#!/bin/sh echo "*** BUILD BUSYBOX BEGIN ***" setvar SRC_DIR = $(pwd) # Read the 'JOB_FACTOR' property from '.config' setvar JOB_FACTOR = "$(grep -i ^JOB_FACTOR .config | cut -f2 -d'=')" # Find the number of available CPU cores. setvar NUM_CORES = $(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) # Calculate the number of 'make' jobs to be used later. setvar NUM_JOBS = $((NUM_CORES * JOB_FACTOR)) # Remember the sysroot setvar SYSROOT = "$(pwd)/work/sysroot" cd work/busybox # Remove the old BusyBox install area rm -rf busybox_installed # Change to the source directory ls finds, e.g. 'busybox-1.24.2'. cd $(ls -d busybox-*) # Remove previously generated artifacts. echo "Preparing BusyBox work area. This may take a while..." make distclean -j $NUM_JOBS # Read the 'USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG' property from '.config' setvar USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG = "$(grep -i ^USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG $SRC_DIR/.config | cut -f2 -d'=')" if test $USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG = "true" -a ! -f $SRC_DIR/minimal_config/busybox.config { echo "Config file $SRC_DIR/minimal_config/busybox.config does not exist." setvar USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG = ""false"" } if test $USE_PREDEFINED_BUSYBOX_CONFIG = "true" { # Use predefined configuration file for Busybox. echo "Using config file $SRC_DIR/minimal_config/busybox.config" cp -f $SRC_DIR/minimal_config/busybox.config .config } else { # Create default configuration file. echo "Generating default BusyBox configuration..." make defconfig -j $NUM_JOBS # The 'inetd' applet fails to compile because we use the glibc installation area as # main pointer to the kernel headers (see 05_prepare_glibc.sh) and some headers are # not resolved. The easiest solution is to ignore this particular applet. sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_INETD.*/CONFIG_INETD=n/" .config } # This variable holds the full path to the glibc installation area as quoted string. # All back slashes are escaped (/ => \/) in order to keep the 'sed' command stable. setvar SYSROOT_ESCAPED = $(echo \"$SYSROOT\" | sed 's/\//\\\//g') # Now we tell BusyBox to use the glibc prepared area. sed -i "s/.*CONFIG_SYSROOT.*/CONFIG_SYSROOT=$SYSROOT_ESCAPED/" .config # Read the 'CFLAGS' property from '.config' setvar CFLAGS = "$(grep -i ^CFLAGS .config | cut -f2 -d'=')" # Compile busybox with optimization for "parallel jobs" = "number of processors". echo "Building BusyBox..." make \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" \ busybox -j $NUM_JOBS # Create the symlinks for busybox. The file 'busybox.links' is used for this. echo "Generating BusyBox based initramfs area..." make \ CONFIG_PREFIX="../busybox_installed" \ install -j $NUM_JOBS cd $SRC_DIR echo "*** BUILD BUSYBOX END ***"