Hay - Custom Languages for Unix Systems

Hay lets you use the syntax of the Oil shell to declare data and interleaved code. It allows the shell to better serve its role as essential glue. For example, these systems all combine Unix processes in various ways:


This doc describes how to use Hay, with motivating examples.

As of 2022, this is a new feature of Oil, and it needs user feedback. Nothing is set in stone, so you can influence the language and its features!

Table of Contents
Prior Art
Two Kinds of Nodes, and Three Kinds of Evaluation
Two Stages of Evaluation
Result Schema
Three Ways to Invoke Hay
Inline Hay Has No Restrictions
In Separate Files
In A Block
Security Model: Restricted != Sandboxed
Shell Builtins
Usage: Interleaving Hay and Oil
Why? Build and Service Variants
Concepts: Metaprogramming, Dynamic Types
Remove Duplication with proc
More Usage Patterns
Using Oil for the Second Stage
Using Python for the Second Stage
Debian .d Dirs
Parallel Loading
Attributes vs. Procs
Attributes vs. Flags
Dicts vs. Blocks
Oil vs. Shell
Future Work


Hay could be used to configure a hypothetical Linux package manager:

# cpython.hay -- A package definition

hay define Package/TASK  # define a tree of Hay node types

Package cpython {        # a node with attributes, and children

  version = '3.9'
  url = 'https://python.org'

  TASK build {           # a child node, with Oil code

This program evaluates to a JSON tree, which you can consume from programs in any language, including Oil:

{ "type": "Package",
  "args": [ "cpython" ],
  "attrs": { "version": "3.9", "url": "https://python.org" },
  "children": [
     { "type": "TASK",
       "args": [ "build" ],
       "code_str": "  ./configure\n  make\n"

That is, a package build system can use the metadata to create a build environment, then execute shell code within it.

Prior Art

A goal of Hay is to restore the simplicity of Unix to distributed systems. It's all just code and data!

Here are some DSLs in the same area:

And some general purpose languages:


The biggest difference is that Hay is embedded in a shell, and uses the same syntax. This means:

  1. It's not a parsing library you embed in another program. Instead, you use Unix-style process-based composition.
  2. You can interleave shell code with Hay data. There are many uses for this, which we'll discuss below.

The sections below elaborate on these points.


Hay nodes have a regular structure:

Two Kinds of Nodes, and Three Kinds of Evaluation

There are two kinds of node with this structure.

(1) SHELL nodes contain unevaluated code, and their type is ALL CAPS. The code is turned into a string that can be executed elsewhere.

TASK build {
# =>
# ... {"code_str": "  ./configure\n  make\n"}

(2) Attr nodes contain data, and their type starts with a capital letter. They eagerly evaluate a block in a new stack frame and turn it into an attributes dict.

Package cpython {
  version = '3.9'
# =>
# ... {"attrs": {"version": "3.9"}} ...

These blocks have a special rule to allow bare assignments like version = '3.9'. In contrast, Oil code requires keywords like const and var.

(3) In contrast to these two types of Hay nodes, Oil builtins that take a block often evaluate it eagerly:

cd /tmp {  # run in a new directory
  echo $PWD

fork {  # run in an async process
  sleep 3

In contrast to Hay SHELL and Attr nodes, builtins are spelled with lower case letters.

Two Stages of Evaluation

So Hay is designed to be used with a "staged execution" model:

  1. The first stage follows the rules above:
  2. Your app or system controls the second stage. You can invoke Oil again to execute shell inside a VM, inside a Linux container, or on a remote machine.

These two stages conceptually different, but use the same syntax and evaluator! The evaluator runs in a mode where it builds up data rather than executing commands.

Result Schema

Here's a description of the result of Hay evaluation (the first stage).

# The source may be "cpython.hay"
FileResult = (source Str, children List[NodeResult])

NodeResult =
  # package cpython { version = '3.9' }
  Attr (type Str,
        args List[Str],
        attrs Map[Str, Any],
        children List[NodeResult])

  # TASK build { ./configure; make }
| Shell(type Str,
        args List[Str],
        location_str Str,
        location_start_line Int,
        code_str Str)


Three Ways to Invoke Hay

Inline Hay Has No Restrictions

You can put Hay blocks and normal shell code in the same file. Retrieve the result of Hay evaluation with the _hay() function.

# myscript.oil

hay define Rule

Rule mylib.o {
  inputs = ['mylib.c']

  # not recommended, but allowed
  echo 'hi'
  ls /tmp/$(whoami)

echo 'bye'  # other shell code

const result = _hay()

In this case, there are no restrictions on the commands you can run.

In Separate Files

You can put hay definitions in their own file:

# my-config.hay

Rule mylib.o {
  inputs = ['mylib.c']

  echo 'hi'  # allowed for debugging

  # ls /tmp/$(whoami) would fail due to restrictions on hay evaluation

In this case, you can use echo and write, but the interpreted is restricted (see below).

Parse it with parse_hay(), and evaluate it with eval_hay():

# my-evaluator.oil

hay define Rule  # node types for the file
const h = parse_hay('build.hay')
const result = eval_hay(h)

json write (result)
# =>
# {
#   "children": [
#     { "type": "Rule",
#       "args": ["mylib.o"],
#       "attrs": {"inputs": ["mylib.c"]}
#     }
#   ]
# }

In A Block

Instead of creating separate files, you can also use the hay eval builtin:

hay define Rule

hay eval :result {  # assign to the variable 'result'
  Rule mylib.o {
    inputs = ['mylib.c']

json write (result)  # same as above

This is mainly for testing and demos.

Security Model: Restricted != Sandboxed

The "restrictions" are not a security boundary! (They could be, but we're not making promises now.)

Even with eval_hay() and hay eval, the config file is evaluated in the same interpreter. But the following restrictions apply:

In summary, Hay evaluation is restricted to prevent basic mistakes, but your code isn't completely separate from the evaluated Hay file.

If you want to evaluate untrusted code, use a separate process, and run it in a container or VM.


Here is a list of all the mechanisms mentioned.

Shell Builtins



Hay is parsed and evaluated with option group oil:all, which includes parse_proc and parse_equals.

Usage: Interleaving Hay and Oil

Why would you want to interleave data and code? There are several reasons, but one is to naturally express variants of a configuration.

Why? Build and Service Variants

Here are some examples.

Build variants. There are many variants of the Oil binary:

So the Ninja build graph to produce these binaries is shaped similarly, but it varies with compiler and linker flags.

Service variants. A common problem in distributed systems is how to develop and debug services locally.

Do your service dependencies live in the cloud, or are they run locally? What about state? Common variants:

Again, these collections of services are all shaped similarly, but the flags vary based on where binaries are physically running.

Concepts: Metaprogramming, Dynamic Types

This model can be referred to as "graph metaprogramming" or "staged programming".

In Oil, it's done with dynamically typed data like integers and dictionaries. In contrast, these systems are more stringly typed:

The following examples are meant to be "evocative"; they're not based on real code. Again, user feedback can improve them!


Conditionals can go on the inside of a block:

Service auth.example.com {   # node taking a block
  if (variant == 'local') {  # condition
    port = 8001
  } else {
    port = 80

Or on the outside:

Service web {              # node
  root = '/home/www'

if (variant == 'local') {  # condition
  Service auth-local {     # node
    port = 8001


Iteration can also go on the inside of a block:

Rule foo.o {   # node
  inputs = []  # populate with all .cc files except one

  # variables ending with _ are "hidden" from block evaluation
  for name_ in *.cc {
    if name_ != 'skipped.cc' {
      _ append(inputs, name_)

Or on the outside:

for name_ in *.cc {                # loop
  Rule $(basename $name_ .cc).o {  # node
    inputs = [name_]

Remove Duplication with proc

Procs can wrap blocks:

proc myrule(name) {

  # needed for blocks to use variables higher on the stack
  shopt --set dynamic_scope {

    Rule dbg/$name.o {      # node
      inputs = ["$name.c"]
      flags = ['-O0']

    Rule opt/$name.o {      # node
      inputs = ["$name.c"]
      flags = ['-O2']

myrule mylib  # invoke proc

Or they can be invoked from within blocks:

proc set-port(port_num, :out) {
  setref out = "localhost:$port_num"

Service foo {      # node
  set-port 80 :p1  # invoke proc
  set-port 81 :p2  # invoke proc

More Usage Patterns

Using Oil for the Second Stage

TODO: Show example of consuming Hay JSON in Oil.

Using Python for the Second Stage

TODO: Show example of consuming Hay JSON in Python.

Debian .d Dirs

Debian has a pattern of splitting configuration into a directory of concatenated files. It's easier for shell scripts to add to a directory than add to a file.

This can be done with an evaluator that simply enumerates all files:

var results = []
for path in myconfig.d/*.hay {
  const code = parse_hay(path)
  const result = eval(hay)
  _ append(results, result)

# Now iterate through results

Parallel Loading

TODO: Example of using xargs -P to spawn processes with parse_hay() and eval_hay(). Then merge the JSON results.


Attributes vs. Procs

Assigning attributes and invoking procs can look similar:

Package grep {
  version = '1.0'  # An attribute?

  version 1.0  # or call proc 'version'?

The first style is better for typed data like integers and dictionaries. The latter style isn't useful here, but it could be if version 1.0 created complex Hay nodes.

Attributes vs. Flags

Hay nodes shouldn't take flags or --. Flags are for key-value pairs, and blocks are better for expressing such data.


Package --version 1.0 grep {
  license = 'GPL'


Package grep {
  version = '1.0'
  license = 'GPL'

Dicts vs. Blocks

Superficially, dicts and blocks are similar:

Package grep {
  mydict = {name: 'value'}  # a dict

  mynode foo {              # a node taking a block
    name = 'value'

Use dicts in cases where you don't know the names or types up front, like

files = {'README.md': true, '__init__.py': false}

Use blocks when there's a schema. Blocks are also different because:

Oil vs. Shell

Hay files are parsed as Oil, not OSH. That includes SHELL nodes:

TASK build {
  cp @deps /tmp   # Oil splicing syntax

If you want to use POSIX shell or bash, use two arguments, the second of which is a multi-line string:

TASK build '''
  cp "${deps[@]}" /tmp

The Oil style gives you static parsing, which catches some errors earlier.

Future Work

Please send feedback about Hay. It will inform and prioritize this work!


Generated on Fri Jun 17 00:36:55 EDT 2022