Results for

pass 1313
0pass pass 'exit' in oshrc (regression)
1pass pass fatal errors continue
2pass pass interactive shell loads rcfile (when combined with -c)
3pass pass interactive shell loads files in rcdir (when combined with -c)
4pass pass nonexistent --rcdir is ignored
5pass pass shell doesn't load rcfile/rcdir if --norc is given
6pass pass interactive shell runs PROMPT_COMMAND after each command
7pass pass parse error in PROMPT_COMMAND
8pass pass runtime error in PROMPT_COMMAND
9pass pass Error message with bad oshrc file (currently ignored)
10pass pass PROMPT_COMMAND can see $?, like bash
11pass pass PROMPT_COMMAND that writes to BASH_REMATCH
12pass pass NO ASSERTIONS: Are startup files sourced before or after job control?
26 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped