned that Oil is too slow because it's written in an abstract style with a focus on correctness.

This release takes a major step toward speeding it up. There's a new oil-native tarball:

with a demo you can run in 10-20 seconds:

$ build/mycpp.sh tarball-demo
-rwxrwxr-x 1 andy andy 487584 Dec  8 20:47 _bin/osh_parse.opt.stripped

You can now run _bin/osh_parse.opt.stripped.  Example:

+ _bin/osh_parse.opt.stripped -c 'echo "hello $name"'
  words: [
    (compound_word parts:[
      (word_part.Literal token:(Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:echo span_id:0))
      parts: [

What is this?

The next post will cover:

Changes and Contributors

The rest of this post summarizes changes in the last four releases. Since the demo of the Oil language in October, most work has been on translation, but there are also some features and bug fixes.

0.7.pre6 on November 11th (changelog)



0.7.pre7 on December 2nd (changelog)



0.7.pre8 on December 6nd (changelog)

0.7.pre9 on December 8nd (changelog)

What's Next?

The C++ translation isn't done, but the oil-native demo has made me optimistic that this large project is feasible. After all, I wrote more than two years ago that using CPython is the riskiest part of the project!

But now we have a concrete path forward. (Appendix A summarizes the path I tried and abandoned.) The parser is about 40% of the Oil codebase, and it took two months to translate. Given that, I expect the rest to take two to six months of continuous work to translate.

However, at the current rate, this will likely happen more than six months from now, because there are many other parts of the project.

In short, it would be better if development was more parallel than serial. There are many independent parts of the project.

Help Wanted

The requests in How to Help still stand:

I continue to maintain issue labels to help new contributors:

There are several important categories of work:

Overall, I think oil-native is evidence that Oil will work. Try it and let me know if you disagree!

An abstract shell interpreter can be turned into a production-quality shell. The shell will be compatible with old programs, but it also has powerful Python-like data structures and JSON support.

In other words, Oil is our upgrade path from bash.

If that appeals do you, consider helping out. The most important thing is to try it and figure out what's preventing you from being a user. Users are more likely to be developers!

Appendix A: What happened to OPy, OVM, and OVM2?

Appendix B: Metrics for Release 0.7.pre9

Let's compare the current release with version 0.7.pre5, released two months ago on October 4th.

The parser benchmarks deserve their own post, so here are the metrics we routinely track.

Most of the development work was on translation, which doesn't affect spec tests:

There were a few new features like the ${prefix@} implementation. And we add failing tests to expose bad behavior, sometimes before we can fix it.

The Oil language now has JSON support:

Even though there were at least a hundred commits to aid translation, the source code didn't get much bigger:

Physical code:

Native Code and Bytecode Metrics

The yajl dependency for JSON support added almost 5K lines of C code:

The native code size increased by a corresponding amount:

The bytecode shrunk a bit:

These are minor differences compared to the reductions that mycpp should enable in the coming months. All bytecode will be replaced with native code.