Why Sponsor Oil? | source | all docs for version 0.15.0 | all versions | oilshell.org
Warning: Work in progress! Leave feedback on Zulip or Github if you'd like this doc to be updated.
Oil has a minimal module system that is shell-like.
The only goal is a little more safety.
Library file. Top level has module
, source
, const
, and proc
# lib-foo.oil (no shebang line necessary)
module lib-foo.oil || return 0 # module named after file
source $_this_dir/lib-other
const G_foo = {myvar: 42}
proc foo-proc {
echo 'hi from foo-proc'
# no main function
Executable file. Top level the same 4, plus oil-main
at the bottom.
# deploy.oil: Deploy C++ program to a server
module main || return 0 # executable programs use 'main' guard
source $_this_dir/lib-foo.oil
source $_this_dir/lib-bar.oil
const DEST_HOST = 'example.com'
const DEST_USER = 'homer'
proc .private-p {
echo "I don't want oil-main to find this"
proc _p {
.private-p # direct function call
echo hi
proc p {
sudo $0 _p @ARGV # argv dispatch pattern
oil-main # dispatch to arguments in this module, except ones beginning with .
files that are executable programs, and those that
are libraries
prefix or a lib/
dir can make sense, but isn't requiredmodule
must only be used at the top level.TODO:
The source
just concatenates both.
This is like a Lisp 2.
Oil doesn't deviate from this! It builds some things on top.
TODO: See Interpreter state / data model.
or mylib.oil
For Imports Relative To the Current Fileoil-main
builtin dispatches to procsThe $0
dispatch pattern.
Expose Name ConflictsIn batch mode, you'll get errors.
But you can iteratively test in interactive mode.
source mymodule.oil # 'module' guard will be bypassed in interactive mode
TODO / help wanted: Pea.
It's nice that we have this "sequential" or concatenative property of code! Multiple "modules" can go in the same file.
Naming convention: pkg-foo.oil
? I don't really think we should have
packages though?