#!/bin/bash do { #//////////////////////////////////// # DietPi Function: # - Enables control and applies settings for specific hardware. # #//////////////////////////////////// # Created by Daniel Knight / daniel.knight@dietpi.com / dietpi.com # #//////////////////////////////////// # # Usage: setvar FP_SCRIPT = ''/DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware'' setvar AVAIABLE_COMMANDS = "" Available commands $FP_SCRIPT rpi3_usb_boot enable $FP_SCRIPT rpi-camera enable/disable $FP_SCRIPT gpumemsplit 64/128/256 #RPi only $FP_SCRIPT remoteir odroid_remote/justboom_ir_remote $FP_SCRIPT kernel ??see sourcode $FP_SCRIPT eth-forcespeed 10/100/1000/disable $FP_SCRIPT rpi-opengl enable/disable $FP_SCRIPT i2c enable/disable/khz $FP_SCRIPT wificountrycode code $FP_SCRIPT wifimodules enable/disable/onboard_enable/onboard_disable $FP_SCRIPT wificreds set | Generates wpa_supplicant.conf from dietpi.txt globals $FP_SCRIPT preferipversion auto/ipv4/ipv6 $FP_SCRIPT bluetooth enable/disable $FP_SCRIPT serialconsole enable/disable $FP_SCRIPT soundcard target_card (non-matching name for reset to default) add '-eq' to target_card string, enable alsa eq on card. HW:x,x (specify target card and device index eg: HW:9,1) $FP_SCRIPT lcdpanel target_panel (none to remove all) "" #//////////////////////////////////// #Grab Inputs setvar INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = $(echo -e "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = $(echo -e "$2" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # - support for 0/1 inputs for enable/disable if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "1" { setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = ''enable'' } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "0" { setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = ''disable'' } #Import DietPi-Globals --------------------------------------------------------------- source /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-globals G_CHECK_ROOT_USER G_CHECK_ROOTFS_RW export G_PROGRAM_NAME='DietPi-Set_Hardware' #Import DietPi-Globals --------------------------------------------------------------- #Semi support non-dietpi Raspbian setvar FP_RPI_CONFIG = ''/DietPi/config.txt'' if test ! -f $FP_RPI_CONFIG { setvar FP_RPI_CONFIG = ''/boot/config.txt'' } setvar EXIT_CODE = '0' setvar HW_ONBOARD_WIFI = $(sed -n 10p /DietPi/dietpi/.hw_model) proc Unknown_Input_Name{ setvar EXIT_CODE = '1' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Unknown input name ($INPUT_DEVICE_NAME). Nothing has been applied." echo -e $AVAIABLE_COMMANDS } proc Unknown_Input_Mode{ setvar EXIT_CODE = '1' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Unknown input value ($INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE). Nothing has been applied." } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #rpi-camera #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc RPi_Camera_Main{ # - int, assume RPi if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { # - Enable RPi Camera module sed -i '/start_x=/c\start_x=1' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # - requires 128MB memory split min. if (( $(cat "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" | grep -m1 'gpu_mem_' | sed 's/.*=//g') < 128 )) { /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-set_hardware gpumemsplit 128 } # - v4l2 module (motioneye /dev/video0) if (( ! $(cat /etc/modules | grep -ci -m1 '^bcm2835-v4l2') )) { echo -e "bcm2835-v4l2" >> /etc/modules } } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { sed -i '/start_x=/c\start_x=0' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/bcm2835-v4l2/d' /etc/modules } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #rpi3_usb_boot #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc RPi_USB_Boot_Main{ if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { sed -i '/program_usb_boot_mode=/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG cat <<< """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" program_usb_boot_mode=1 """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" program_usb_boot_mode=1 _EOF_ cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service [Unit] Description=dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service After=dietpi-boot.service [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStartPre=$(which sed) -i '/program_usb_boot_mode=/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG ExecStartPre=$(which systemctl) disable dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service ExecStart=$(which systemctl) daemon-reload [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service [Unit] Description=dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service After=dietpi-boot.service [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStartPre=$(which sed) -i '/program_usb_boot_mode=/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG ExecStartPre=$(which systemctl) disable dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service ExecStart=$(which systemctl) daemon-reload [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable dietpi-rm_program_usb_boot_mode.service } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { sed -i '/program_usb_boot_mode=/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #gpumemsplit #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Gpu_Memory_Split_Main{ # - int, assume RPi if [[ $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] { sed -i "/gpu_mem_256=/c\gpu_mem_256=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/gpu_mem_512=/c\gpu_mem_512=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/gpu_mem_1024=/c\gpu_mem_1024=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" $FP_RPI_CONFIG } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #remoteir #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc RemoteIR_Prereqs{ # - LIRC if (( ! $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^lirc') )) { G_AGI lirc if (( $? != 0 )) { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "apt-get install lirc" setvar EXIT_CODE = '1' } } } proc RemoteIR_Reset_All{ # - Disable odroids systemctl stop odroid-remote systemctl disable odroid-remote rm /etc/systemd/system/odroid-remote.service # - Disable JustBoom systemctl stop justboom-ir-mpd.service systemctl disable justboom-ir-mpd.service rm /etc/systemd/system/justboom-ir-mpd.service sed -i '/dtoverlay=lirc-rpi/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtparam=gpio_in_pin=25/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } proc RemoteIR_Main{ if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "odroid_remote" { RemoteIR_Prereqs RemoteIR_Reset_All &> /dev/null # - xu4 Cloudshell if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )) { # - modules local string="options gpioplug_ir_recv gpio_nr=24 active_low=1" if (( ! $(cat /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-cloudshell.conf | grep -ci -m1 "^$string") )) { echo $string >> /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-cloudshell.conf } setvar string = ""gpio-ir-recv"" if (( ! $(cat /etc/modules | grep -ci -m1 "^$string") )) { echo $string >> /etc/modules } setvar string = ""gpioplug-ir-recv"" if (( ! $(cat /etc/modules | grep -ci -m1 "^$string") )) { echo $string >> /etc/modules } # - c1/c2 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 10 || $G_HW_MODEL == 12 )) { # - Module if (( ! $(cat /etc/modules | grep -ci -m1 '^meson_ir') )) { echo -e "meson_ir" >> /etc/modules } } # - All # - SystemD systemctl disable lirc rm /etc/init.d/lirc cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-remote.service [Unit] Description=Odroid Remote C1/C2/XU4 [Service] Type=forking ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'mkdir -p /var/run/lirc' ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lircd --output=/run/lirc/lircd --driver=default --device=/dev/lirc0 --uinput [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-remote.service [Unit] Description=Odroid Remote C1/C2/XU4 [Service] Type=forking ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'mkdir -p /var/run/lirc' ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lircd --output=/run/lirc/lircd --driver=default --device=/dev/lirc0 --uinput [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable odroid-remote.service # Lircd conf for Odroid Remote cat <<< """ > /etc/lirc/lircd.conf begin remote name lircd.conf bits 16 flags SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100 header 9000 4500 one 563 1688 zero 563 564 ptrail 563 pre_data_bits 16 pre_data 0x4DB2 repeat 9000 2250 toggle_bit_mask 0x0 begin codes KEY_LEFT 0x9966 KEY_RIGHT 0x837C KEY_UP 0x53AC KEY_DOWN 0x4BB4 KEY_ENTER 0x738C KEY_HOME 0x41BE KEY_MUTE 0x11EE KEY_MENU 0xA35C KEY_BACK 0x59A6 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x817E KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x01FE KEY_POWER 0x3BC4 end codes end remote """ > /etc/lirc/lircd.conf begin remote name lircd.conf bits 16 flags SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100 header 9000 4500 one 563 1688 zero 563 564 ptrail 563 pre_data_bits 16 pre_data 0x4DB2 repeat 9000 2250 toggle_bit_mask 0x0 begin codes KEY_LEFT 0x9966 KEY_RIGHT 0x837C KEY_UP 0x53AC KEY_DOWN 0x4BB4 KEY_ENTER 0x738C KEY_HOME 0x41BE KEY_MUTE 0x11EE KEY_MENU 0xA35C KEY_BACK 0x59A6 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x817E KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x01FE KEY_POWER 0x3BC4 end codes end remote _EOF_ } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "justboom_ir_remote" { RemoteIR_Prereqs RemoteIR_Reset_All &> /dev/null cat <<< """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" dtoverlay=lirc-rpi dtparam=gpio_in_pin=25 """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" dtoverlay=lirc-rpi dtparam=gpio_in_pin=25 _EOF_ cat <<< """ > /etc/lirc/hardware.conf LIRCD_ARGS="--uinput" LOAD_MODULES=true DRIVER="default" DEVICE="/dev/lirc0" MODULES="lirc_rpi" LIRCD_CONF="" LIRCMD_CONF="" """ > /etc/lirc/hardware.conf LIRCD_ARGS="--uinput" LOAD_MODULES=true DRIVER="default" DEVICE="/dev/lirc0" MODULES="lirc_rpi" LIRCD_CONF="" LIRCMD_CONF="" _EOF_ cat <<< """ > /etc/lirc/lircd.conf begin remote name lircd.conf bits 5 flags RC5|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100 one 921 855 zero 921 855 plead 936 pre_data_bits 8 pre_data 0xA0 gap 114211 toggle_bit_mask 0x800 suppress_repeat 5 duty_cycle 300 begin codes KEY_HOME 0x10 KEY_POWER 0x11 KEY_MUTE 0x12 KEY_LEFT 0x13 KEY_RIGHT 0x14 KEY_ENTER 0x15 KEY_MENU 0x16 KEY_BACK 0x17 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x18 KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x19 KEY_UP 0x1A KEY_DOWN 0x1B end codes end remote """ > /etc/lirc/lircd.conf begin remote name lircd.conf bits 5 flags RC5|CONST_LENGTH eps 30 aeps 100 one 921 855 zero 921 855 plead 936 pre_data_bits 8 pre_data 0xA0 gap 114211 toggle_bit_mask 0x800 suppress_repeat 5 duty_cycle 300 begin codes KEY_HOME 0x10 KEY_POWER 0x11 KEY_MUTE 0x12 KEY_LEFT 0x13 KEY_RIGHT 0x14 KEY_ENTER 0x15 KEY_MENU 0x16 KEY_BACK 0x17 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x18 KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x19 KEY_UP 0x1A KEY_DOWN 0x1B end codes end remote _EOF_ # + MPD control if (( ! $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^mpc[[:space:]]') )) { G_AGI mpc } cat <<< """ > ~/.lircrc begin prog = irexec button = KEY_ENTER config = mpc toggle end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_VOLUMEUP config = mpc volume +2 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN config = mpc volume -2 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_RIGHT config = mpc next end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_LEFT config = mpc prev end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_UP config = mpc seek +00:00:10 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_DOWN config = mpc seek -00:00:10 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_BACK config = mpc repeat on end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_MENU config = mpc repeat off end """ > ~/.lircrc begin prog = irexec button = KEY_ENTER config = mpc toggle end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_VOLUMEUP config = mpc volume +2 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN config = mpc volume -2 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_RIGHT config = mpc next end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_LEFT config = mpc prev end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_UP config = mpc seek +00:00:10 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_DOWN config = mpc seek -00:00:10 end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_BACK config = mpc repeat on end begin prog = irexec button = KEY_MENU config = mpc repeat off end _EOF_ # service cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/justboom-ir-mpd.service [Unit] Description=justboom-ir-mpd After=sound.target lirc.service [Service] User=$USER Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/irexec [Install] WantedBy=default.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/justboom-ir-mpd.service [Unit] Description=justboom-ir-mpd After=sound.target lirc.service [Service] User=$USER Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/irexec [Install] WantedBy=default.target _EOF_ systemctl enable justboom-ir-mpd.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start justboom-ir-mpd.service } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "none" { RemoteIR_Reset_All &> /dev/null } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #Ethernet force link speed #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Eth_Force_Speed_Main{ if (( $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE > 0 )) { local eth_force_speed=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE local eth_adapter="eth$(sed -n 1p /DietPi/dietpi/.network)" cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/ethtool_force_speed.service [Unit] Description=ethtool force speed After=network-online.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/sbin/ethtool -s $eth_adapter speed $eth_force_speed duplex full autoneg off [Install] WantedBy=ifup@$eth_adapter.service """ > /etc/systemd/system/ethtool_force_speed.service [Unit] Description=ethtool force speed After=network-online.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/sbin/ethtool -s $eth_adapter speed $eth_force_speed duplex full autoneg off [Install] WantedBy=ifup@$eth_adapter.service _EOF_ systemctl enable ethtool_force_speed.service systemctl start ethtool_force_speed.service } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { #0 is converted to 'disabled' rm /etc/systemd/system/ethtool_force_speed.service &> /dev/null systemctl daemon-reload } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #RPi openGL #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc RPi_OpenGL_Main{ if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { #RPi 2/3+ only if (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 2 && $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { #install pre-reqs # - Install Xserver /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-software install 6 # - GL packages G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Installing additional OpenGL packages, please wait...\n" sleep 1 G_AGI libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-utils sed -i '/dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG echo -e "\ndtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" } else { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "OpenGL requires a RPi 2 or higher" sleep 2 } } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { sed -i '/dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # lcdpanel eg: All non-HDMI/VGA based displays and monitors. #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Lcd_Panel_Not_Available_For_Device{ setvar EXIT_CODE = '1' G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE is not available for this device. Nothing has been applied." } proc Lcd_Panel_Main{ local update_dietpitxt=1 if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "odroid-lcd35" { Lcd_Panel_OdroidLCD35_Enable } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "waveshare32" { Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Enable } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "odroid-cloudshell" { Lcd_Panel_Odroidcloudshell_Enable #disable all } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "none" { Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Disable Lcd_Panel_Odroidcloudshell_Disable Lcd_Panel_OdroidLCD35_Disable } else { setvar update_dietpitxt = '0' Unknown_Input_Mode } #Update dietpi.txt entry? if (( $update_dietpitxt )) { sed -i "/^CONFIG_LCDPANEL=/c\CONFIG_LCDPANEL=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" /DietPi/dietpi.txt } } proc Lcd_Panel_Xorg_All_Enable{ #Xinput calibrator G_AGI xinput-calibrator mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d # - Create desktop icon for xcalibration mkdir -p "$HOME"/Desktop cat <<< """ > "$HOME"/Desktop/xinput_calibrator.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=xinput_calibrator Type=Application Comment=xinput_calibrator Terminal=true Exec=xinput_calibrator #Icon=/DietPi/dietpi/conf/desktop/dietpi-icon.png Categories=System; GenericName=xinput_calibrator """ > "$HOME"/Desktop/xinput_calibrator.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=xinput_calibrator Type=Application Comment=xinput_calibrator Terminal=true Exec=xinput_calibrator #Icon=/DietPi/dietpi/conf/desktop/dietpi-icon.png Categories=System; GenericName=xinput_calibrator _EOF_ } # - Waveshare32 proc Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Enable_X11{ cat <<< """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Allwinner A10/A13 FBDEV" Driver "fbturbo" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb1" Option "SwapbuffersWait" "true" EndSection """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Allwinner A10/A13 FBDEV" Driver "fbturbo" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb1" Option "SwapbuffersWait" "true" EndSection _EOF_ cat <<< """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_calibration.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "219 3835 3984 219" Option "SwapAxes" "1" EndSection """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_calibration.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "ADS7846 Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "219 3835 3984 219" Option "SwapAxes" "1" EndSection _EOF_ } proc Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Enable{ #Disable 1st to reset any existing installations: Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Disable #RPi if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { # + X11 Lcd_Panel_Xorg_All_Enable Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Enable_X11 wget http://dietpi.com/downloads/conf/waveshare32b-overlay.dtb -O /boot/overlays/waveshare32b.dtbo #consoleblank=0 no effect sed -i 's/rootwait/rootwait fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo/' /boot/cmdline.txt sed -i "/dtparam=i2c_arm=/c\dtparam=i2c_arm=on" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/dtparam=spi=/c\dtparam=spi=on" $FP_RPI_CONFIG cat <<< """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #Waveshare 32 LCD dtoverlay=waveshare32b:rotate=270 #dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=17,penirq_pull=2,speed=1000000,keep_vref_on=1,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=60,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900 #dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,gpiopin=4,extpullup=1 """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #Waveshare 32 LCD dtoverlay=waveshare32b:rotate=270 #dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=17,penirq_pull=2,speed=1000000,keep_vref_on=1,swapxy=0,pmax=255,xohms=60,xmin=200,xmax=3900,ymin=200,ymax=3900 #dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,gpiopin=4,extpullup=1 _EOF_ # - Swap input axis sed -i '/"SwapAxes"/c\ Option "SwapAxes" "1"' /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_calibration.conf # - Move fb0 xorg.conf out the way: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/767 mv /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf /usr/share/X11/99-fbturbo.conf #Odroids } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 10 && $G_HW_MODEL < 20 )) { # + X11 Lcd_Panel_Xorg_All_Enable Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Enable_X11 #con2fbmap, maps console (1) to panel(2). Run during boot. cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/con2fbmap.service [Unit] Description=con2fbmap [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 ExecStop=/bin/con2fbmap 1 0 RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/con2fbmap.service [Unit] Description=con2fbmap [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 ExecStop=/bin/con2fbmap 1 0 RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ systemctl enable con2fbmap.service systemctl daemon-reload echo -e "spicc" >> /etc/modules echo -e "fbtft_device" >> /etc/modules cat <<< """ > /etc/modprobe.d/waveshare32.conf options fbtft_device name=odroidc_tft32 rotate=270 gpios=reset:116,dc:115 speed=32000000 cs=0 """ > /etc/modprobe.d/waveshare32.conf options fbtft_device name=odroidc_tft32 rotate=270 gpios=reset:116,dc:115 speed=32000000 cs=0 _EOF_ #x11 cat <<< """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "FBDEV" Driver "fbdev" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb2" #Option "SwapbuffersWait" "true" EndSection """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "FBDEV" Driver "fbdev" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb2" #Option "SwapbuffersWait" "true" EndSection _EOF_ } else { Lcd_Panel_Not_Available_For_Device } } proc Lcd_Panel_Waveshare32_Disable{ #all rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_calibration.conf rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-waveshare32_xorg.conf rm /usr/share/applications/xinput_calibrator.desktop #RPi if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { rm /boot/overlays/waveshare32b.dtbo sed -i 's/ fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo//' /boot/cmdline.txt sed -i '/Waveshare 32 LCD/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=waveshare32b/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=ads7846,cs=1,penirq=17/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,gpiopin=4,extpullup=1/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # - Leave these enabled, just incase the user has other hardware that may use them. #sed -i "/dtparam=i2c_arm=/c\dtparam=i2c_arm=on" "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #sed -i "/dtparam=spi=/c\dtparam=spi=on" "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" # - Move fb0 xorg.conf back: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/767 mv /usr/share/X11/99-fbturbo.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf #Odroids } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 10 && $G_HW_MODEL < 20 )) { rm /etc/systemd/system/con2fbmap.service systemctl daemon-reload rm /etc/modprobe.d/waveshare32.conf sed -i '/^spicc/d' /etc/modules sed -i '/^fbtft_device/d' /etc/modules } } # - Odroid Cloudshell proc Lcd_Panel_Odroidcloudshell_Enable{ cat <<< """ > /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-cloudshell.conf options fbtft_device name=hktft9340 busnum=1 rotate=270 """ > /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-cloudshell.conf options fbtft_device name=hktft9340 busnum=1 rotate=270 _EOF_ echo -e "spi_s3c64xx" >> /etc/modules echo -e "fbtft_device" >> /etc/modules echo -e "fbtft_device" >> /etc/modules #XU4 4.9 workaround: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/926#issuecomment-299480918 } proc Lcd_Panel_Odroidcloudshell_Disable{ rm /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-cloudshell.conf sed -i '/^spi_s3c64xx/d' /etc/modules sed -i '/^fbtft_device/d' /etc/modules ##Cant run it on the fly, locks up device. #root@DietPi-XU4:~# modprobe -rf spi_s3c64xx #root@DietPi-XU4:~# modprobe -rf fbtft_device #Segmentation fault } # - Odroid LCD 3.5 proc Lcd_Panel_OdroidLCD35_Enable{ if (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 10 && $G_HW_MODEL < 20 )) { #Reset to disabled: Lcd_Panel_OdroidLCD35_Disable Lcd_Panel_Xorg_All_Enable cat <<< """ > /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-lcd35.conf options fbtft_device name=flexpfb rotate=90 options flexfb chip=ili9488 """ > /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-lcd35.conf options fbtft_device name=flexpfb rotate=90 options flexfb chip=ili9488 _EOF_ if (( ! $(cat /etc/modules | grep -ci -m1 'flexfb') )) { # - XU4 if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )) { cat <<< """ >> /etc/modules fbtft_device flexfb sx865x """ >> /etc/modules fbtft_device flexfb sx865x _EOF_ # - C1/2 } else { # - awl_i2c is a shared module and not removed by disabling panel in this script. So lets clear any previous entries 1st to prevent dupes: sed -i '/^aml_i2c/d' /etc/modules cat <<< """ >> /etc/modules aml_i2c pwm-meson pwm-ctrl fbtft_device flexfb sx865x """ >> /etc/modules aml_i2c pwm-meson pwm-ctrl fbtft_device flexfb sx865x _EOF_ } } #Service # - XU4 if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )) { cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-lcd35.service [Unit] Description=Odroid LCD 3.5 [Path] PathExists=/dev/fb2 [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0 -powersave off ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-lcd35.service [Unit] Description=Odroid LCD 3.5 [Path] PathExists=/dev/fb2 [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0 -powersave off ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ # - C1/2 } else { cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-lcd35.service [Unit] Description=Odroid LCD 3.5 [Path] PathExists=/dev/fb2 [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 500000 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/freq0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/enable0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 1023 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/duty0' ExecStart=/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0 -powersave off ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-lcd35.service [Unit] Description=Odroid LCD 3.5 [Path] PathExists=/dev/fb2 [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 500000 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/freq0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/enable0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 1023 > /sys/devices/platform/pwm-ctrl/duty0' ExecStart=/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0 -powersave off ExecStart=/bin/con2fbmap 1 2 StandardOutput=tty [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ } systemctl enable odroid-lcd35.service systemctl daemon-reload #XORG rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/exynos.conf #XU4 mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d cat <<< """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-odroid-lcd35.conf Section "Device" Identifier "C fbdev" Driver "fbdev" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb2" EndSection """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-odroid-lcd35.conf Section "Device" Identifier "C fbdev" Driver "fbdev" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb2" EndSection _EOF_ # - default calibration cat <<< """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "SX865X Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "3854 155 3880 262" Option "SwapAxes" "0" EndSection """ > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "calibration" MatchProduct "SX865X Touchscreen" Option "Calibration" "3854 155 3880 262" Option "SwapAxes" "0" EndSection _EOF_ } else { Lcd_Panel_Not_Available_For_Device } } proc Lcd_Panel_OdroidLCD35_Disable{ rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf rm /etc/modprobe.d/odroid-lcd35.conf rm /etc/systemd/system/odroid-lcd35.service rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-odroid-lcd35.conf systemctl daemon-reload } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # i2c #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Currently only for RPi. proc I2c_Main{ if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { #Check/install pre-reqs if (( $(dpkg -l | grep -ci -m1 'i2c-tools') == 0 )) { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Installing Python-smbus, i2c-tools, pre-reqs.\nPlease wait...\n" sleep 1 G_AGI python-smbus i2c-tools } #Kernel modules # - Remove all previous line references (includes commented ones) sed -i '/i2c-bcm2708/d' /etc/modules &> /dev/null sed -i '/i2c-dev/d' /etc/modules &> /dev/null # - Add modules echo -e "i2c-bcm2708" >> /etc/modules echo -e "i2c-dev" >> /etc/modules #Remove from blacklist (Wheezy only. Jessie doesnt exist) sed -i '/blacklist spi-bcm2708/d' /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf &> /dev/null sed -i '/blacklist i2c-bcm2708/d' /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf &> /dev/null #config.txt sed -i "/dtparam=i2c_arm=/c\dtparam=i2c_arm=on" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/dtparam=i2c1=/c\dtparam=i2c1=on" $FP_RPI_CONFIG #DietPi-Software, set installed sed -i '/^aSOFTWARE_INSTALL_STATE\[72\]=/c\aSOFTWARE_INSTALL_STATE\[72\]=2' /DietPi/dietpi/.installed } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { sed -i '/i2c-bcm2708/d' /etc/modules &> /dev/null sed -i '/i2c-dev/d' /etc/modules &> /dev/null sed -i "/dtparam=i2c_arm=/c\dtparam=i2c_arm=off" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/dtparam=i2c1=/c\dtparam=i2c1=off" $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i "/i2c_arm_baudrate=/c\i2c_arm_baudrate=100000" $FP_RPI_CONFIG #Set baudrate (khz) | valid int } elif [[ $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && (( $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE >= 2 )) { sed -i "/i2c_arm_baudrate=/c\i2c_arm_baudrate=$(( $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE * 1000 ))" $FP_RPI_CONFIG #inform user setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = ""Khz"" } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # bluetooth #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Bluetooth_Main{ local aBLUETOOTH_MODULES=() setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("bluetooth") setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("bnep") setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("btbcm") # rpi3 broadcom onboard setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("rfcomm") # BPi pro/m2+ and others setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("hidp") # BPi pro/m2+ and others setvar aBLUETOOTH_MODULES = ''("hci_uart") rm /etc/modprobe.d/disable_bt.conf &> /dev/null # - Disable if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { # + all Broadcom-based models that need brcm_patchram_plus if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 61 || $G_HW_MODEL == 62 )) { systemctl stop brcm_patchram_plus 2> /dev/null systemctl disable brcm_patchram_plus 2> /dev/null } # + RPi 3 (apply to all, as pi-bluetooth package is default installed on all RPi's now) # + Asus TB if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 || $G_HW_MODEL == 52 )) { systemctl stop hciuart systemctl disable hciuart } #bluetooth last systemctl stop bluetooth 2> /dev/null systemctl disable bluetooth 2> /dev/null for ((i=$(( ${#aBLUETOOTH_MODULES[@]} - 1 )); i>=0; i--)) do modprobe -rf "${aBLUETOOTH_MODULES[$i]}" 2> /dev/null echo -e "blacklist ${aBLUETOOTH_MODULES[$i]}" >> /etc/modprobe.d/disable_bt.conf done #Purge packages if (( $G_DIETPI_INSTALL_STAGE >= 0 )) { G_AGP bluetooth bluez-firmware G_AGA } # - Enable } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { #Pre-Reqs G_AG_CHECK_INSTALL_PREREQ bluetooth bluez-firmware if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { G_AG_CHECK_INSTALL_PREREQ pi-bluetooth } #bluetooth first for ((i=0; i<${#aBLUETOOTH_MODULES[@]}; i++)) do modprobe "${aBLUETOOTH_MODULES[$i]}" 2> /dev/null done # + all Broadcom-based models that need brcm_patchram_plus if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 61 || $G_HW_MODEL == 62 )) { systemctl enable brcm_patchram_plus 2> /dev/null G_RUN_CMD systemctl start brcm_patchram_plus } systemctl enable bluetooth 2> /dev/null G_RUN_CMD systemctl start bluetooth # + RPi / Asus TB if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 || $G_HW_MODEL == 52 )) { systemctl enable hciuart G_RUN_CMD systemctl start hciuart } } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } unset aBLUETOOTH_MODULES } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Network #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// proc Prefer_IPversion{ if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "ipv4" { # - APT force IPv4 echo 'Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-force-ipv4 # - Wget prefer IPv4 grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv4' /etc/wgetrc || grep -q '^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv4' /etc/wgetrc || echo 'prefer-family = IPv4' >> /etc/wgetrc } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "ipv6" { # - APT allow IPv6 rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-force-ipv4 &> /dev/null # - Wget prefer IPv6 grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv6' /etc/wgetrc || grep -q '^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]#;]*prefer-family =/c\prefer-family = IPv6' /etc/wgetrc || echo 'prefer-family = IPv6' >> /etc/wgetrc } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "auto" { # - APT allow IPv6 rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99-dietpi-force-ipv4 &> /dev/null # - Wget back to default grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =' /etc/wgetrc && sed -i 's/^[[:blank:]]*prefer-family =/#prefer-family =/' /etc/wgetrc } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } #Update dietpi.txt global sed -i "/^CONFIG_PREFER_IPVERSION=/c\CONFIG_PREFER_IPVERSION=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" /DietPi/dietpi.txt } proc Wifi_Modules_Main{ local aWIFI_MODULES=() # - All setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("cfg80211") #NB: we need to start doing these device specific via $G_HW_MODEL index. This prevents unnecessary modules getting loaded. # + RPi 3 setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("brcmfmac") #onboard WiFi setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("brcmutil") #onboard WiFi # + BPi Pro setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("ap6211") #onboard # + OrangePi Zero if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 32 )) { setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("xradio_wlan") # + OrangePi Plus } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 34 )) { setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("8189es") # + Pine A64 / Asus tinker board (onboard) } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 || $G_HW_MODEL == 52 )) { setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("8723bs") # + NanoPi NEO Air / Zero 2+ } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 35 || $G_HW_MODEL == 64 )) { #4.9 uses brcm, only enable dhd for 3.x if test ! -d /boot/dtb { setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("dhd") } } # + NanoPi T3 setvar aWIFI_MODULES = ''("bcmdhd") # - Disable if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { rm /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi.conf &> /dev/null #cfg80211 last for ((i=$(( ${#aWIFI_MODULES[@]} - 1 )); i>=0; i--)) do modprobe -rf "${aWIFI_MODULES[$i]}" 2> /dev/null echo -e "blacklist ${aWIFI_MODULES[$i]}" >> /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi.conf done #Disable powersave being applied systemctl disable wifi_disable_powersave &> /dev/null rm /etc/systemd/system/wifi_disable_powersave.service &> /dev/null # - Enable } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { # - Install prereqs G_AG_CHECK_INSTALL_PREREQ crda firmware-atheros firmware-brcm80211 firmware-ralink iw rfkill wireless-tools wpasupplicant if (( $? != 0 )) { exit 1 } rm /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi.conf &> /dev/null # - Disable known powersaving options for specific chipsets echo -e "options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf echo -e "options 8188eu rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/8188eu.conf echo -e "options 8189es rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/8189es.conf #OPi Plus echo -e "options 8723bs rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/8723bs.conf #PineA64 echo -e "options wlan_8192eu rtw_power_mgnt=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/wlan_8192eu.conf # Sparky/Allo WiFi #cfg80211 first for ((i=0; i<${#aWIFI_MODULES[@]}; i++)) do modprobe "${aWIFI_MODULES[$i]}" 2> /dev/null done # - Delay. Without this, kernel reports wifi device not found with RPi 3 and Pine A64 addon board, when ran straight after this script. G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Please wait, enabling WiFi Modules..." sleep 3 #Update our networking file (refresh active wlan index) /DietPi/dietpi/func/obtain_network_details #Disable powersave on boot service: cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/wifi_disable_powersave.service [Unit] Description=Disable WiFi power management After=network.target network-online.target [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'sleep 20;iwconfig wlan$(sed -n 2p /DietPi/dietpi/.network) power off' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/wifi_disable_powersave.service [Unit] Description=Disable WiFi power management After=network.target network-online.target [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'sleep 20;iwconfig wlan$(sed -n 2p /DietPi/dietpi/.network) power off' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable wifi_disable_powersave systemctl start wifi_disable_powersave } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "onboard_enable" { #NB: Requires reboot #NB: Do not change filenames, -f check used by DietPi-Config to obtain state rm /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi_rpi3_onboard.conf &> /dev/null } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "onboard_disable" { #NB: Requires reboot #NB: Do not change filenames, -f check used by DietPi-Config to obtain state # - RPi 3/ZeroW echo -e "blacklist brcmfmac" > /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi_rpi3_onboard.conf echo -e "blacklist brcmutil" >> /etc/modprobe.d/disable_wifi_rpi3_onboard.conf } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } unset aWIFI_MODULES } proc Wifi_Creds_Main{ if test -n $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE { if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "set" { local Wifi_KEYMGR=$(grep -m1 '^AUTO_SETUP_NET_WIFI_KEYMGR=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/.*=//') local Wifi_KEY="$(grep -m1 '^AUTO_SETUP_NET_WIFI_KEY=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/.*=//')" local Wifi_SSID="$(grep -m1 '^AUTO_SETUP_NET_WIFI_SSID=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/.*=//')" mkdir -p /etc/wpa_supplicant cat <<< """ > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf country=$(grep -m1 '^CONFIG_WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/.*=//') ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="$Wifi_SSID" """ > /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf country=$(grep -m1 '^CONFIG_WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/.*=//') ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="$Wifi_SSID" _EOF_ # - Add KEY and type if test $Wifi_KEYMGR = "NONE" { cat <<< """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR } """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR } _EOF_ } elif test $Wifi_KEYMGR = "WPA-PSK" { cat <<< """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR psk="$Wifi_KEY" } """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR psk="$Wifi_KEY" } _EOF_ } elif test $Wifi_KEYMGR = "WEP" { setvar Wifi_KEYMGR = ''NONE'' cat <<< """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR wep_key0="$Wifi_KEY" wep_tx_keyidx=0 } """ >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf key_mgmt=$Wifi_KEYMGR wep_key0="$Wifi_KEY" wep_tx_keyidx=0 } _EOF_ } } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } proc Wifi_Countrycode_Main{ #Use country code from command input. Implies new setting. if test -n $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE { #convert to uppercase: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/431 setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = $(echo -e "$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # - Apply value to DietPi.txt sed -i "/^CONFIG_WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE=/c\CONFIG_WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" /DietPi/dietpi.txt # - Update wpa_supplicant.conf if test -f /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf { sed -i "/^country=/c\country=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf } } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # serialconsole #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setvar MAX_SERIAL_CONSOLES = '2' # ttySAC2 used by nanoPi m3 proc Serial_Main{ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Enable if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "enable" { #systemctl enable serial-getty@*.service # Wildcard does not work, we need to specify each possible tty device name #systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyAMA[0-9].service # Number wildcards do not work, we need to specify each possible tty device number G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Enabling known serial-getty services, please wait..." systemctl enable serial-getty@.service for ((i=0; i<=$MAX_SERIAL_CONSOLES; i++)) do systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyAMA"$i".service systemctl enable serial-getty@ttySAC"$i".service systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS"$i".service done #Device Specific: # - RPi if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { if (( ! $(cat /boot/cmdline.txt | grep -ci -m1 'console=ttyAMA0,115200 ') )) { sed -i 's/console=tty1 /console=tty1 console=ttyAMA0,115200 /' /boot/cmdline.txt } if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 3 )) { # - Must use 250mhz core frequency, else, corrupt characters: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/306#issuecomment-222304202 sed -i '/core_freq=/c\core_freq=250' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } # - Odroid C1 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 10 )) { sed -i '/^setenv condev/c\setenv condev "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"' /DietPi/boot.ini # - Odroid XU4 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )) { if (( ! $(cat /DietPi/boot.ini | grep -ci -m1 'console=ttySAC2,115200n8 ') )) { sed -i 's/console=tty1 /console=tty1 console=ttySAC2,115200n8 /' /DietPi/boot.ini } # - Odroid C2 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 12 )) { sed -i '/^setenv condev/c\setenv condev "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"' /DietPi/boot.ini # - Pine A64 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 )) { if (( ! $(cat /DietPi/uEnv.txt | grep -ci -m1 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 ') )) { sed -i 's/console=tty0 /console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 /' /DietPi/uEnv.txt } } # - Update dietpi.txt global var sed -i '/^CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=/c\CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=1' /DietPi/dietpi.txt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Disable } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "disable" { #Disable services. Although, this seems to have no effect on the cmdline.txt boot.ini etc serial console entries. They run regardless. But lets do it for consistency. G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Disabling known serial-getty services, please wait..." systemctl disable serial-getty@.service for ((i=0; i<=$MAX_SERIAL_CONSOLES; i++)) do systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA"$i".service systemctl disable serial-getty@ttySAC"$i".service systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyS"$i".service done #Device Specific: # - RPi if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { # RPi 1/2 sed -i 's/console=ttyAMA0,115200 //' /boot/cmdline.txt # + RPi 3 (old entry, now uses AMA0 with 4.4.21) sed -i 's/console=ttyS0,115200 //' /boot/cmdline.txt # RPi 3 - Put core freq back to default (400mhz), if set to 250mhz. if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 3 && $(cat "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" | grep -m1 'core_freq=' | sed 's/.*=//') == 250 )) { sed -i '/core_freq=/c\#core_freq=400' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } # - Odroid C1 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 10 )) { sed -i '/^setenv condev/c\setenv condev "console=tty0"' /DietPi/boot.ini # - Odroid XU4 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 11 )) { sed -i 's/console=ttySAC2,115200n8 //' /DietPi/boot.ini # - Odroid C2 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 12 )) { sed -i '/^setenv condev/c\setenv condev "console=tty0"' /DietPi/boot.ini # - Pine A64 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 )) { sed -i 's/console=ttyS0,115200n8 //' /DietPi/uEnv.txt } # - Update dietpi.txt global var sed -i '/^CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=/c\CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=0' /DietPi/dietpi.txt } else { Unknown_Input_Mode } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # soundcard #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #NB: When adding a new dtoverlay soundcard, we must add the dtoverlay name for deletion in Soundcard_Reset_RPi() setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '0' setvar ALSA_EQ_ENABLED = '0' #Disable all soundcards and revert back to default output if available. proc Soundcard_Reset_All{ setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '0' setvar ALSA_EQ_ENABLED = '0' #Remove previous asound.conf rm /etc/asound.conf &> /dev/null # - Pre-Reqs for any soundcard if (( ! $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^alsa-utils') )) { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 2 "Installing alsa-utils. Please wait..." G_AGI alsa-utils } #HW specific # - RPI if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { Soundcard_Reset_RPi # - Odroid } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL >= 10 && $G_HW_MODEL < 20 )) { Soundcard_Reset_Odroid # - OPi Zero (H2+) } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 32 )) { Soundcard_Reset_H2 # - H3 } elif (( $G_HW_CPUID == 1 )) { Soundcard_Reset_H3 # - Pine a64 } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 40 )) { Soundcard_Reset_PineA64 # - BPi Pro } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 51 )) { Soundcard_Reset_BPi_Pro #Sparky SBC } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 70 )) { Soundcard_Reset_SparkySBC #ASUS } elif (( $G_HW_MODEL == 52 )) { Soundcard_Reset_Asus } } proc Soundcard_Reset_RPi{ # - Add dtparam=audio=off # as of 4.4 kernel: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/327 if (( $(cat "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" | grep -ci -m1 'dtparam=audio=') == 0 )) { echo -e "dtparam=audio=off" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" } else { sed -i '/dtparam=audio=/c\dtparam=audio=off' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } # - Disable known soundcard dtoverlays sed -i '/dtoverlay=rpi-bcm2835/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=hifiberry/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=iqaudio/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=justboom/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=allo-/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=rpi-dac/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=i-sabre-k2m/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=dionaudio/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtoverlay=googlevoicehat-soundcard/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # - Disable i2s maps sed -i '/dtoverlay=i2s-mmap/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG sed -i '/dtparam=i2s=/d' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # onboard blacklist module echo -e "blacklist snd-bcm2835" > /etc/modprobe.d/rpi-bcm2708.conf sed -i '/avoid_pwm_pll=/c\avoid_pwm_pll=1' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # - forced analogue out systemctl disable rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service &> /dev/null rm /etc/systemd/system/rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service &> /dev/null systemctl daemon-reload } proc Soundcard_Reset_Odroid{ # - hifi shield plus sed -i '/snd-soc-pcm5102/d' /etc/modules sed -i '/snd-soc-odroid-dac/d' /etc/modules # - hifi shield 2 sed -i '/snd-soc-pcm512x/d' /etc/modules sed -i '/snd-soc-pcm512x-i2c/d' /etc/modules sed -i '/snd-soc-odroid-dac2/d' /etc/modules if test -f /etc/systemd/system/odroid-hifishield2.service { rm /etc/systemd/system/odroid-hifishield2.service systemctl daemon-reload } } proc Soundcard_Reset_H2{ #set 3.5mm amixer set -c 0 'Audio lineout' unmute &> /dev/null } proc Soundcard_Reset_H3{ #set hdmi amixer set -c 0 'Audio lineout' mute &> /dev/null setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' } proc Soundcard_Reset_Asus{ #set hdmi setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' } proc Soundcard_Reset_SparkySBC{ sed -i '/snd-soc-allo-piano-dac/d' /etc/modules # - HDMI setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '1' amixer -c 0 sset 'audio output mode switch' 'hdmi' sed -i 's/aotg.aotg1_speed=1/aotg.aotg1_speed=0/' /DietPi/uEnv.txt } proc Soundcard_Reset_PineA64{ rm /etc/modules-load.d/pine64-audiojack.conf } proc Soundcard_Reset_BPi_Pro{ #3.5mm: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/732#issuecomment-275915919 setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' amixer sset 'Left Mixer Left DAC' off amixer sset 'Power Amplifier' 62 amixer sset 'Power Amplifier DAC' on amixer sset 'Power Amplifier Mixer' off amixer sset 'Power Amplifier Mute' on amixer sset 'Right Mixer Left DAC' off amixer sset 'Right Mixer Right DAC' off } proc Soundcard_Main{ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Always reset soundcards and revert back to HDMI Soundcard_Reset_All #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Apply specific asound.confs and additional settings # - ALSA EQ enabled? if [[ $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE == *-eq ]] { setvar ALSA_EQ_ENABLED = '1' # - remove -eq from string so it doesn't get sent as a dtoverlay= on rpi and dietpi.txt entry setvar INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = $(echo -e "$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" | sed 's/-eq//g') } # - Update DietPi global soundcard var sed -i "/^CONFIG_SOUNDCARD=/c\CONFIG_SOUNDCARD=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" /DietPi/dietpi.txt # - RPi: Enable DTPARAM audio setting if (( $G_HW_MODEL < 10 )) { # - Enable dtparam audio sed -i '/dtparam=audio=/c\dtparam=audio=on' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } #Cards match $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE { #ALL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #Specify card + device indexs with hw:* echo -e $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE local split=$(echo -e "$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/hw://g' | sed 's/-eq//g') setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = $(echo -e "$split" | awk '{print $1}' ) setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = $(echo -e "$split" | awk '{print $2}' ) with usb-dac # - detect card local usb_detection_card_index=$(aplay -l | grep -m1 'USB Audio' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/://g') if [[ $usb_detection_card_index =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] { setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = "$usb_detection_card_index" # - Not found } else { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Unable to find a USB-DAC on system." setvar EXIT_CODE = '1' # - Reset sed -i "/^CONFIG_SOUNDCARD=/c\CONFIG_SOUNDCARD=none" /DietPi/dietpi.txt } setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '0' # - SparkySBC, enable aotg.aotg1_speed compatibility setting for USB 1.1, when USB-DAC configured: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/1301 if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 70 )) { sed -i 's/aotg.aotg1_speed=0/aotg.aotg1_speed=1/' /DietPi/uEnv.txt } #RPi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #rpi-bcm2835 #rpi-bcm2835-ultrahq #rpi-bcm2835-3.5mm #rpi-bcm2835-ultrahq-3.5mm with rpi-bcm2835* # - remove from blacklist to enable: rm /etc/modprobe.d/rpi-bcm2708.conf # - Enable HQ audio sed -i '/avoid_pwm_pll=/c\avoid_pwm_pll=0' $FP_RPI_CONFIG # - Expermental UltraHQ audio: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=907075#p907075 if [[ $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE == *ultrahq* ]] { sed -i '/avoid_pwm_pll=/c\avoid_pwm_pll=2' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } # - Force 3.5mm out? if [[ $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE == *3.5mm* ]] { cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service [Unit] Description=Forces sound through 3.5mm analogue Before=sound.target After=dietpi-boot.service dietpi-ramdisk.service dietpi-ramlog.service [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 cset numid=3 1 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service [Unit] Description=Forces sound through 3.5mm analogue Before=sound.target After=dietpi-boot.service dietpi-ramdisk.service dietpi-ramlog.service [Service] Type=simple RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/amixer -c 0 cset numid=3 1 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target _EOF_ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service systemctl start rpi-bcm2835_forced_3.5mm.service } #hifiberry-dac #hifiberry-dacplus #hifiberry-digi #hifiberry-digi-pro #hifiberry-amp with hifiberry-* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #googlevoicehat-soundcard with googlevoicehat-soundcard* # - enable dtoverlay cat <<< """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" dtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE dtoverlay=i2s-mmap dtparam=i2s=on """ >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" dtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE dtoverlay=i2s-mmap dtparam=i2s=on _EOF_ #JustBoom-dac: DAC HAT, Amp HAT, DAC Zero and Amp Zero #JustBoom-digi: Digi HAT and Digi Zero with justboom-* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #RPi (dtoverlay) # allo-piano-dac-pcm512x-audio # allo-piano-dac-plus-pcm512x-audio (2.1) #Sparky SBC (module) # snd-soc-allo-piano-dac # snd-soc-allo-piano-dac-plus (2.1) with *allo-piano-dac* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" # + Sparky SBC if (( $G_HW_MODEL == 70 )) { echo -e $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE >> /etc/modules setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '0' amixer -c 0 sset 'audio output mode switch' 'i2s' } #RPi (dtoverlay) # allo-boss-dac-pcm512x-audio with *allo-boss-dac* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #RPi (dtoverlay) # allo-digione with *allo-digione* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #RPi (dtoverlay) # rpi-dac with rpi-dac # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #AudioPhonics I-Sabre-K2M (dtoverlay) # i-sabre-k2m with i-sabre-k2m # - Install binaries local install_url_address='http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/rpi/I-Sabre-K2M_binaries.zip' G_CHECK_URL $install_url_address if (( $? == 0 )) { wget $install_url_address -O package.zip unzip -o package.zip -d / rm package.zip sync depmod -a # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" # - i2c sed -i '/dtparam=i2c_arm=/c\dtparam=i2c_arm=on' $FP_RPI_CONFIG } else { G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 1 "Failed to install $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME. $install_url_address may be offline or unreachable." } #Sparky SBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #allo-cheapo-analogue #3.5mm/RCA #allo-cheapo-optical #Optical out with allo-cheapo* setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '0' # - Vol amixer –c 0 set 'DAC PA' 35 if test $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE = "allo-cheapo-analogue" { amixer -c 0 sset 'audio output mode switch' 'i2s' } else { amixer -c 0 sset 'audio output mode switch' 'spdif' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '2' } with iqaudio-* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #dionaudio-loco #dionaudio-loco-v2 with dionaudio-loco* # - enable dtoverlay echo -e "\ndtoverlay=$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" >> "$FP_RPI_CONFIG" #Odroid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with odroid-hifishield-plus echo -e "snd-soc-pcm5102" >> /etc/modules echo -e "snd-soc-odroid-dac" >> /etc/modules setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' with odroid-hifishield-2 sed -i '/^aml_i2c/d' /etc/modules # shared module, remove all previous entries before adding echo -e "aml_i2c" >> /etc/modules echo -e "snd-soc-pcm512x" >> /etc/modules echo -e "snd-soc-pcm512x-i2c" >> /etc/modules echo -e "snd-soc-odroid-dac2" >> /etc/modules setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' cat <<< """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-hifishield2.service [Unit] Description=odroid-hifishield2 After=local-fs.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo pcm5242 0x4c > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/new_device' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Analogue 0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Digital 201' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Deemphasis on' [Install] WantedBy=sound.target """ > /etc/systemd/system/odroid-hifishield2.service [Unit] Description=odroid-hifishield2 After=local-fs.target [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo pcm5242 0x4c > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/new_device' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Analogue 0' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Digital 201' ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'amixer -c 1 sset Deemphasis on' [Install] WantedBy=sound.target _EOF_ systemctl enable odroid-hifishield2.service systemctl daemon-reload #H2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with h2-hdmi amixer set -c 0 'Audio lineout' mute &> /dev/null setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' #H3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with h3-analogue amixer set -c 0 'Audio lineout' unmute &> /dev/null setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' #Pine A64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with pine64-analogue cat <<< """ > /etc/modules-load.d/pine64-audiojack.conf sunxi_codec sunxi_i2s sunxi_sndcodec """ > /etc/modules-load.d/pine64-audiojack.conf sunxi_codec sunxi_i2s sunxi_sndcodec _EOF_ setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' #Rock64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with rock64-analogue setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' #NanoPi M2/M3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with s5pxx18-hdmi setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '1' #Asus tinker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with asus-tb-analogue setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD = '0' setvar SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE = '2' } # - Apply asound.conf if [[ "$INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE" = 'googlevoicehat-soundcard'* ]] { cat <<< """ > /etc/asound.conf pcm.softvol { type softvol slave.pcm dmix control { name Master card 0 } } pcm.micboost { type route slave.pcm dsnoop ttable { 0.0 30.0 1.1 30.0 } } pcm.!default { type asym playback.pcm "plug:softvol" capture.pcm "plug:micboost" } ctl.!default { type hw card 0 } """ > /etc/asound.conf pcm.softvol { type softvol slave.pcm dmix control { name Master card 0 } } pcm.micboost { type route slave.pcm dsnoop ttable { 0.0 30.0 1.1 30.0 } } pcm.!default { type asym playback.pcm "plug:softvol" capture.pcm "plug:micboost" } ctl.!default { type hw card 0 } _EOF_ } elif (( $ALSA_EQ_ENABLED )) { cat <<< """ > /etc/asound.conf ctl.eq { type equal controls "$HOME/.alsaequal.bin" } pcm.plugequal { type equal slave.pcm "plughw:$SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD,$SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE" controls "$HOME/.alsaequal.bin" } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm plugequal slave.channels 2 } ctl.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD } """ > /etc/asound.conf ctl.eq { type equal controls "$HOME/.alsaequal.bin" } pcm.plugequal { type equal slave.pcm "plughw:$SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD,$SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE" controls "$HOME/.alsaequal.bin" } pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm plugequal slave.channels 2 } ctl.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD } _EOF_ if (( ! $(dpkg --get-selections | grep -ci -m1 '^libasound2-plugin-equal') )) { G_AGI libasound2-plugin-equal } } else { cat <<< """ > /etc/asound.conf pcm.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD device $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE } ctl.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD } """ > /etc/asound.conf pcm.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD device $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_DEVICE } ctl.!default { type hw card $SOUNDCARD_TARGET_CARD } _EOF_ } } #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Main Loop #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #info G_DIETPI-NOTIFY 3 DietPi-Set_Hardware "$INPUT_DEVICE_NAME ($INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE)" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "soundcard" { Soundcard_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "serialconsole" { Serial_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "bluetooth" { Bluetooth_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "wifimodules" { Wifi_Modules_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "wificreds" { Wifi_Creds_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "preferipversion" { Prefer_IPversion } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "wificountrycode" { Wifi_Countrycode_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "i2c" { I2c_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "lcdpanel" { Lcd_Panel_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "rpi-opengl" { RPi_OpenGL_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "eth-forcespeed" { Eth_Force_Speed_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "remoteir" { RemoteIR_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "gpumemsplit" { Gpu_Memory_Split_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "rpi-camera" { RPi_Camera_Main } elif test $INPUT_DEVICE_NAME = "rpi3_usb_boot" { RPi_USB_Boot_Main } else { Unknown_Input_Name } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G_DIETPI-NOTIFY -1 $EXIT_CODE "$INPUT_DEVICE_NAME $INPUT_DEVICE_VALUE |" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit $EXIT_CODE #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }