#!/bin/sh # Color diff output, for human consumption # License: LGPLv2 # Author: # http://www.pixelbeat.org/ # Notes: # If 2 parameters are passed, then they are passed to # the `diff -Naru` command first. Otherwise the parameters # (or stdin) are assumed to be diff format and are colourised. # # VIM can be useful for viewing diffs also: # diff -Naru a b | vim -R - # vim -R a-b.diff # Changes: # V0.1, 12 Feb 2008, Initial release # V0.2, 18 Feb 2008, Use tput rather than hardcoding escape sequences. # V0.3, 24 Apr 2008, Support Mac OS X # V0.4, 30 Apr 2008, P@draigBrady.com # Use $PAGER if set # Manfred Schwarb # Support `diff -c` format fully. # Pointed out issues with less -EF options. # Suggested to use the less -S option. # V0.5, 18 Jun 2009, P@draigBrady.com # Delineate each file level item with highlight. # Simplify expressions by using '&' in replacement. # Use 't' after all matches for consistency and speed. # less -K reportedly not available on older Mac OS X less -K -Ff /dev/null 2>/dev/null && setvar CTRL_C_EXITS = ""-K"" setvar RED = '1'; setvar GREEN = '2'; setvar BLUE = '4'; setvar BRIGHT = ''1;'' proc tputc { setvar bright = "$1"; setvar colour = "$2" test $bright && tput bold tput setaf $colour } setvar DEL = "$(tputc $BRIGHT $RED)" setvar ADD = "$(tputc $BRIGHT $GREEN)" setvar CHG = "$(tputc $BRIGHT $BLUE)" setvar FIL = "$(tput smso)" #highlight file level items setvar RST = "$(tput sgr0)" if test "$Argc" -eq "2" { diff -Naru @ARGV } else { cat @ARGV } | sed " s/^\*\{3\}.*\*\{4\}/$CHG&$RST/;t s/^-\{3\}.*-\{4\}/$CHG&$RST/;t s/^@.*/$CHG&$RST/;t s/^[0-9].*/$CHG&$RST/;t s/^!.*/$CHG&$RST/;t s/^-.*/$DEL&$RST/;t s/^<.*/$DEL&$RST/;t s/^\*.*/$ADD&$RST/;t s/^\+.*/$ADD&$RST/;t s/^>.*/$ADD&$RST/;t s/^Only in.*/$FIL&$RST/;t s/^Index: .*/$FIL&$RST/;t s/^diff .*/$FIL&$RST/;t " | ${PAGER:-less -QRS $CTRL_C_EXITS} # could use less -EFX also, but for large files or lots of scrolling, this # is a lot more obtrusive on the terminal as the [de]init codes not used.