A Feel For Oil's Syntax

Here's one of the shortest ways to describe the Oil language:

A Unix shell that's familiar to people who know Python, JavaScript, or Ruby.

This document gives you a feel for that, with brief examples. It's not a comprehensive or precise guide. Roughly speaking, Oil code has more punctuation than those 3 languages, but less than shell and Perl.

If you're totally unfamiliar with the language, read The Simplest Explanation of Oil first.

Table of Contents
Less Important
Opening and Closing Delimiters
Braces: Blocks and Dicts
Parens: Expression
Parens with Sigil: Command Interpolation
Brackets: Sequence, Subscript
Brackets with a Sigil: Expression
Spaces Around = ?
Naming Conventions for Identifiers
Other Punctuation Usage
Related Docs
Appendix: Table of Sigil Pairs


Recall that expression mode is like Python and appears to the right of =:

var x = 42 + array[i]

And command mode is like shell:

echo $x 

The examples below aren't organized along those lines, but they use var and echo to remind you of the context. Some constructs are valid in both modes.

(I use echo $x for familiarity, even though write -- $x is more correct.)


Sigils are punctuation characters that precede a name, e.g. the $ in $mystr.

Unlike Perl and PHP, Oil doesn't use sigils on the LHS of assignments, or in expression mode. The syntactic concepts doc explains this difference.


The $ and @ sigils mean roughly what they do in shell, Perl, and PowerShell.

$ means string / scalar. These shell constructs are idiomatic in Oil:

$mvar   ${myvar}

And these Oil language extensions also use $:

echo $[42 + a[i]]            # string interpolation of expression
echo $len(x)                 # string interpolation of function call
grep $/ digit+ /             # inline eggex (not implemented yet)

@ means array / splice an array:

echo "$@"                    # Legacy syntax; prefer @ARGV


echo @strs                   # splice array

echo @split(x) @glob(x)      # splice function that returns array

for i in @(seq 3) {          # split command sub
  echo $i

proc p(first, @rest) {       # named varargs in proc signatures
  write -- $first            # (procs are shell-like functions)
  write -- @rest

Less Important

Oil doesn't need sigils for hashes, so % isn't used the way it's used in Perl. Instead, % means "unquoted word" in these two cases:

var mysymbol = %key             # not implemented yet
var myarray = %(one two three)

These sigils are parsed, but not entirely implemented:

Opening and Closing Delimiters

The {} [] and () characters have several different meanings, but we try our best to make them consistent. They're subject to legacy constraints from Bourne shell, Korn shell, and bash.

Braces: Blocks and Dicts

The {} characters are used for blocks of code and dict literals (aka hash tables, associative arrays), which makes Oil look like JavaScript in many circumstances:

var d = {name: 'Bob', age: 10}

while (x > 0) {
  setvar x -= 1

Oil also has Ruby-like blocks:

cd /tmp {
  echo $PWD

Which can be used for "declarative" configuration:

server www.example.com {
  port = 80
  root = '/home/www'
  section bar {

Parens: Expression

Parens are used in expressions:

var x = (42 + a[i]) * myfunc(42, 'foo')

if (x > 0) {         # compare with if test -d /tmp
  echo 'positive'

And signatures:

proc p(x, y) {
  echo $x $y

In Eggex, they mean grouping and not capture, which is consistent with arithmetic:

var p = / digit+ ('seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' ) /

Parens with Sigil: Command Interpolation

The "sigil pairs" with parens enclose commands:

echo $(ls | wc -l)             # command sub
echo @(seq 3)                  # split command usb

var myblock = &(echo $PWD)     # block literal in expression mode

diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort right.txt)  # bash syntax

And shell words:

var mylist = %(one two three)  # equivalent to ['one', 'two', 'three']

Unlike brackets and braces, the () characters can't appear in shell commands, which makes them useful as delimiters.

Brackets: Sequence, Subscript

In expression mode, [] means sequence:

var mylist = ['one', 'two', 'three']

or subscript:

var item = mylist[1]
var item = mydict['foo']

Brackets with a Sigil: Expression

In command mode, it means "expression":

echo $[1 + 2]

Spaces Around = ?

In Oil, your own variables look like this:

const x = 42
var s = 'foo'
setvar s = 'bar'

In contrast, special shell variables are written with a single NAME=value argument:

shvar PATH=/tmp {

Which is similar to the syntax of the env command:

env PYTHONPATH=/tmp ./myscript.py

Naming Conventions for Identifiers

kebab-case is for procs and filenames:

gc-test   opt-stats   gen-mypy-asdl

test/spec-runner.oil   spec/data-enum.tea

snake_case is for local variables:

proc foo {
  var deploy_dest = 'bar@example.com'
  echo $deploy_dest

CAPS are used for global variables built into the shell:


External programs also accept environment variables in CAPS:


(In progress) Global variables that are silently mutated by the interpreter start with _:

_argv   _status   _pipeline_status   _line

As do functions to access such mutable vars:

_match()  _start()   _end()  _field()

Other Punctuation Usage

Here are other usages of the punctuation discussed:

echo *.[ch]                    # glob char and char classes
echo {alice,bob}@example.com   # brace expansion


/ [a-f A-F 0-9] /         # char classes use []

/ digit+ ('ms' | 'us') /  # non-capturing group
                          # Consistent with arithmetic expressions!
< digit+ >                # capturing group
< digit+ : hour >         # named capture

dot{3,4} a{+ N}           # repetition

The ~ character is used in operators that mean "pattern" or "approximate":

if (s ~ /d+/) {
  echo 'number'

if (s ~~ '*.py') {
  echo 'Python'

if (mystr ~== myint) {
  echo 'string equals number'

Extended globs are discouraged in Oil because they're a weird way of writing regular expressions. But they also use "sigil pairs" with parens:

,(*.py|*.sh)   # preferred synonym for @(*.py|*.sh)
+(...)         # bash/ksh-compatible

Shell arithmetic is also discouraged in favor of Oil arithmetic:

echo $((1 + 2))  # shell: confusing coercions, dynamically parsed
echo $[1 + 2]    # Oil: types, statically parsed

Related Docs

Appendix: Table of Sigil Pairs

This table is mainly for Oil language designers. Many constructs aren't implemented, but we reserve space for them. The Oil Help is a better reference for users.

Example      Description        What's Inside  Where Valid  Notes

${x %2d}     Var Sub            Formatting     cmd,expr     not implemented

$(hostname)  Command Sub        Command        cmd,expr
@(seq 3)     Split Command Sub  Command        cmd,expr

^(echo hi)   Block Literal      Command        expr
{ echo hi }  Block Literal      Command        cmd          shell requires ;

>(sort -n)   Process Sub        Command        cmd          rare
<(echo hi)   Process Sub        Command        cmd          rare

%(array lit) Array Literal      Words          expr

${.echo hi}  Builtin Sub        Words          cmd,expr     not implemented
@{.echo hi}  Builtin Sub        Words          cmd,expr     not implemented

$[42 + a[i]] Stringify Expr     Expression     cmd
^[42 + a[i]] Lazy Expression    Expression     expr         not implemented

json (x)     Typed Arg List     Argument       cmd

$/d+/        Inline Eggex       Eggex Expr     cmd          not implemented

r''          Raw String         String         expr         cmd when shopt
             Literal                                        parse_raw_string

$''          C-escaped String   String         cmd,expr

#'a'         Char Literal       UTF-8 char     expr

Discouraged / Deprecated

${x%%pre}    Shell Var Sub      Shell          cmd,expr     mostly deprecated
$((1+2))     Shell Arith Sub    Shell Arith    cmd          deprecated

@(*.py|*.sh) Extended Glob      Glob Words     cmd          deprecated

,(*.py|*.sh) Extended Glob      Glob Words     cmd          break conflict
                                                            with split command

Key to "where valid" column:

Some unused sigil pairs:

~()   -()   =()   /()   _()   .()

Generated on Tue Jun 21 17:20:28 EDT 2022