# $NetBSD: t_expand.sh,v 1.8 2016/04/29 18:29:17 christos Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # the implementation of "sh" to test : ${TEST_SH:="/bin/sh"} # # This file tests the functions in expand.c. # proc delim_argv { setvar str = '' while test $Argc -gt 0 { if test -z ${str} { setvar str = "">$1<"" } else { setvar str = ""${str} >$1<"" } shift } echo ${str} } atf_test_case dollar_at proc dollar_at_head { atf_set "descr" "Somewhere between 2.0.2 and 3.0 the expansion" \ "of the \$@ variable had been broken. Check for" \ "this behavior." } proc dollar_at_body { # This one should work everywhere. atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:' EOL\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c 'echo "" "" | '" sed 's,\$,EOL,'" # This code triggered the bug. atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:' EOL\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c 'set -- "" ""; echo "$@" | '" sed 's,\$,EOL,'" atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'0\n' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'set -- -; shift; n_arg() { echo $#; }; n_arg "$@"' } atf_test_case dollar_at_with_text proc dollar_at_with_text_head { atf_set "descr" "Test \$@ expansion when it is surrounded by text" \ "within the quotes. PR bin/33956." } proc dollar_at_with_text_body { cat <<< ''' > h-f1 delim_argv() { str= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ -z "${str}" ]; then str=">$1<" else str="${str} >$1<" fi shift done echo "${str}" } ''' > h-f1 delim_argv() { str= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ -z "${str}" ]; then str=">$1<" else str="${str} >$1<" fi shift done echo "${str}" } EOF cat <<< ''' > h-f2 delim_argv() { str= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do str="${str}${str:+ }>$1<" shift done echo "${str}" } ''' > h-f2 delim_argv() { str= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do str="${str}${str:+ }>$1<" shift done echo "${str}" } EOF chmod +x h-f1 h-f2 for f in 1 2 { atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'\n' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- ; delim_argv "$@"' atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'>foobar<\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- ; delim_argv "foo$@bar"' atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'>foo bar<\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- ; delim_argv "foo $@ bar"' atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'>a< >b< >c<\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- a b c; delim_argv "$@"' atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'>fooa< >b< >cbar<\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- a b c; delim_argv "foo$@bar"' atf_check -s exit:0 -o inline:'>foo a< >b< >c bar<\n' -e empty \ ${TEST_SH} -c \ ". ./h-f${f}; "'set -- a b c; delim_argv "foo $@ bar"' } } atf_test_case strip proc strip_head { atf_set "descr" "Checks that the %% operator works and strips" \ "the contents of a variable from the given point" \ "to the end" } proc strip_body { setvar line = ''#define bindir "/usr/bin" /* comment */'' setvar stripped = ''#define bindir "/usr/bin" '' # atf_expect_fail "PR bin/43469" -- now fixed for exp in \ '${line%%/\**}' \ '${line%%"/*"*}' \ '${line%%'"'"'/*'"'"'*}' \ '"${line%%/\**}"' \ '"${line%%"/*"*}"' \ '"${line%%'"'"'/*'"'"'*}"' \ '${line%/\**}' \ '${line%"/*"*}' \ '${line%'"'"'/*'"'"'*}' \ '"${line%/\**}"' \ '"${line%"/*"*}"' \ '"${line%'"'"'/*'"'"'*}"' { atf_check -o inline:":$stripped:\n" -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ "line='${line}'; echo :${exp}:" } } atf_test_case varpattern_backslashes proc varpattern_backslashes_head { atf_set "descr" "Tests that protecting wildcards with backslashes" \ "works in variable patterns." } proc varpattern_backslashes_body { setvar line = ''/foo/bar/*/baz'' setvar stripped = ''/foo/bar/'' atf_check -o inline:'/foo/bar/\n' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'line="/foo/bar/*/baz"; echo ${line%%\**}' } atf_test_case arithmetic proc arithmetic_head { atf_set "descr" "POSIX requires shell arithmetic to use signed" \ "long or a wider type. We use intmax_t, so at" \ "least 64 bits should be available. Make sure" \ "this is true." } proc arithmetic_body { atf_check -o inline:'3' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'printf %s $((1 + 2))' atf_check -o inline:'2147483647' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'printf %s $((0x7fffffff))' atf_check -o inline:'9223372036854775807' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'printf %s $(((1 << 63) - 1))' } atf_test_case iteration_on_null_parameter proc iteration_on_null_parameter_head { atf_set "descr" "Check iteration of \$@ in for loop when set to null;" \ "the error \"sh: @: parameter not set\" is incorrect." \ "PR bin/48202." } proc iteration_on_null_parameter_body { atf_check -o empty -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'N=; set -- ${N}; for X; do echo "[$X]"; done' } atf_test_case iteration_on_quoted_null_parameter proc iteration_on_quoted_null_parameter_head { atf_set "descr" \ 'Check iteration of "$@" in for loop when set to null;' } proc iteration_on_quoted_null_parameter_body { atf_check -o inline:'[]\n' -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'N=; set -- "${N}"; for X; do echo "[$X]"; done' } atf_test_case iteration_on_null_or_null_parameter proc iteration_on_null_or_null_parameter_head { atf_set "descr" \ 'Check expansion of null parameter as default for another null' } proc iteration_on_null_or_null_parameter_body { atf_check -o empty -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'N=; E=; set -- ${N:-${E}}; for X; do echo "[$X]"; done' } atf_test_case iteration_on_null_or_missing_parameter proc iteration_on_null_or_missing_parameter_head { atf_set "descr" \ 'Check expansion of missing parameter as default for another null' } proc iteration_on_null_or_missing_parameter_body { # atf_expect_fail 'PR bin/50834' atf_check -o empty -e empty ${TEST_SH} -c \ 'N=; set -- ${N:-}; for X; do echo "[$X]"; done' } setvar nl = '' '' proc reset { setvar TEST_NUM = '0' setvar TEST_FAILURES = '''' setvar TEST_FAIL_COUNT = '0' setvar TEST_ID = "$1" } proc check { setvar fail = 'false' setvar TEMP_FILE = $( mktemp OUT.XXXXXX ) setvar TEST_NUM = $(( $TEST_NUM + 1 )) setvar MSG = '' # our local shell (ATF_SHELL) better do quoting correctly... # some of the tests expect us to expand $nl internally... setvar CMD = "$1" setvar result = "$( ${TEST_SH} -c "${CMD}" 2>"${TEMP_FILE}" )" setvar STATUS = ""$? if test ${STATUS} -ne $3 { setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${MSG:+${nl}}[$TEST_NUM]"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} expected exit code $3, got ${STATUS}"" # don't actually fail just because of wrong exit code # unless we either expected, or received "good" case{ (*/0|0/* { setvar fail = 'true'} } } if test $3 -eq 0 { if test -s ${TEMP_FILE} { setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${MSG:+${nl}}[$TEST_NUM]"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} Messages produced on stderr unexpected..."" setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${nl}$( cat "${TEMP_FILE}" )"" setvar fail = 'true' } } else { if ! test -s ${TEMP_FILE} { setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${MSG:+${nl}}[$TEST_NUM]"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} Expected messages on stderr,"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} nothing produced"" setvar fail = 'true' } } rm -f ${TEMP_FILE} # Remove newlines (use local shell for this) setvar oifs = "$IFS" setvar IFS = "$nl" setvar result = "$(echo $result)" setvar IFS = "$oifs" if test $2 != $result { setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${MSG:+${nl}}[$TEST_NUM]"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} Expected output '$2', received '$result'"" setvar fail = 'true' } if $fail { setvar MSG = ""${MSG}${MSG:+${nl}}[$TEST_NUM]"" setvar MSG = ""${MSG} Full command: <<${CMD}>>"" } $fail && test -n $TEST_ID && do { setvar TEST_FAILURES = ""${TEST_FAILURES}${TEST_FAILURES:+${nl}}"" setvar TEST_FAILURES = ""${TEST_FAILURES}${TEST_ID}[$TEST_NUM]:"" setvar TEST_FAILURES = ""${TEST_FAILURES} Test of '$1' failed.""; setvar TEST_FAILURES = ""${TEST_FAILURES}${nl}${MSG}"" setvar TEST_FAIL_COUNT = $(( $TEST_FAIL_COUNT + 1 )) return 0 } $fail && atf_fail "Test[$TEST_NUM] of '$1' failed${nl}${MSG}" return 0 } proc results { test -z ${TEST_ID} && return 0 test -z ${TEST_FAILURES} && return 0 echo >&2 "==========================================>&2 "==========================================" echo >&2 "While testing '${TEST_ID}'>&2 "While testing '${TEST_ID}'" echo >&2 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->&2 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" echo >&2 ${TEST_FAILURES}>&2 "${TEST_FAILURES}" atf_fail \ "Test ${TEST_ID}: $TEST_FAIL_COUNT subtests (of $TEST_NUM) failed - see stderr" } atf_test_case shell_params proc shell_params_head { atf_set "descr" "Test correct operation of the numeric parameters" } proc shell_params_body { atf_require_prog mktemp reset shell_params check 'set -- a b c; echo "$#: $1 $2 $3"' '3: a b c' 0 check 'set -- a b c d e f g h i j k l m; echo "$#: ${1}0 ${10} $10"' \ '13: a0 j a0' 0 check 'x="$0"; set -- a b; y="$0"; [ "x${x}y" = "x${y}y" ] && echo OK || echo x="$x" y="$y"' \ 'OK' 0 check "${TEST_SH} -c 'echo 0=\$0 1=\$1 2=\$2' a b c" '0=a 1=b 2=c' 0 echo 'echo 0="$0" 1="$1" 2="$2"' > helper.sh check "${TEST_SH} helper.sh a b c" '0=helper.sh 1=a 2=b' 0 check 'set -- a bb ccc dddd eeeee ffffff ggggggg hhhhhhhh \ iiiiiiiii jjjjjjjjjj kkkkkkkkkkk echo "${#}: ${#1} ${#2} ${#3} ${#4} ... ${#9} ${#10} ${#11}"' \ '11: 1 2 3 4 ... 9 10 11' 0 check 'set -- a b c; echo "$#: ${1-A} ${2-B} ${3-C} ${4-D} ${5-E}"' \ '3: a b c D E' 0 check 'set -- a "" c "" e echo "$#: ${1:-A} ${2:-B} ${3:-C} ${4:-D} ${5:-E}"' \ '5: a B c D e' 0 check 'set -- a "" c "" e echo "$#: ${1:+A} ${2:+B} ${3:+C} ${4:+D} ${5:+E}"' \ '5: A C E' 0 check 'set -- "abab*cbb" echo "${1} ${1#a} ${1%b} ${1##ab} ${1%%b} ${1#*\*} ${1%\**}"' \ 'abab*cbb bab*cbb abab*cb ab*cbb abab*cb cbb abab' 0 check 'set -- "abab?cbb" echo "${1}:${1#*a}+${1%b*}-${1##*a}_${1%%b*}%${1#[ab]}=${1%?*}/${1%\?*}"' \ 'abab?cbb:bab?cbb+abab?cb-b?cbb_a%bab?cbb=abab?cb/abab' 0 check 'set -- a "" c "" e; echo "${2:=b}"' '' 1 results } proc atf_init_test_cases { atf_add_test_case dollar_at atf_add_test_case dollar_at_with_text atf_add_test_case strip atf_add_test_case varpattern_backslashes atf_add_test_case arithmetic atf_add_test_case iteration_on_null_parameter atf_add_test_case iteration_on_quoted_null_parameter atf_add_test_case iteration_on_null_or_null_parameter atf_add_test_case iteration_on_null_or_missing_parameter atf_add_test_case shell_params }