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Oils Will Move to the oils.pub Domain


I just released Oils 0.25.0 on our new domain:

But then Samuel reminded me that there's no reason for people to trust this domain!

So this post is a oilshell.org -> oils.pub link, which should help.

Yes, this move is long overdue! I explained the reasons a long time ago, but I got a bit lazy about doing it:

Thanks to Samuel for also helping me pick the domain name.


Here's an incomplete list:

(1) Write Oils 0.24.0 - Closures, Objects, and Namespaces

I'm working on this draft now.

It's another huge release. YSH evolved a lot in 2024!

(2) Probably write about Oils 0.25.0:

(3) Improve the new site

For example, we need osh.html and ysh.html to concisely explain what's appealing about the project.

Now back to work!