  children: [
      blame_tok: <Id.Lit_Colon ':'>
      more_env: []
      words: [
        {<Id.Lit_Colon ':'>}
            left: <Id.Left_DollarBrace '${'>
            token: <Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH>
            var_name: TEST_SH
            suffix_op: (suffix_op.Unary op:<Id.VTest_ColonEquals _> arg_word:{(DQ <'/bin/sh'>)})
            right: <Id.Right_DollarBrace '}'>
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <test_option_on_off>
      name: test_option_on_off
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<tr>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              keyword: <Id.KW_For for>
              iter_names: [opt]
              iterable: (for_iter__Args)
                  left: <Id.KW_Do do>
                  children: [
                      children: [
                          blame_tok: <test>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<test>} {<-z>} {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name opt))}]
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                          keyword: <Id.ControlFlow_Continue continue>
                      ops: [<Id.Op_DAmp _>]
                      left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='>
                      pairs: [
                          left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='>
                          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='> name:CLEAR)
                          op: assign_op.Equal
                          rhs: {(SQ )}
                      redirects: []
                      children: [
                          blame_tok: <test>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [
                                  left: <Id.Left_DollarBrace '${'>
                                  token: <Id.VSub_Name opt>
                                  var_name: opt
                                  prefix_op: <Id.VSub_Pound '#'>
                                  right: <Id.Right_DollarBrace '}'>
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                          left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='>
                          pairs: [
                              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='>
                              lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'CLEAR='> name:CLEAR)
                              op: assign_op.Equal
'xx="$-" && xx=$(echo "$xx" | tr -d cs) && test -n "$xx" && set +"$xx";'
                          redirects: []
                      ops: [<Id.Op_DAmp _>]
                      blame_tok: <atf_check>
                      more_env: []
                      words: [
                        {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                        {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                        {(DQ <'opt='> (${ Id.VSub_Name opt)) 
                          (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\t\tx() {\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t\techo "ERROR: Unable to $1 option $2" >&2\n'> <'\t\t\t\texit 1\n'> <'\t\t\t}\n'> <'\t\t\ts() {\n'> <'\t\t\t\tset -"$1"\n'> <'\t\t\t\tt="$-"\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t\tx=$(echo "$t" | tr -d "$1")\n'> <'\t\t\t\ttest "$t" = "$x" && x set "$1"\n'> <'\t\t\t\treturn 0\n'> <'\t\t\t}\n'> <'\t\t\tc() {\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t\tset +"$1"\n'> <'\t\t\t\tt="$-"\n'> <'\t\t\t\tx=$(echo "$t" | tr -d "$1")\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t\ttest "$t" != "$x" && x clear "$1"\n'> <'\t\t\t\treturn 0\n'> <'\t\t\t}\n'> <'\t\t\t'>
                          ) (DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name CLEAR)) 
                          (SQ <'\n'> <'\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t# if we do not do this, -x tracing splatters stderr\n'> <'\t\t\t# for some shells, -v does as well (is that correct?)\n'> <'\t\t\tcase "${opt}" in\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t(*[xv]*)\texec 2>/dev/null;;\n'> <'\t\t\tesac\n'> <'\n'> <'\t\t\to="$-"\n'> <'\t\t\tx=$(echo "$o" | tr -d "$opt")\n'> <'\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\tif [ "$o" = "$x" ]; then\t# option was off\n'> <'\t\t\t\ts "${opt}"\n'> <'\t\t\t\tc "${opt}"\n'> <'\t\t\telse\n'> <'\t\t\t\tc "${opt}"\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t\ts "${opt}"\n'> <'\t\t\tfi\n'> <'\t\t'>
                      redirects: []
                      do_fork: T
                  right: <Id.KW_Done done>
              redirects: []
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <test_optional_on_off>
      name: test_optional_on_off
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='>
              pairs: [
                  left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='>
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='> name:RET)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: {<0>}
              redirects: []
              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='>
              pairs: [
                  left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='>
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='> name:OPTS)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: (rhs_word__Empty)
              redirects: []
              keyword: <Id.KW_For for>
              iter_names: [opt]
              iterable: (for_iter__Args)
                  left: <Id.KW_Do do>
                  children: [
                      children: [
                          blame_tok: <test>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<test>} {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name opt))} {<Id.Lit_Equals '='>} {<n>}]
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                          keyword: <Id.ControlFlow_Continue continue>
                      ops: [<Id.Op_DAmp _>]
                      children: [
                          blame_tok: <Id.Left_DollarBrace '${'>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [
                            {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                            {(DQ <'set -'> (${ Id.VSub_Name opt))}
                          redirects: [
                              op: <Id.Redir_Great '2>'>
                              loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:2)
                              arg: {<'/dev/null'>}
                          do_fork: T
                          left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='>
                          pairs: [
                              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='>
                              lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'OPTS='> name:OPTS)
                              op: assign_op.Equal
                              rhs: {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name OPTS) <' '> (${ Id.VSub_Name opt))}
                          redirects: []
                          left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='>
                          pairs: [
                              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='>
                              lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'RET='> name:RET)
                              op: assign_op.Equal
                              rhs: {<1>}
                          redirects: []
                      ops: [<Id.Op_DAmp _> <Id.Op_DPipe _>]
                  right: <Id.KW_Done done>
              redirects: []
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<test>} {<-n>} {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name OPTS))}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {(${ Id.VSub_Name OPTS)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DAmp _>]
              keyword: <Id.ControlFlow_Return return>
              arg_word: {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name RET))}
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_a>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_a_head>
      name: set_a_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -a\' turns on all var export '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_a_body>
      name: set_a_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<env>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<grep>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<a>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <1>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset VAR; set +a; VAR=value; env | grep "^VAR="'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.Lit_VarLike 'VAR='> <value>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset VAR; set -a; VAR=value; env | grep "^VAR="'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_C>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_C_head>
      name: set_C_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -C\' turns on no clobber mode '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_C_body>
      name: set_C_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<ls>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<C>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                          left_token: <Id.Left_DollarParen '$('>
                              blame_tok: <ls>
                              more_env: []
                              words: [{<ls>}]
                              redirects: []
                              do_fork: T
                          right: <Id.Eof_RParen _>
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<atf_skip>} {(DQ <'Test execution directory not clean'>)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<test>} {<-c>} {(DQ <'/dev/null'>)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<atf_skip>} {(DQ <'Problem with /dev/null'>)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              blame_tok: <echo>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<echo>} {<Dummy_Content>}]
              redirects: [(Redir op:<Id.Redir_Great '>'> loc:(redir_loc.Fd fd:1) arg:{<Junk_File>})]
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <echo>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<echo>} {<Precious_Content>}]
              redirects: [
                  op: <Id.Redir_Great '>'>
                  loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:1)
                  arg: {<Important_File>}
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tD=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\tset +C\n'> 
                    <'\t\techo "Overwrite it now" > Junk_File\n'> <'\t\tA=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\ttest "${A}" != "${D}"\n'> <'\t\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tD=$(ls -l Important_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\tset -C\n'> 
                    <'\t\techo "Fail to Overwrite it now" > Important_File\n'> <'\t\tA=$(ls -l Important_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\ttest "${A}" = "${D}"\n'> <'\t\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tD=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\tset -C\n'> 
                    <'\t\techo "Append to it now" >> Junk_File\n'> <'\t\tA=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\ttest "${A}" != "${D}"\n'> <'\t\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tset -Ce\n'> 
                    <'\t\techo "Fail to Overwrite it now" > Important_File\n'> <'\t\techo "Should not reach this point"\n'> <'\t\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tD=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\tset -C\n'> 
                    <'\t\techo "Change the poor bugger again" >| Junk_File\n'> <'\t\tA=$(ls -l Junk_File) || exit 1\n'> <'\t\ttest "${A}" != "${D}"\n'> <'\t\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_e>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_e_head>
      name: set_e_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -e\' turns on error detection '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that a simple case behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_e_body>
      name: set_e_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<e>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <I_am_OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'false; printf "%s" I_am; set -e; true; printf "%s\\n" _OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <I_am>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Broken>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'false; printf "%s" I_am; set -e; false; printf "%s\\n" _Broken'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <I_am>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Broken>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'printf "%s" I_am; false; printf "%s\\n" _Broken'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_f>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_f_head>
      name: set_f_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -f\' turns off pathname expansion '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_f_body>
      name: set_f_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<ls>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<f>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                          left_token: <Id.Left_DollarParen '$('>
                              blame_tok: <ls>
                              more_env: []
                              words: [{<ls>}]
                              redirects: []
                              do_fork: T
                          right: <Id.Eof_RParen _>
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<atf_skip>} {(DQ <'Test execution directory not clean'>)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              keyword: <Id.KW_For for>
              iter_names: [f]
                  words: [
                  left: <Id.KW_Do do>
                  children: [
                      blame_tok: <echo>
                      more_env: []
                      words: [{<echo>} {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_DollarName f))}]
                      redirects: [
                          op: <Id.Redir_Great '>'>
                          loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:1)
                          arg: {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_DollarName f))}
                      do_fork: T
                  right: <Id.KW_Done done>
              redirects: []
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'X=$(echo b*); Y=$(echo b*); test "${X}" != "a*";\n'> 
                    <'\t\ttest "${X}" = "${Y}"'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'X=$(echo b*); Y=$(set -f; echo b*); test "${X}" != "${Y}"'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_n>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_n_head>
      name: set_n_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -n\' supresses command execution '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_n_body>
      name: set_n_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo ABANDON HOPE; echo ALL YE; echo ...'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'ERR; FAIL; ABANDON HOPE'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo JUMP; for frogs swim; echo in puddles'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo ABANDON HOPE; echo "ALL YE; echo ...'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo ABANDON HOPE;; echo ALL YE; echo ...'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'do YOU ABANDON HOPE; for all eternity?'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <first>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <second>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo first; set -n; echo second'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <first>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <third>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'echo first; set -n; echo second; set +n; echo third'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<inline> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> (SQ <'a\\nb\\n'>)}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'for x in a b c d\n'> <'\t\t\t   do\n'> <'\t\t\t\tcase "$x" in\n'> 
                    <'\t\t\t\t     a);; b);; c) set -n;; d);;\n'> <'\t\t\t\tesac\n'> <'\t\t\t\tprintf "%s\\n" "$x"\n'> <'\t\t\t   done'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              left: <Id.Op_LParen _>
                  children: [
                          blame_tok: <sleep>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<sleep>} {<10>}]
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                      terminator: <Id.Op_Amp _>
                          blame_tok: <sleep>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<sleep>} {<1>}]
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                      terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _>
                          blame_tok: <kill>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<kill>} {<-USR1>} {($ Id.VSub_Bang '!')}]
                          redirects: []
                          do_fork: T
                      terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _>
                      blame_tok: <wait>
                      more_env: []
                      words: [{<wait>} {($ Id.VSub_Bang '!')}]
                      redirects: []
                      do_fork: T
              right: <Id.Right_Subshell _>
              redirects: []
              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'XIT='>
              pairs: [
                  left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'XIT='>
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'XIT='> name:XIT)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_QMark '?'))}
              redirects: []
              case_kw: <Id.KW_Case case>
              to_match: (case_arg.Word w:{(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name XIT))})
              arms_start: <Id.KW_In in>
              arms: [
                  left: <Id.Op_LParen _>
                      words: [
                        {<1> <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> <3-9> <Id.Lit_RBracket ']'> <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> 
                          <0-9> <Id.Lit_RBracket ']'>
                        {<2> <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> <0-4> <Id.Lit_RBracket ']'> <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> 
                          <0-9> <Id.Lit_RBracket ']'>
                        {<25> <Id.Lit_LBracket '['> <0-5> <Id.Lit_RBracket ']'>}
                  middle: <Id.Right_CasePat _>
                  action: [
                      blame_tok: <atf_check>
                      more_env: []
                      words: [
                        {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> (${ Id.VSub_Name XIT)}
                        {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                          (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\t\ttrap "set -n" USR1\n'> 
                            <'\t\t\t{ sleep 1; kill -USR1 $$; sleep 1; } &\n'> <'\t\t\tfalse\n'> <'\t\t\twait && echo t || echo f\n'> <'\t\t\twait\n'> <'\t\t\techo foo\n'> <'\t\t'>
                      redirects: []
                      do_fork: T
                  right: <Id.Op_DSemi _>
              arms_end: <Id.KW_Esac esac>
              redirects: []
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_u>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_u_head>
      name: set_u_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -u\' turns on unset var detection '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_u_body>
      name: set_u_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<u>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset _UNSET_VARIABLE_; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset _UNSET_VARIABLE_; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; echo ${X}; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; printf "%s" ${X-OK}; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X}; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo "${X}"; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X-GOOD}; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X-OK}'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X+ERR}; echo OK'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X#foo}; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; set -u; echo ${X%%bar}; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; echo ${X?}; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <X_NOT_SET>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'unset X; echo ${X?X_NOT_SET}; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_v>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_v_head>
      name: set_v_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -v\' turns on input read echoing '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_v_body>
      name: set_v_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<v>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'printf "%s" OK; set -v; echo OK; exit 0'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <cat>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<cat>}]
                  redirects: [
                      op: <Id.Redir_DLessDash '<<-'>
                      loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0)
                          here_begin: {(SQ <EOF>)}
                          here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''>
                          stdin_parts: [<'set -v\n'> <'printf %s OK\n'> <'echo OK\n'> <'exit 0\n'>]
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_check>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <set>}
                    {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _>]
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <cat>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<cat>}]
                  redirects: [
                      op: <Id.Redir_DLessDash '<<-'>
                      loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0)
                          here_begin: {(SQ <EOF>)}
                          here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''>
                          stdin_parts: [
                            <'set -v\n'>
                            <'printf %s OK\n'>
                            <'set +v\n'>
                            <'echo OK\n'>
                            <'exit 0\n'>
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_check>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                    {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _>]
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <cat>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<cat>}]
                  redirects: [
                      op: <Id.Redir_DLessDash '<<-'>
                      loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0)
                          here_begin: {(SQ <EOF>)}
                          here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''>
                          stdin_parts: [
                            <'set -v\n'>
                            <'for i in 111 222 333\n'>
                            <'printf %s $i\n'>
                            <'exit 0\n'>
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_check>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111222333>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_For for>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Do do>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Done done>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111>}
                    {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111222>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_For for>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Do do>}
                    {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Done done>}
                    {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_Pipe _>]
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<set_x>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <set_x_head>
      name: set_x_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'set -x\' turns on command exec logging '>)}
                {(DQ <'and that it behaves as defined by the standard'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <set_x_body>
      name: set_x_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<x>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'printf "%s" OK; set -x; echo OK; exit 0'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'set -x; printf "%s" OK; set +x; echo OK; exit 0'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OK>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Run> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <echo>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'PS4=Run:; set -x; echo OK; exit 0'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
            (command.ControlFlow keyword:<Id.ControlFlow_Return return> arg_word:{<0>})
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111222333>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_For for>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <printf>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <111222>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_For for>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Do do>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <Id.KW_Done done>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'set -x; for i in 111 222 333; do printf "%s" $i; done; echo; exit 0'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <opt_test_setup>
      name: opt_test_setup
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<test>} {<-n>} {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_Number 1))}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
                  children: [
                          blame_tok: <echo>
                          more_env: []
                          words: [{<echo>} {(DQ <'Internal error'>)}]
                          redirects: [
                              op: <Id.Redir_GreatAnd '>&'>
                              loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:1)
                              arg: {<2>}
                          do_fork: T
                      terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _>
                      child: (command.ControlFlow keyword:<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{<1>})
                      terminator: <Id.Op_Semi _>
                  redirects: []
                  right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              blame_tok: <cat>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<cat>}]
              redirects: [
                  op: <Id.Redir_Great '>'>
                  loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:1)
                  arg: {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_Number 1))}
                  op: <Id.Redir_DLess '<<'>
                  loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:0)
                      here_begin: {(SQ <END_OF_FUNCTIONS>)}
                      here_end_tok: <Id.Undefined_Tok ''>
                      stdin_parts: [
                        <'\tlocal -\n'>
                        <'\texpr "$2" : "\\(.*$1\\)" >/dev/null\n'>
                        <'\tlocal -\n'>
                        <'\tset -e\n'>
                        <'\tset -u\n'>
                        <'\tinstr e "$-" && instr u "$-" && return 0\n'>
                        <'\techo ERR\n'>
                        <'\tset -e\n'>
                        <'\tset -u\n'>
                        <'\tinstr e "$-" && instr u "$-" && return 0\n'>
                        <'\techo ERR\n'>
                        <'\tset +eu\n'>
                        <'\tinstr \'[eu]\' "$-" || printf %s "OK"\n'>
                        <'\tinstr e "$-" && instr u "$-" && printf %s "OK"\n'>
                        <'\tset +eu\n'>
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<restore_local_opts>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <restore_local_opts_head>
      name: restore_local_opts_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that \'local -\' saves and restores options.  '>)}
                {(DQ <'Note that '>) <local> (DQ <' is a local shell addition'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <restore_local_opts_body>
      name: restore_local_opts_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<cat>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_require_prog>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_require_prog>} {<expr>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'FN='>
              pairs: [
                  left: <Id.Lit_VarLike 'FN='>
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name left:<Id.Lit_VarLike 'FN='> name:FN)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: {(DQ <test-funcs.> ($ Id.VSub_Dollar '$'))}
              redirects: []
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <opt_test_setup>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<opt_test_setup>} {(DQ (${ Id.VSub_Name FN))}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<atf_skip>} {(DQ <'Cannot setup test environment'>)}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <Id.Left_DollarBrace '${'>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                    {(DQ <'. \'./'> (${ Id.VSub_Name FN) <'\'; local_opt_check'>)}
                  redirects: [
                      op: <Id.Redir_Great '2>'>
                      loc: (redir_loc.Fd fd:2)
                      arg: {<'/dev/null'>}
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {(DQ <'sh extension \'local -\' not supported by '> (${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH))}
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {<match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <OKOK>}
                {<not-match> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <ERR>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(DQ <'. \'./'> (${ Id.VSub_Name FN) <'\'; local_test'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<vi_emacs_VE_toggle>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <vi_emacs_VE_toggle_head>
      name: vi_emacs_VE_toggle_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests enabling vi disables emacs (and v.v - but why?)'>)}
                {(DQ <'  Note that -V and -E are local shell additions'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <vi_emacs_VE_toggle_body>
      name: vi_emacs_VE_toggle_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test_optional_on_off>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<test_optional_on_off>} {<V>} {<E>}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <atf_skip>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [
                    {(DQ <'One or both V & E opts unsupported by '> (${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH))}
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<Id.ControlFlow_Exit exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                  (SQ <'\n'> <'\t\tq() {\n'> <'\t\t\teval "case \\"$-\\" in\n'> 
                    <'\t\t\t(*${2}*)\treturn 1;;\n'> <'\t\t\t(*${1}*)\treturn 0;;\n'> <'\t\t\tesac"\n'> <'\t\t\treturn 1\n'> <'\t\t}\n'> <'\t\tx() {\n'> 
                    <'\t\t\techo >&2 "Option set or toggle failure:" \\\n'> <'\t\t\t\t\t" on=$1 off=$2 set=$-"\n'> <'\t\t\texit 1\n'> <'\t\t}\n'> <'\t\tset -V; q V E || x V E\n'> 
                    <'\t\tset -E; q E V || x E V\n'> <'\t\tset -V; q V E || x V E\n'> <'\t\tset +EV; q "" "[VE]" || x "" VE\n'> <'\t\texit 0\n'> <'\t'>
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<xx_bogus>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <xx_bogus_head>
      name: xx_bogus_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {(DQ <descr>)}
                {(DQ <'Tests that attempting to set a nonsense option fails.'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <xx_bogus_body>
      name: xx_bogus_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_check>
              more_env: []
              words: [
                {<not-exit> <Id.Lit_Colon ':'> <0>}
                {(${ Id.VSub_Name TEST_SH)}
                {(SQ <'set -% ; echo ERR'>)}
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      blame_tok: <atf_test_case>
      more_env: []
      words: [{<atf_test_case>} {<Option_switching>}]
      redirects: []
      do_fork: T
      name_tok: <Option_switching_head>
      name: Option_switching_head
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_set>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_set>} {(DQ <descr>)} {(DQ <'options can be enabled and disabled'>)}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <Option_switching_body>
      name: Option_switching_body
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<a>} {<b>} {<C>} {<e>} {<f>} {<h>} {<u>} {<v>} {<x>}]
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              do_fork: T
              children: [
                  blame_tok: <test_optional_on_off>
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                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
                  blame_tok: <true>
                  more_env: []
                  words: [{<true>}]
                  redirects: []
                  do_fork: T
              ops: [<Id.Op_DPipe _>]
              blame_tok: <test_option_on_off>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<test_option_on_off>} {<aeu>} {<vx>} {<Ca>} {<aCefux>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>
      name_tok: <atf_init_test_cases>
      name: atf_init_test_cases
          left: <Id.Lit_LBrace '{'>
          children: [
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<Option_switching>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<restore_local_opts>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
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              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_a>}]
              redirects: []
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              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_C>}]
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              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_e>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_f>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_n>}]
              redirects: []
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              more_env: []
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              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_v>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<set_x>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<vi_emacs_VE_toggle>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
              blame_tok: <atf_add_test_case>
              more_env: []
              words: [{<atf_add_test_case>} {<xx_bogus>}]
              redirects: []
              do_fork: T
          redirects: []
          right: <Id.Lit_RBrace '}'>