#!/bin/sh setvar srcversion = ''$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/Build.sh,v 1.697 2016/03/04 18:28:39 tg Exp $'' #- # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, # 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 # mirabilos # # Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices # are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission # is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un- # limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify, # merge, give away, or sublicence. # # This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to # the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor # implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event # may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect, # direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out # of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such # damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out # of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended. #- # People analysing the output must whitelist conftest.c for any kind # of compiler warning checks (mirtoconf is by design not quiet). # # Used environment documentation is at the end of this file. setvar LC_ALL = 'C' export LC_ALL case (ZSH_VERSION) { :zsh* { setvar ZSH_VERSION = '2' } } if test -n ${ZSH_VERSION+x} && shell {emulate sh} >/dev/null 2>&1 { emulate sh setvar NULLCMD = ':' } if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin/. >/dev/null 2>&1 { # Solaris: some of the tools have weird behaviour, use portable ones setvar PATH = "/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH" export PATH } setvar nl = '' '' setvar safeIFS = '' '' setvar safeIFS = "" $safeIFS$nl"" setvar IFS = "$safeIFS" setvar allu = 'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM' setvar alll = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' setvar alln = '0123456789' setvar alls = '______________________________________________________________' proc genopt_die { if test -n $1 { echo >&2 "E: $[join(ARGV)]>&2 "E: $*" echo >&2 "E: in '$srcfile': '$line'>&2 "E: in '$srcfile': '$line'" } else { echo >&2 "E: invalid input in '$srcfile': '$line'>&2 "E: invalid input in '$srcfile': '$line'" } rm -f "$bn.gen" exit 1 } proc genopt_soptc { setvar optc = $(echo $line | sed 's/^[<>]\(.\).*$/\1/) test x"$optc" = x'|' && return setvar optclo = $(echo $optc | tr $allu $alll) if test x"$optc" = x"$optclo" { setvar islo = '1' } else { setvar islo = '0' } setvar sym = $(echo $line | sed 's/^[<>]/|/) setvar o_str = "$o_str$nl"<$optclo$islo$sym"" } proc genopt_scond { case{ x { setvar cond = '' } x*' '* { setvar cond = $(echo $cond | sed 's/^ //) setvar cond = ""#if $cond"" } x'!'* { setvar cond = $(echo $cond | sed 's/^!//) setvar cond = ""#ifndef $cond"" } x* { setvar cond = ""#ifdef $cond"" } } } proc do_genopt { setvar srcfile = "$1" test -f $srcfile || genopt_die Source file '$'srcfile not set. setvar bn = $(basename $srcfile | sed 's/.opt$//) setvar o_hdr = ''/* +++ GENERATED FILE +++ DO NOT EDIT +++ */'' setvar o_gen = '' setvar o_str = '' setvar o_sym = '' setvar ddefs = '' setvar state = '0' exec <"$srcfile" setvar IFS = '''' while IFS= read line { setvar IFS = "$safeIFS" case (state) { 2:'|'* { # end of input setvar o_sym = $(echo $line | sed 's/^.//) setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#undef F0"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#undef FN"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$ddefs" setvar state = '3' } 1:@@ { # begin of data block setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#endif"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#ifndef F0"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#define F0 FN"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#endif"" setvar state = '2' } *:@@* { genopt_die } 0:/\*-|0:\ \**|0: { setvar o_hdr = "$o_hdr$nl$line" } 0:@*|1:@* { # begin of a definition block setvar sym = $(echo $line | sed 's/^@//) if test $state = 0 { setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#if defined($sym)"" } else { setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#elif defined($sym)"" } setvar ddefs = ""$ddefs$nl#undef $sym"" setvar state = '1' } 0:*|3:* { genopt_die } 1:* { # definition line setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl$line" } 2:'<'*'|'* { genopt_soptc } 2:'>'*'|'* { genopt_soptc setvar cond = $(echo $line | sed 's/^[^|]*|//) genopt_scond case (optc) { '|' { setvar optc = '0' } * { setvar optc = "'''$optc'''" } }'' IFS= read line || genopt_die Unexpected EOF setvar IFS = "$safeIFS" test -n $cond && setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"$cond"" setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"$line, $optc)"" test -n $cond && setvar o_gen = "$o_gen$nl"#endif"" } } } case (state) { 3: { genopt_die Expected optc sym at EOF } 3:* { } * { genopt_die Missing EOF marker } } echo $o_str | sort' | while IFS='|'' read x opts cond { setvar IFS = "$safeIFS" test -n $x || continue genopt_scond test -n $cond && echo $cond echo "\"$opts\"" test -n $cond && echo "#endif" } | do { echo $o_hdr echo "#ifndef $o_sym$o_gen" echo "#else" cat echo "#undef $o_sym" echo "#endif" } >"$bn.gen" setvar IFS = "$safeIFS" return 0 } if test x"$BUILDSH_RUN_GENOPT" = x"1" { set x -G $srcfile shift } if test x"$1" = x"-G" { do_genopt $2 exit $? } echo "For the build logs, demonstrate that /dev/null and /dev/tty exist:" ls -l /dev/null /dev/tty proc v { $e "$[join(ARGV)]" eval @ARGV } proc vv { setvar _c = "$1" shift $e "\$ $[join(ARGV)]" 2>&1 eval @ARGV >vv.out 2>&1 sed "s^${_c} " $fd...$ao $ui$fr$ao$fx" setvar fx = '' } # ac_cache label: sets f, fu, fv?=0 proc ac_cache { setvar f = "$1" setvar fu = $(upper $f) eval fv='$'HAVE_$fu case (fv) { 0|1 { setvar fx = '' (cached)'' return 0 } } setvar fv = '0' return 1 } # ac_testinit label [!] checkif[!]0 [setlabelifcheckis[!]0] useroutput # returns 1 if value was cached/implied, 0 otherwise: call ac_testdone proc ac_testinit { if ac_cache $1 { test x"$2" = x"!" && shift test x"$2" = x"" || shift setvar fd = ${3-$f} ac_testdone return 1 } setvar fc = '0' if test x"$2" = x"" { setvar ft = '1' } else { if test x"$2" = x"!" { setvar fc = '1' shift } eval ft='$'HAVE_$(upper $2) shift } setvar fd = ${3-$f} if test $fc = $ft { setvar fv = "$2" setvar fx = '' (implied)'' ac_testdone return 1 } $e ... $fd return 0 } # pipe .c | ac_test[n] [!] label [!] checkif[!]0 [setlabelifcheckis[!]0] useroutput proc ac_testnnd { if test x"$1" = x"!" { setvar fr = '1' shift } else { setvar fr = '0' } ac_testinit @ARGV || return 1 cat >conftest.c vv ']' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN conftest.c $LIBS $ccpr" test $tcfn = no && test -f a.out && setvar tcfn = 'a.out' test $tcfn = no && test -f a.exe && setvar tcfn = 'a.exe' test $tcfn = no && test -f conftest.exe && setvar tcfn = 'conftest.exe' test $tcfn = no && test -f conftest && setvar tcfn = 'conftest' if test -f $tcfn { test 1 = $fr || setvar fv = '1' } else { test 0 = $fr || setvar fv = '1' } setvar vscan = '' if test $phase = u { test $ct = gcc && setvar vscan = ''unrecogni[sz]ed'' test $ct = hpcc && setvar vscan = ''unsupported'' test $ct = pcc && setvar vscan = ''unsupported'' test $ct = sunpro && setvar vscan = ''-e ignored -e turned.off'' } test -n $vscan && grep $vscan vv.out >/dev/null 2>&1 && setvar fv = "$fr" return 0 } proc ac_testn { ac_testnnd @ARGV || return rmf conftest.c conftest.o ${tcfn}* vv.out ac_testdone } # ac_ifcpp cppexpr [!] label [!] checkif[!]0 [setlabelifcheckis[!]0] useroutput proc ac_ifcpp { setvar expr = "$1"; shift ac_testn @ARGV <<< """ #include extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); int main(void) { return (isatty(0) + #$expr 0 #else /* force a failure: expr is false */ thiswillneverbedefinedIhope() #endif ); } """ test x"$1" = x"!" && shift setvar f = "$1" setvar fu = $(upper $f) eval fv='$'HAVE_$fu test x"$fv" = x"1" } proc add_cppflags { setvar CPPFLAGS = ""$CPPFLAGS $[join(ARGV)]"" } proc ac_cppflags { test x"$1" = x"" || setvar fu = "$1" setvar fv = "$2" test x"$2" = x"" && eval fv='$'HAVE_$fu add_cppflags -DHAVE_$fu=$fv } proc ac_test { ac_testn @ARGV ac_cppflags } # ac_flags [-] add varname cflags [text] [ldflags] proc ac_flags { if test x"$1" = x"-" { shift setvar hf = '1' } else { setvar hf = '0' } setvar fa = "$1" setvar vn = "$2" setvar f = "$3" setvar ft = "$4" setvar fl = "$5" test x"$ft" = x"" && setvar ft = ""if $f can be used"" setvar save_CFLAGS = "$CFLAGS" setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS $f"" if test -n $fl { setvar save_LDFLAGS = "$LDFLAGS" setvar LDFLAGS = ""$LDFLAGS $fl"" } if test 1 = $hf { ac_testn can_$vn '' $ft } else { ac_testn can_$vn '' $ft <<< ''' /* evil apo'stroph in comment test */ #include int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } ''' } eval fv='$'HAVE_CAN_$(upper $vn) if test -n $fl { test 11 = $fa$fv || setvar LDFLAGS = "$save_LDFLAGS" } test 11 = $fa$fv || setvar CFLAGS = "$save_CFLAGS" } # ac_header [!] header [prereq ...] proc ac_header { if test x"$1" = x"!" { setvar na = '1' shift } else { setvar na = '0' } setvar hf = "$1"; shift setvar hv = $(echo $hf | tr -d '\012\015' | tr -c $alll$allu$alln $alls) echo "/* NeXTstep bug workaround */" for i in @ARGV { case (i) { _time { echo '#if HAVE_BOTH_TIME_H' >>x echo '#include ' >>x echo '#include ' >>x echo '#elif HAVE_SYS_TIME_H' >>x echo '#include ' >>x echo '#elif HAVE_TIME_H' >>x echo '#include ' >>x echo '#endif' >>x } * { echo "#include <$i>" >>x } } } echo "#include <$hf>" >>x echo '#include ' >>x echo 'int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); }' >>x ac_testn $hv "" "<$hf>" &2 Source directory should not contain space or tab or newline.>&2 Source directory should not contain space or tab or newline. echo >&2 Errors may occur.>&2 Errors may occur. } *"'"* { echo Source directory must not contain single quotes. exit 1 } } setvar dstversion = $(sed -n '/define MKSH_VERSION/s/^.*"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/p' "$srcdir/sh.h) add_cppflags -DMKSH_BUILDSH setvar e = 'echo' setvar r = '0' setvar eq = '0' setvar pm = '0' setvar cm = 'normal' setvar optflags = '-std-compile-opts' setvar check_categories = '' setvar last = '' setvar tfn = '' setvar legacy = '0'for i in @ARGV { case (last) { c:combine|c:dragonegg|c:llvm|c:lto { setvar cm = "$i" setvar last = '' } c:* { echo "$me: Unknown option -c '$i'!" >&2 exit 1 } o:* { setvar optflags = "$i" setvar last = '' } t:* { setvar tfn = "$i" setvar last = '' } :-c { setvar last = 'c' } :-G { echo "$me: Do not call me with '-G'!" >&2 exit 1 } :-g { # checker, debug, valgrind build add_cppflags -DDEBUG setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS -g3 -fno-builtin"" } :-j { setvar pm = '1' } :-L { setvar legacy = '1' } :+L { setvar legacy = '0' } :-M { setvar cm = 'makefile' } :-O { setvar optflags = '-std-compile-opts' } :-o { setvar last = 'o' } :-Q { setvar eq = '1' } :-r { setvar r = '1' } :-t { setvar last = 't' } :-v { echo "Build.sh $srcversion" echo "for mksh $dstversion" exit 0 } :* { echo "$me: Unknown option '$i'!" >&2 exit 1 } * { echo "$me: Unknown option -'$last' '$i'!" >&2 exit 1 } } } if test -n $last { echo "$me: Option -'$last' not followed by argument!" >&2 exit 1 } test -z $tfn && if test $legacy = 0 { setvar tfn = 'mksh' } else { setvar tfn = 'lksh' } if test -d $tfn || test -d $tfn.exe { echo "$me: Error: ./$tfn is a directory!" >&2 exit 1 } rmf a.exe* a.out* conftest.c conftest.exe* *core core.* ${tfn}* *.bc *.dbg \ *.ll *.o *.gen Rebuild.sh lft no signames.inc test.sh x vv.out setvar SRCS = ""lalloc.c eval.c exec.c expr.c funcs.c histrap.c jobs.c"" setvar SRCS = ""$SRCS lex.c main.c misc.c shf.c syn.c tree.c var.c"" if test $legacy = 0 { setvar SRCS = ""$SRCS edit.c"" setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories shell:legacy-no int:32"" } else { setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories shell:legacy-yes"" add_cppflags -DMKSH_LEGACY_MODE setvar HAVE_PERSISTENT_HISTORY = '0' setvar HAVE_ISSET_MKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS = '1' # from sh.h } if test x"$srcdir" = x"." { setvar CPPFLAGS = ""-I. $CPPFLAGS"" } else { setvar CPPFLAGS = ""-I. -I'$srcdir' $CPPFLAGS"" } test -n $LDSTATIC && if test -n $LDFLAGS { setvar LDFLAGS = ""$LDFLAGS $LDSTATIC"" } else { setvar LDFLAGS = "$LDSTATIC" } if test -z $TARGET_OS { setvar x = $(uname -s 2>/dev/null || uname) test x"$x" = x"$(uname -n )" || setvar TARGET_OS = "$x" } if test -z $TARGET_OS { echo "$me: Set TARGET_OS, your uname is broken!" >&2 exit 1 } setvar oswarn = '' setvar ccpc = "-Wc," setvar ccpl = "-Wl," setvar tsts = '' setvar ccpr = ''|| for _f in ${tcfn}*; do case $_f in Build.sh|check.pl|check.t|dot.mkshrc|*.1|*.c|*.h|*.ico|*.opt) ;; *) rm -f "$_f" ;; esac; done'' # Evil hack if test x"$TARGET_OS" = x"Android" { setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories android"" setvar TARGET_OS = 'Linux' } # Evil OS if test x"$TARGET_OS" = x"Minix" { echo >&2 " WARNING: additional checks before running Build.sh required! You can avoid these by calling Build.sh correctly, see below. >&2 " WARNING: additional checks before running Build.sh required! You can avoid these by calling Build.sh correctly, see below. " cat >conftest.c <<< ''' #include const char * #ifdef _NETBSD_SOURCE ct="Ninix3" #else ct="Minix3" #endif ; ''' setvar ct = 'unknown' vv ']' "${CC-cc} -E $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN conftest.c | grep ct= | tr -d \\\\015 >x" sed 's/^/[ /' x eval $(cat x) rmf x vv.out case (ct) { Minix3|Ninix3 { echo >&2 " Warning: you set TARGET_OS to $TARGET_OS but that is ambiguous. Please set it to either Minix3 or Ninix3, whereas the latter is all versions of Minix with even partial NetBSD(R) userland. The value determined from your compiler for the current compilation (which may be wrong) is: $ct >&2 " Warning: you set TARGET_OS to $TARGET_OS but that is ambiguous. Please set it to either Minix3 or Ninix3, whereas the latter is all versions of Minix with even partial NetBSD(R) userland. The value determined from your compiler for the current compilation (which may be wrong) is: $ct " setvar TARGET_OS = "$ct" } * { echo >&2 " Warning: you set TARGET_OS to $TARGET_OS but that is ambiguous. Please set it to either Minix3 or Ninix3, whereas the latter is all versions of Minix with even partial NetBSD(R) userland. The proper value couldn't be determined, continue at your own risk. >&2 " Warning: you set TARGET_OS to $TARGET_OS but that is ambiguous. Please set it to either Minix3 or Ninix3, whereas the latter is all versions of Minix with even partial NetBSD(R) userland. The proper value couldn't be determined, continue at your own risk. " } } } # Configuration depending on OS revision, on OSes that need them case (TARGET_OS) { NEXTSTEP { test x"$TARGET_OSREV" = x"" && setvar TARGET_OSREV = $(hostinfo 2>&1 | \ grep 'NeXT Mach [0-9][0-9.]*:' | \ sed 's/^.*NeXT Mach \([0-9][0-9.]*\):.*$/\1/) } QNX|SCO_SV { test x"$TARGET_OSREV" = x"" && setvar TARGET_OSREV = $(uname -r) } } # Configuration depending on OS name case (TARGET_OS) { 386BSD { : ${HAVE_CAN_OTWO=0} add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_SIGSETJMP add_cppflags -DMKSH_TYPEDEF_SIG_ATOMIC_T=int add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS } AIX { add_cppflags -D_ALL_SOURCE : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } BeOS { case (KSH_VERSION) { *MIRBSD\ KSH* { setvar oswarn = ""; it has minor issues"" } * { setvar oswarn = ""; you must recompile mksh with"" setvar oswarn = ""$oswarn${nl}itself in a second stage"" } } # BeOS has no real tty either add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED add_cppflags -DMKSH_DISABLE_TTY_WARNING # BeOS doesn't have different UIDs and GIDs add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_SETEUGID } BSD/OS { : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } Coherent { setvar oswarn = ""; it has major issues"" add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_SYMLINK setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories nosymlink"" add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_SETEUGID add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS add_cppflags -DMKSH_DISABLE_TTY_WARNING } CYGWIN* { : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } Darwin { add_cppflags -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE } DragonFly { } FreeBSD { } FreeMiNT { setvar oswarn = ""; it has minor issues"" add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } GNU { case (CC) { *tendracc* { } * { add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE } } add_cppflags -DSETUID_CAN_FAIL_WITH_EAGAIN # define MKSH__NO_PATH_MAX to use Hurd-only functions add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_PATH_MAX } GNU/kFreeBSD { case (CC) { *tendracc* { } * { add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE } } add_cppflags -DSETUID_CAN_FAIL_WITH_EAGAIN } Haiku { add_cppflags -DMKSH_ASSUME_UTF8; setvar HAVE_ISSET_MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 = '1' } HP-UX { } Interix { setvar ccpc = ''-X '' setvar ccpl = ''-Y '' add_cppflags -D_ALL_SOURCE : ${LIBS=-lcrypt} : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } IRIX* { : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } Linux { case (CC) { *tendracc* { } * { add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE } } add_cppflags -DSETUID_CAN_FAIL_WITH_EAGAIN : ${HAVE_REVOKE=0} } LynxOS { setvar oswarn = ""; it has minor issues"" } MidnightBSD { } Minix-vmd { add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_SETEUGID add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS add_cppflags -D_MINIX_SOURCE setvar oldish_ed = 'no-stderr-ed' # no /bin/ed, maybe see below : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } Minix3 { add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_LIMITS add_cppflags -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_POSIX_1_SOURCE=2 -D_MINIX setvar oldish_ed = 'no-stderr-ed' # /usr/bin/ed(!) is broken : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } MirBSD { } MSYS_* { add_cppflags -DMKSH_ASSUME_UTF8=0; setvar HAVE_ISSET_MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 = '1' # almost same as CYGWIN* (from RT|Chatzilla) : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} # broken on this OE (from ir0nh34d) : ${HAVE_STDINT_H=0} } NetBSD { } NEXTSTEP { add_cppflags -D_NEXT_SOURCE add_cppflags -D_POSIX_SOURCE : ${AWK=gawk} : ${CC=cc -posix} add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_SIGSETJMP # NeXTstep cannot get a controlling tty add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED case (TARGET_OSREV) { 4.2* { # OpenStep 4.2 is broken by default setvar oswarn = ""; it needs libposix.a"" } } add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS } Ninix3 { # similar to Minix3 add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_LIMITS # but no idea what else could be needed setvar oswarn = ""; it has unknown issues"" } OpenBSD { : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } OS/2 { setvar HAVE_TERMIOS_H = '0' setvar HAVE_MKNOD = '0' # setmode() incompatible setvar oswarn = ""; it is currently being ported"" setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories nosymlink"" : ${CC=gcc} : ${SIZE=: size} add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED add_cppflags -DMKSH_NOPROSPECTOFWORK } OSF1 { setvar HAVE_SIG_T = '0' # incompatible add_cppflags -D_OSF_SOURCE add_cppflags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L add_cppflags -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 add_cppflags -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } Plan9 { add_cppflags -D_POSIX_SOURCE add_cppflags -D_LIMITS_EXTENSION add_cppflags -D_BSD_EXTENSION add_cppflags -D_SUSV2_SOURCE add_cppflags -DMKSH_ASSUME_UTF8; setvar HAVE_ISSET_MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 = '1' add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_CMDLINE_EDITING add_cppflags -DMKSH__NO_SETEUGID setvar oswarn = '' and will currently not work'' add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED # this is for detecting kencc add_cppflags -DMKSH_MAYBE_KENCC } PW32* { setvar HAVE_SIG_T = '0' # incompatible setvar oswarn = '' and will currently not work'' : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } QNX { add_cppflags -D__NO_EXT_QNX add_cppflags -D__EXT_UNIX_MISC case (TARGET_OSREV) { [012345].*|6.[0123].*|6.4.[01] { setvar oldish_ed = 'no-stderr-ed' # oldish /bin/ed is broken } } : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } SCO_SV { case (TARGET_OSREV) { 3.2* { # SCO OpenServer 5 add_cppflags -DMKSH_UNEMPLOYED } 5* { # SCO OpenServer 6 } * { setvar oswarn = ''; this is an unknown version of'' setvar oswarn = ""$oswarn$nl$TARGET_OS ${TARGET_OSREV}, please tell me what to do"" } } add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS : "${HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST=0}${HAVE__SYS_SIGLIST=0}" } skyos { setvar oswarn = ""; it has minor issues"" } SunOS { add_cppflags -D_BSD_SOURCE add_cppflags -D__EXTENSIONS__ } syllable { add_cppflags -D_GNU_SOURCE add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_SIGSUSPEND setvar oswarn = '' and will currently not work'' } ULTRIX { : ${CC=cc -YPOSIX} add_cppflags -DMKSH_TYPEDEF_SSIZE_T=int add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } UnixWare|UNIX_SV { # SCO UnixWare add_cppflags -DMKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS : "${HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST=0}${HAVE__SYS_SIGLIST=0}" } UWIN* { setvar ccpc = ''-Yc,'' setvar ccpl = ''-Yl,'' setvar tsts = "" 3<>/dev/tty"" setvar oswarn = ""; it will compile, but the target"" setvar oswarn = ""$oswarn${nl}platform itself is very flakey/unreliable"" : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} } _svr4 { # generic target for SVR4 Unix with uname -s = uname -n # this duplicates the * target below setvar oswarn = ''; it may or may not work'' test x"$TARGET_OSREV" = x"" && setvar TARGET_OSREV = $(uname -r) } * { setvar oswarn = ''; it may or may not work'' test x"$TARGET_OSREV" = x"" && setvar TARGET_OSREV = $(uname -r) } } : ${HAVE_MKNOD=0} : "${AWK=awk}${CC=cc}${NROFF=nroff}${SIZE=size}" test 0 = $r && echo | $NROFF -v 2>&1 | grep GNU >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ echo | $NROFF -c >/dev/null 2>&1 && setvar NROFF = ""$NROFF -c"" # this aids me in tracing FTBFSen without access to the buildd $e "Hi from$ao $bi$srcversion$ao on:" case (TARGET_OS) { AIX { vv '|' "oslevel >&2" vv '|' "uname -a >&2" } Darwin { vv '|' "hwprefs machine_type os_type os_class >&2" vv '|' "sw_vers >&2" vv '|' "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType >&2" vv '|' "/bin/sh --version >&2" vv '|' "xcodebuild -version >&2" vv '|' "uname -a >&2" vv '|' "sysctl kern.version hw.machine hw.model hw.memsize hw.availcpu hw.cpufrequency hw.byteorder hw.cpu64bit_capable >&2" } IRIX* { vv '|' "uname -a >&2" vv '|' "hinv -v >&2" } OSF1 { vv '|' "uname -a >&2" vv '|' "/usr/sbin/sizer -v >&2" } SCO_SV|UnixWare|UNIX_SV { vv '|' "uname -a >&2" vv '|' "uname -X >&2" } * { vv '|' "uname -a >&2" } } test -z $oswarn || echo >&2 " Warning: mksh has not yet been ported to or tested on your operating system '$TARGET_OS'$oswarn. If you can provide a shell account to the developer, this may improve; please drop us a success or failure notice or even send in diffs. >&2 " Warning: mksh has not yet been ported to or tested on your operating system '$TARGET_OS'$oswarn. If you can provide a shell account to the developer, this may improve; please drop us a success or failure notice or even send in diffs. " $e "$bi$me: Building the MirBSD Korn Shell$ao $ui$dstversion$ao on $TARGET_OS ${TARGET_OSREV}..." # # Begin of mirtoconf checks # $e $bi$me: Scanning for functions... please ignore any errors.$ao # # Compiler: which one? # # notes: # - ICC defines __GNUC__ too # - GCC defines __hpux too # - LLVM+clang defines __GNUC__ too # - nwcc defines __GNUC__ too setvar CPP = ""$CC -E"" $e ... which compiler seems to be used cat >conftest.c <<< ''' const char * #if defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) ct="icc" #elif defined(__xlC__) || defined(__IBMC__) ct="xlc" #elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) ct="sunpro" #elif defined(__ACK__) ct="ack" #elif defined(__BORLANDC__) ct="bcc" #elif defined(__WATCOMC__) ct="watcom" #elif defined(__MWERKS__) ct="metrowerks" #elif defined(__HP_cc) ct="hpcc" #elif defined(__DECC) || (defined(__osf__) && !defined(__GNUC__)) ct="dec" #elif defined(__PGI) ct="pgi" #elif defined(__DMC__) ct="dmc" #elif defined(_MSC_VER) ct="msc" #elif defined(__ADSPBLACKFIN__) || defined(__ADSPTS__) || defined(__ADSP21000__) ct="adsp" #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) ct="iar" #elif defined(SDCC) ct="sdcc" #elif defined(__PCC__) ct="pcc" #elif defined(__TenDRA__) ct="tendra" #elif defined(__TINYC__) ct="tcc" #elif defined(__llvm__) && defined(__clang__) ct="clang" #elif defined(__NWCC__) ct="nwcc" #elif defined(__GNUC__) ct="gcc" #elif defined(_COMPILER_VERSION) ct="mipspro" #elif defined(__sgi) ct="mipspro" #elif defined(__hpux) || defined(__hpua) ct="hpcc" #elif defined(__ultrix) ct="ucode" #elif defined(__USLC__) ct="uslc" #elif defined(__LCC__) ct="lcc" #elif defined(MKSH_MAYBE_KENCC) /* and none of the above matches */ ct="kencc" #else ct="unknown" #endif ; const char * #if defined(__KLIBC__) && !defined(__OS2__) et="klibc" #else et="unknown" #endif ; ''' setvar ct = 'untested' setvar et = 'untested' vv ']' "$CPP $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN conftest.c | \ sed -n '/^ *[ce]t *= */s/^ *\([ce]t\) *= */\1=/p' | tr -d \\\\015 >x" sed 's/^/[ /' x eval $(cat x) rmf x vv.out cat >conftest.c <<< ''' #include int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } ''' case (ct) { ack { # work around "the famous ACK const bug" setvar CPPFLAGS = ""-Dconst= $CPPFLAGS"" } adsp { echo >&2 'Warning: Analog Devices C++ compiler for Blackfin, TigerSHARC and SHARC (21000) DSPs detected. This compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 'Warning: Analog Devices C++ compiler for Blackfin, TigerSHARC and SHARC (21000) DSPs detected. This compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.' } bcc { echo >&2 "Warning: Borland C++ Builder detected. This compiler might produce broken executables. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 "Warning: Borland C++ Builder detected. This compiler might produce broken executables. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers." } clang { # does not work with current "ccc" compiler driver vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -version" # one of these two works, for now vv '|' "${CLANG-clang} -version" vv '|' "${CLANG-clang} --version" # ensure compiler and linker are in sync unless overridden case (CCC_CC) { :* { } *: { setvar CCC_LD = "$CCC_CC"; export CCC_LD } } } dec { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -V" vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -Wl,-V conftest.c $LIBS" } dmc { echo >&2 "Warning: Digital Mars Compiler detected. When running under>&2 "Warning: Digital Mars Compiler detected. When running under" echo >&2 " UWIN, mksh tends to be unstable due to the limitations>&2 " UWIN, mksh tends to be unstable due to the limitations" echo >&2 " of this platform. Continue at your own risk,>&2 " of this platform. Continue at your own risk," echo >&2 " please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 " please report success/failure to the developers." } gcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -v conftest.c $LIBS" vv '|' 'echo `$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS \ -dumpmachine` gcc`$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN \ $LIBS -dumpversion`' } hpcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -V conftest.c $LIBS" } iar { echo >&2 'Warning: IAR Systems (http://www.iar.com) compiler for embedded systems detected. This unsupported compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 'Warning: IAR Systems (http://www.iar.com) compiler for embedded systems detected. This unsupported compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.' } icc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -V" } kencc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -v conftest.c $LIBS" } lcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -v conftest.c $LIBS" add_cppflags -D__inline__=__inline } metrowerks { echo >&2 'Warning: Metrowerks C compiler detected. This has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 'Warning: Metrowerks C compiler detected. This has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.' } mipspro { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -version" } msc { setvar ccpr = '' # errorlevels are not reliable case (TARGET_OS) { Interix { if [[ -n $C89_COMPILER ]] { setvar C89_COMPILER = $(ntpath2posix -c $C89_COMPILER) } else { setvar C89_COMPILER = 'CL.EXE' } if [[ -n $C89_LINKER ]] { setvar C89_LINKER = $(ntpath2posix -c $C89_LINKER) } else { setvar C89_LINKER = 'LINK.EXE' } vv '|' "$C89_COMPILER /HELP >&2" vv '|' "$C89_LINKER /LINK >&2" } } } nwcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -version" } pcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -v" } pgi { echo >&2 'Warning: PGI detected. This unknown compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 'Warning: PGI detected. This unknown compiler has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.' } sdcc { echo >&2 'Warning: sdcc (http://sdcc.sourceforge.net), the small devices C compiler for embedded systems detected. This has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.>&2 'Warning: sdcc (http://sdcc.sourceforge.net), the small devices C compiler for embedded systems detected. This has not yet been tested for compatibility with mksh. Continue at your own risk, please report success/failure to the developers.' } sunpro { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -V conftest.c $LIBS" } tcc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -v" } tendra { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -V 2>&1 | \ grep -F -i -e version -e release" } ucode { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -V" vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -Wl,-V conftest.c $LIBS" } uslc { case (TARGET_OS) { SCO_SV:3.2* { # SCO OpenServer 5 setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS -g"" : "${HAVE_CAN_OTWO=0}${HAVE_CAN_OPTIMISE=0}" } } vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -V conftest.c $LIBS" } watcom { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -v conftest.c $LIBS" } xlc { vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -qversion" vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN $LIBS -qversion=verbose" vv '|' "ld -V" } * { test x"$ct" = x"untested" && $e "!!! detecting preprocessor failed" setvar ct = 'unknown' vv "$CC --version" vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -v conftest.c $LIBS" vv '|' "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $NOWARN -V conftest.c $LIBS" } } case (cm) { dragonegg|llvm { vv '|' "llc -version" } } setvar etd = "" on $et"" case (et) { klibc { add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_LIMITS } unknown { # nothing special detected, don’t worry setvar etd = '' } * { # huh? } } $e "$bi==> which compiler seems to be used...$ao $ui$ct$etd$ao" rmf conftest.c conftest.o conftest a.out* a.exe* conftest.exe* vv.out # # Compiler: works as-is, with -Wno-error and -Werror # setvar save_NOWARN = "$NOWARN" setvar NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = '' ac_flags 0 compiler_works '' 'if the compiler works' test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_COMPILER_WORKS || exit 1 setvar HAVE_COMPILER_KNOWN = '0' test $ct = unknown || setvar HAVE_COMPILER_KNOWN = '1' if ac_ifcpp 'if 0' compiler_fails '' \ 'if the compiler does not fail correctly' { setvar save_CFLAGS = "$CFLAGS" : ${HAVE_CAN_DELEXE=x} case (ct) { dec { setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS ${ccpl}-non_shared"" ac_testn can_delexe compiler_fails 0 'for the -non_shared linker option' <<< """ #include int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } """ } dmc { setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS ${ccpl}/DELEXECUTABLE"" ac_testn can_delexe compiler_fails 0 'for the /DELEXECUTABLE linker option' <<< """ #include int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } """ } * { exit 1 } } test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_DELEXE || setvar CFLAGS = "$save_CFLAGS" ac_testn compiler_still_fails '' 'if the compiler still does not fail correctly' <<< """""" test 1 = $HAVE_COMPILER_STILL_FAILS && exit 1 } if ac_ifcpp 'ifdef __TINYC__' couldbe_tcc '!' compiler_known 0 \ 'if this could be tcc' { setvar ct = 'tcc' setvar CPP = ''cpp -D__TINYC__'' setvar HAVE_COMPILER_KNOWN = '1' } case (ct) { bcc { setvar save_NOWARN = ""${ccpc}-w"" setvar DOWARN = ""${ccpc}-w!"" } dec { # -msg_* flags not used yet, or is -w2 correct? } dmc { setvar save_NOWARN = ""${ccpc}-w"" setvar DOWARN = ""${ccpc}-wx"" } hpcc { setvar save_NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = "+We" } kencc { setvar save_NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = '' } mipspro { setvar save_NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = ""-diag_error 1-10000"" } msc { setvar save_NOWARN = ""${ccpc}/w"" setvar DOWARN = ""${ccpc}/WX"" } sunpro { test x"$save_NOWARN" = x"" && setvar save_NOWARN = ''-errwarn=%none'' ac_flags 0 errwarnnone $save_NOWARN test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_ERRWARNNONE || setvar save_NOWARN = '' ac_flags 0 errwarnall "-errwarn=%all" test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_ERRWARNALL && setvar DOWARN = ""-errwarn=%all"" } tendra { setvar save_NOWARN = '-w' } ucode { setvar save_NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = '-w2' } watcom { setvar save_NOWARN = '' setvar DOWARN = "-Wc,-we" } xlc { setvar save_NOWARN = "-qflag=i:e" setvar DOWARN = "-qflag=i:i" } * { test x"$save_NOWARN" = x"" && setvar save_NOWARN = '-Wno-error' ac_flags 0 wnoerror $save_NOWARN test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_WNOERROR || setvar save_NOWARN = '' ac_flags 0 werror -Werror test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_WERROR && setvar DOWARN = '-Werror' test $ct = icc && setvar DOWARN = ""$DOWARN -wd1419"" } } setvar NOWARN = "$save_NOWARN" # # Compiler: extra flags (-O2 -f* -W* etc.) # setvar i = $(echo :"$orig_CFLAGS" | sed 's/^://' | tr -c -d $alll$allu$alln) # optimisation: only if orig_CFLAGS is empty test x"$i" = x"" && case (ct) { hpcc { setvar phase = 'u' ac_flags 1 otwo +O2 setvar phase = 'x' } kencc|tcc|tendra { # no special optimisation } sunpro { cat >x <<< ''' #include int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } #define __IDSTRING_CONCAT(l,p) __LINTED__ ## l ## _ ## p #define __IDSTRING_EXPAND(l,p) __IDSTRING_CONCAT(l,p) #define pad void __IDSTRING_EXPAND(__LINE__,x)(void) { } ''' yes pad | head -n 256 >>x ac_flags - 1 otwo -xO2 x ac_flags - 1 stackon "${ccpc}/GZ" 'if stack checks can be enabled' #undef __attribute__ int xcopy(const void *, void *, size_t) __attribute__((__bounded__(__buffer__, 1, 3))) __attribute__((__bounded__(__buffer__, 2, 3))); int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (xcopy(av[0], av[--ac], 1)); } int xcopy(const void *s, void *d, size_t n) { /* * if memmove does not exist, we are not on a system * with GCC with __bounded__ attribute either so poo */ memmove(d, s, n); return ((int)n); } #endif ''' ac_test attribute_format '' 'for __attribute__((__format__))' <<< ''' #if defined(__TenDRA__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2)) extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); /* force a failure: TenDRA and gcc 1.42 have false positive here */ int main(void) { return (thiswillneverbedefinedIhope()); } #else #define fprintf printfoo #include #undef __attribute__ #undef fprintf extern int fprintf(FILE *, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 2, 3))); int main(int ac, char **av) { return (fprintf(stderr, "%s%d", *av, ac)); } #endif ''' ac_test attribute_noreturn '' 'for __attribute__((__noreturn__))' <<< ''' #if defined(__TenDRA__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2)) extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); /* force a failure: TenDRA and gcc 1.42 have false positive here */ int main(void) { return (thiswillneverbedefinedIhope()); } #else #include #undef __attribute__ void fnord(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); int main(void) { fnord(); } void fnord(void) { exit(0); } #endif ''' ac_test attribute_pure '' 'for __attribute__((__pure__))' <<< ''' #if defined(__TenDRA__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2)) extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); /* force a failure: TenDRA and gcc 1.42 have false positive here */ int main(void) { return (thiswillneverbedefinedIhope()); } #else #include #undef __attribute__ int foo(const char *) __attribute__((__pure__)); int main(int ac, char **av) { return (foo(av[ac - 1]) + isatty(0)); } int foo(const char *s) { return ((int)s[0]); } #endif ''' ac_test attribute_unused '' 'for __attribute__((__unused__))' <<< ''' #if defined(__TenDRA__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2)) extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); /* force a failure: TenDRA and gcc 1.42 have false positive here */ int main(void) { return (thiswillneverbedefinedIhope()); } #else #include #undef __attribute__ int main(int ac __attribute__((__unused__)), char **av __attribute__((__unused__))) { return (isatty(0)); } #endif ''' ac_test attribute_used '' 'for __attribute__((__used__))' <<< ''' #if defined(__TenDRA__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 2)) extern int thiswillneverbedefinedIhope(void); /* force a failure: TenDRA and gcc 1.42 have false positive here */ int main(void) { return (thiswillneverbedefinedIhope()); } #else #include #undef __attribute__ static const char fnord[] __attribute__((__used__)) = "42"; int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); } #endif ''' # End of tests run with -Werror setvar NOWARN = "$save_NOWARN" setvar phase = 'x' # # mksh: flavours (full/small mksh, omit certain stuff) # if ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_SMALL' isset_MKSH_SMALL '' \ "if a reduced-feature mksh is requested" { : ${HAVE_NICE=0} : ${HAVE_PERSISTENT_HISTORY=0} setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories smksh"" setvar HAVE_ISSET_MKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS = '1' # from sh.h } ac_ifcpp 'if defined(MKSH_BINSHPOSIX) || defined(MKSH_BINSHREDUCED)' \ isset_MKSH_BINSH '' 'if invoking as sh should be handled specially' && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories binsh"" ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_UNEMPLOYED' isset_MKSH_UNEMPLOYED '' \ "if mksh will be built without job control" && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories arge"" ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_NOPROSPECTOFWORK' isset_MKSH_NOPROSPECTOFWORK '' \ "if mksh will be built without job signals" && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories arge nojsig"" ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8' isset_MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 '' \ 'if the default UTF-8 mode is specified' && : ${HAVE_SETLOCALE_CTYPE=0} ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS' isset_MKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS '' \ 'if traditional/conservative fd use is requested' && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories convfds"" #ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED' isset_MKSH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED '' \ # "if deprecated features are to be omitted" && \ # check_categories="$check_categories nodeprecated" #ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_DISABLE_EXPERIMENTAL' isset_MKSH_DISABLE_EXPERIMENTAL '' \ # "if experimental features are to be omitted" && \ # check_categories="$check_categories noexperimental" ac_ifcpp 'ifdef MKSH_MIDNIGHTBSD01ASH_COMPAT' isset_MKSH_MIDNIGHTBSD01ASH_COMPAT '' \ 'if the MidnightBSD 0.1 ash compatibility mode is requested' && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories mnbsdash"" # # Environment: headers # ac_header sys/time.h sys/types.h ac_header time.h sys/types.h test "11" = "$HAVE_SYS_TIME_H$HAVE_TIME_H" || setvar HAVE_BOTH_TIME_H = '0' ac_test both_time_h '' 'whether and can both be included' <<< ''' #include #include #include #include int main(void) { struct tm tm; return ((int)sizeof(tm) + isatty(0)); } ''' ac_header sys/bsdtypes.h ac_header sys/file.h sys/types.h ac_header sys/mkdev.h sys/types.h ac_header sys/mman.h sys/types.h ac_header sys/param.h ac_header sys/resource.h sys/types.h _time ac_header sys/select.h sys/types.h ac_header sys/sysmacros.h ac_header bstring.h ac_header grp.h sys/types.h ac_header io.h ac_header libgen.h ac_header libutil.h sys/types.h ac_header paths.h ac_header stdint.h stdarg.h # include strings.h only if compatible with string.h ac_header strings.h sys/types.h string.h ac_header termios.h ac_header ulimit.h sys/types.h ac_header values.h # # Environment: definitions # echo '#include #include /* check that off_t can represent 2^63-1 correctly, thx FSF */ #define LARGE_OFF_T ((((off_t)1 << 31) << 31) - 1 + (((off_t)1 << 31) << 31)) int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721 && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1) ? 1 : -1]; int main(void) { return (isatty(0)); }' >lft.c ac_testn can_lfs '' "for large file support" #include int main(int ac, char **av) { return ((uint32_t)(size_t)*av + (int32_t)ac); } ''' ac_test can_ucbints '!' can_inttypes 1 "for UCB 32-bit integer types" <<< ''' #include #include int main(int ac, char **av) { return ((u_int32_t)(size_t)*av + (int32_t)ac); } ''' ac_test can_int8type '!' stdint_h 1 "for standard 8-bit integer type" <<< ''' #include #include int main(int ac, char **av) { return ((uint8_t)(size_t)av[ac]); } ''' ac_test can_ucbint8 '!' can_int8type 1 "for UCB 8-bit integer type" <<< ''' #include #include int main(int ac, char **av) { return ((u_int8_t)(size_t)av[ac]); } ''' ac_test rlim_t <<< ''' #include #if HAVE_BOTH_TIME_H #include #include #elif HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #elif HAVE_TIME_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H #include #endif #include int main(void) { return (((int)(rlim_t)0) + isatty(0)); } ''' # only testn: added later below ac_testn sig_t <<< ''' #include #include #include volatile sig_t foo = (sig_t)0; int main(void) { return (foo == (sig_t)0); } ''' ac_testn sighandler_t '!' sig_t 0 <<< ''' #include #include #include volatile sighandler_t foo = (sighandler_t)0; int main(void) { return (foo == (sighandler_t)0); } ''' if test 1 = $HAVE_SIGHANDLER_T { add_cppflags -Dsig_t=sighandler_t setvar HAVE_SIG_T = '1' } ac_testn __sighandler_t '!' sig_t 0 <<< ''' #include #include #include volatile __sighandler_t foo = (__sighandler_t)0; int main(void) { return (foo == (__sighandler_t)0); } ''' if test 1 = $HAVE___SIGHANDLER_T { add_cppflags -Dsig_t=__sighandler_t setvar HAVE_SIG_T = '1' } test 1 = $HAVE_SIG_T || add_cppflags -Dsig_t=nosig_t ac_cppflags SIG_T # # check whether whatever we use for the final link will succeed # if test $cm = makefile { : nothing to check } else { setvar HAVE_LINK_WORKS = 'x' ac_testinit link_works '' 'checking if the final link command may succeed' setvar fv = '1' cat >conftest.c <<< """ #define EXTERN #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" __RCSID("$srcversion"); int main(void) { printf("Hello, World!'\'n"); return (isatty(0)); } """ case (cm) { llvm { v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN -emit-llvm -c conftest.c" || setvar fv = '0' rmf $tfn.s test $fv = 0 || v "llvm-link -o - conftest.o | opt $optflags | llc -o $tfn.s" || setvar fv = '0' test $fv = 0 || v "$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o $tcfn $tfn.s $LIBS $ccpr" } dragonegg { v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN -S -flto conftest.c" || setvar fv = '0' test $fv = 0 || v "mv conftest.s conftest.ll" test $fv = 0 || v "llvm-as conftest.ll" || setvar fv = '0' rmf $tfn.s test $fv = 0 || v "llvm-link -o - conftest.bc | opt $optflags | llc -o $tfn.s" || setvar fv = '0' test $fv = 0 || v "$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o $tcfn $tfn.s $LIBS $ccpr" } combine { v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS -fwhole-program --combine $NOWARN -o $tcfn conftest.c $LIBS $ccpr" } lto|normal { setvar cm = 'normal' v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN -c conftest.c" || setvar fv = '0' test $fv = 0 || v "$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o $tcfn conftest.o $LIBS $ccpr" } } test -f $tcfn || setvar fv = '0' ac_testdone test $fv = 1 || exit 1 } # # Environment: errors and signals # test x"NetBSD" = x"$TARGET_OS" && $e Ignore the compatibility warning. ac_testn sys_errlist '' "the sys_errlist[] array and sys_nerr" <<< ''' extern const int sys_nerr; extern const char * const sys_errlist[]; extern int isatty(int); int main(void) { return (*sys_errlist[sys_nerr - 1] + isatty(0)); } ''' ac_testn _sys_errlist '!' sys_errlist 0 "the _sys_errlist[] array and _sys_nerr" <<< ''' extern const int _sys_nerr; extern const char * const _sys_errlist[]; extern int isatty(int); int main(void) { return (*_sys_errlist[_sys_nerr - 1] + isatty(0)); } ''' if test 1 = $HAVE__SYS_ERRLIST { add_cppflags -Dsys_nerr=_sys_nerr add_cppflags -Dsys_errlist=_sys_errlist setvar HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST = '1' } ac_cppflags SYS_ERRLIST for what in name list { setvar uwhat = $(upper $what) ac_testn sys_sig$what '' "the sys_sig${what}[] array" <<< """ extern const char * const sys_sig${what}[]; extern int isatty(int); int main(void) { return (sys_sig${what}[0][0] + isatty(0)); } """ ac_testn _sys_sig$what '!' sys_sig$what 0 "the _sys_sig${what}[] array" <<< """ extern const char * const _sys_sig${what}[]; extern int isatty(int); int main(void) { return (_sys_sig${what}[0][0] + isatty(0)); } """ eval uwhat_v='$'HAVE__SYS_SIG$uwhat if test 1 = $uwhat_v { add_cppflags -Dsys_sig$what=_sys_sig$what eval HAVE_SYS_SIG$uwhat=1 } ac_cppflags SYS_SIG$uwhat } # # Environment: library functions # ac_test flock <<< ''' #include #include #undef flock #if HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif int main(void) { return (flock(0, LOCK_EX | LOCK_UN)); } ''' ac_test lock_fcntl '!' flock 1 'whether we can lock files with fcntl' <<< ''' #include #undef flock int main(void) { struct flock lks; lks.l_type = F_WRLCK | F_UNLCK; return (fcntl(0, F_SETLKW, &lks)); } ''' ac_test getrusage <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(void) { struct rusage ru; return (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru) + getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &ru)); } ''' ac_test getsid <<< ''' #include int main(void) { return ((int)getsid(0)); } ''' ac_test gettimeofday <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(void) { struct timeval tv; return (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)); } ''' ac_test killpg <<< ''' #include int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (av[0][killpg(123, ac)]); } ''' ac_test memmove <<< ''' #include #include #include #if HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (*(int *)(void *)memmove(av[0], av[1], (size_t)ac)); } ''' ac_test mknod '' 'if to use mknod(), makedev() and friends' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(int ac, char *av[]) { dev_t dv; dv = makedev((unsigned int)ac, (unsigned int)av[0][0]); return (mknod(av[0], (mode_t)0, dv) ? (int)major(dv) : (int)minor(dv)); } ''' ac_test mmap lock_fcntl 0 'for mmap and munmap' <<< ''' #include #if HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H #include #endif #include #include int main(void) { return ((void *)mmap(NULL, (size_t)0, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 0, (off_t)0) == (void *)NULL ? 1 : munmap(NULL, 0)); } ''' ac_test nice <<< ''' #include int main(void) { return (nice(4)); } ''' ac_test revoke <<< ''' #include #if HAVE_LIBUTIL_H #include #endif #include int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (ac + revoke(av[0])); } ''' ac_test setlocale_ctype '' 'setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")' <<< ''' #include #include int main(void) { return ((int)(size_t)(void *)setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")); } ''' ac_test langinfo_codeset setlocale_ctype 0 'nl_langinfo(CODESET)' <<< ''' #include #include int main(void) { return ((int)(size_t)(void *)nl_langinfo(CODESET)); } ''' ac_test select <<< ''' #include #if HAVE_BOTH_TIME_H #include #include #elif HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #elif HAVE_TIME_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_BSDTYPES_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #if HAVE_BSTRING_H #include #endif #include #include #include #if HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #include int main(void) { struct timeval tv = { 1, 200000 }; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(0, &fds); return (select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)); } ''' ac_test setresugid <<< ''' #include #include int main(void) { return (setresuid(0,0,0) + setresgid(0,0,0)); } ''' ac_test setgroups setresugid 0 <<< ''' #include #if HAVE_GRP_H #include #endif #include int main(void) { gid_t gid = 0; return (setgroups(0, &gid)); } ''' if test x"$et" = x"klibc" { ac_testn __rt_sigsuspend '' 'whether klibc uses RT signals' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" extern int __rt_sigsuspend(const sigset_t *, size_t); int main(void) { return (__rt_sigsuspend(NULL, 0)); } ''' # no? damn! legacy crap ahead! ac_testn __sigsuspend_s '!' __rt_sigsuspend 1 \ 'whether sigsuspend is usable (1/2)' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" extern int __sigsuspend_s(sigset_t); int main(void) { return (__sigsuspend_s(0)); } ''' ac_testn __sigsuspend_xxs '!' __sigsuspend_s 1 \ 'whether sigsuspend is usable (2/2)' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" extern int __sigsuspend_xxs(int, int, sigset_t); int main(void) { return (__sigsuspend_xxs(0, 0, 0)); } ''' if test "000" = "$HAVE___RT_SIGSUSPEND$HAVE___SIGSUSPEND_S$HAVE___SIGSUSPEND_XXS" { # no usable sigsuspend(), use pause() *ugh* add_cppflags -DMKSH_NO_SIGSUSPEND } } ac_test strerror '!' sys_errlist 0 <<< ''' extern char *strerror(int); int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (*strerror(*av[ac])); } ''' ac_test strsignal '!' sys_siglist 0 <<< ''' #include #include int main(void) { return (strsignal(1)[0]); } ''' ac_test strlcpy <<< ''' #include int main(int ac, char *av[]) { return (strlcpy(*av, av[1], (size_t)ac)); } ''' # # check headers for declarations # ac_test flock_decl flock 1 'for declaration of flock()' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" #if HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif int main(void) { return ((flock)(0, 0)); } ''' ac_test revoke_decl revoke 1 'for declaration of revoke()' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(void) { return ((revoke)("")); } ''' ac_test sys_errlist_decl sys_errlist 0 "for declaration of sys_errlist[] and sys_nerr" <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(void) { return (*sys_errlist[sys_nerr - 1] + isatty(0)); } ''' ac_test sys_siglist_decl sys_siglist 0 'for declaration of sys_siglist[]' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" int main(void) { return (sys_siglist[0][0] + isatty(0)); } ''' # # other checks # setvar fd = ''if to use persistent history'' ac_cache PERSISTENT_HISTORY || case (HAVE_MMAP) { 11*|101 { setvar fv = '1' } } test 1 = $fv || setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories no-histfile"" ac_testdone ac_cppflags setvar save_CFLAGS = "$CFLAGS" ac_testn compile_time_asserts_$$ '' 'whether compile-time assertions pass' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" #ifndef CHAR_BIT #define CHAR_BIT 8 /* defuse this test on really legacy systems */ #endif struct ctasserts { #define cta(name, assertion) char name[(assertion) ? 1 : -1] /* this one should be defined by the standard */ cta(char_is_1_char, (sizeof(char) == 1) && (sizeof(signed char) == 1) && (sizeof(unsigned char) == 1)); cta(char_is_8_bits, ((CHAR_BIT) == 8) && ((int)(unsigned char)0xFF == 0xFF) && ((int)(unsigned char)0x100 == 0) && ((int)(unsigned char)(int)-1 == 0xFF)); /* the next assertion is probably not really needed */ cta(short_is_2_char, sizeof(short) == 2); cta(short_size_no_matter_of_signedness, sizeof(short) == sizeof(unsigned short)); /* the next assertion is probably not really needed */ cta(int_is_4_char, sizeof(int) == 4); cta(int_size_no_matter_of_signedness, sizeof(int) == sizeof(unsigned int)); cta(long_ge_int, sizeof(long) >= sizeof(int)); cta(long_size_no_matter_of_signedness, sizeof(long) == sizeof(unsigned long)); #ifndef MKSH_LEGACY_MODE /* the next assertion is probably not really needed */ cta(ari_is_4_char, sizeof(mksh_ari_t) == 4); /* but this is */ cta(ari_has_31_bit, 0 < (mksh_ari_t)(((((mksh_ari_t)1 << 15) << 15) - 1) * 2 + 1)); /* the next assertion is probably not really needed */ cta(uari_is_4_char, sizeof(mksh_uari_t) == 4); /* but the next three are; we REQUIRE unsigned integer wraparound */ cta(uari_has_31_bit, 0 < (mksh_uari_t)(((((mksh_uari_t)1 << 15) << 15) - 1) * 2 + 1)); cta(uari_has_32_bit, 0 < (mksh_uari_t)(((((mksh_uari_t)1 << 15) << 15) - 1) * 4 + 3)); cta(uari_wrap_32_bit, (mksh_uari_t)(((((mksh_uari_t)1 << 15) << 15) - 1) * 4 + 3) > (mksh_uari_t)(((((mksh_uari_t)1 << 15) << 15) - 1) * 4 + 4)); #define NUM 22 #else #define NUM 16 #endif /* these are always required */ cta(ari_is_signed, (mksh_ari_t)-1 < (mksh_ari_t)0); cta(uari_is_unsigned, (mksh_uari_t)-1 > (mksh_uari_t)0); /* we require these to have the precisely same size and assume 2s complement */ cta(ari_size_no_matter_of_signedness, sizeof(mksh_ari_t) == sizeof(mksh_uari_t)); cta(sizet_size_no_matter_of_signedness, sizeof(ssize_t) == sizeof(size_t)); cta(sizet_voidptr_same_size, sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void *)); cta(sizet_funcptr_same_size, sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void (*)(void))); /* our formatting routines assume this */ cta(ptr_fits_in_long, sizeof(size_t) <= sizeof(long)); cta(ari_fits_in_long, sizeof(mksh_ari_t) <= sizeof(long)); /* for struct alignment people */ char padding[64 - NUM]; }; char ctasserts_dblcheck[sizeof(struct ctasserts) == 64 ? 1 : -1]; int main(void) { return (sizeof(ctasserts_dblcheck) + isatty(0)); } ''' setvar CFLAGS = "$save_CFLAGS" eval test 1 = '$'HAVE_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERTS_$$ || exit 1 # # extra checks for legacy mksh # if test $legacy = 1 { ac_test long_32bit '' 'whether long is 32 bit wide' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" #ifndef CHAR_BIT #define CHAR_BIT 0 #endif struct ctasserts { #define cta(name, assertion) char name[(assertion) ? 1 : -1] cta(char_is_8_bits, (CHAR_BIT) == 8); cta(long_is_32_bits, sizeof(long) == 4); }; int main(void) { return (sizeof(struct ctasserts)); } ''' ac_test long_64bit '!' long_32bit 0 'whether long is 64 bit wide' <<< ''' #define MKSH_INCLUDES_ONLY #include "sh.h" #ifndef CHAR_BIT #define CHAR_BIT 0 #endif struct ctasserts { #define cta(name, assertion) char name[(assertion) ? 1 : -1] cta(char_is_8_bits, (CHAR_BIT) == 8); cta(long_is_64_bits, sizeof(long) == 8); }; int main(void) { return (sizeof(struct ctasserts)); } ''' case (HAVE_LONG_32BIT) { 10 { setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories int:32"" } 01 { setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories int:64"" } * { setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories int:u"" } } } # # Compiler: Praeprocessor (only if needed) # test 0 = $HAVE_SYS_SIGNAME && if ac_testinit cpp_dd '' \ 'checking if the C Preprocessor supports -dD' { echo '#define foo bar' >conftest.c vv ']' "$CPP $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN -dD conftest.c >x" grep '#define foo bar' x >/dev/null 2>&1 && setvar fv = '1' rmf conftest.c x vv.out ac_testdone } # # End of mirtoconf checks # $e ... done. # Some operating systems have ancient versions of ed(1) writing # the character count to standard output; cope for that echo wq >x ed x /dev/null | grep 3 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ setvar check_categories = ""$check_categories $oldish_ed"" rmf x vv.out if test 0 = $HAVE_SYS_SIGNAME { if test 1 = $HAVE_CPP_DD { $e Generating list of signal names... } else { $e No list of signal names available via cpp. Falling back... } setvar sigseenone = ':' setvar sigseentwo = ':' echo '#include #if defined(NSIG_MAX) #define cfg_NSIG NSIG_MAX #elif defined(NSIG) #define cfg_NSIG NSIG #elif defined(_NSIG) #define cfg_NSIG _NSIG #elif defined(SIGMAX) #define cfg_NSIG (SIGMAX + 1) #elif defined(_SIGMAX) #define cfg_NSIG (_SIGMAX + 1) #else /*XXX better error out, see sh.h */ #define cfg_NSIG 64 #endif int mksh_cfg= cfg_NSIG ;' >conftest.c # GNU sed 2.03 segfaults when optimising this to sed -n setvar NSIG = $(vq "$CPP $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN conftest.c" | \ grep -v '^#' | \ sed '/mksh_cfg.*= *$/{ N s/\n/ / }' | \ grep '^ *mksh_cfg *=' | \ sed 's/^ *mksh_cfg *=[ ]*\([()0-9x+-][()0-9x+ -]*\).*$/\1/) case (NSIG) { *mksh_cfg* { $e "Error: NSIG='$NSIG'"; setvar NSIG = '0' } *[\ \(\)+-]* { setvar NSIG = $($AWK "BEGIN { print $NSIG }" ) } } setvar printf = 'printf' shell {printf hallo} >/dev/null 2>&1 || setvar printf = 'echo' test $printf = echo || test $(printf %d 42) = 42 || setvar printf = 'echo' test $printf = echo || setvar NSIG = $(printf %d $NSIG ) $printf "NSIG=$NSIG ... " setvar sigs = ""ABRT FPE ILL INT SEGV TERM ALRM BUS CHLD CONT HUP KILL PIPE QUIT"" setvar sigs = ""$sigs STOP TSTP TTIN TTOU USR1 USR2 POLL PROF SYS TRAP URG VTALRM"" setvar sigs = ""$sigs XCPU XFSZ INFO WINCH EMT IO DIL LOST PWR SAK CLD IOT STKFLT"" setvar sigs = ""$sigs ABND DCE DUMP IOERR TRACE DANGER THCONT THSTOP RESV UNUSED"" test 1 = $HAVE_CPP_DD && test $NSIG -gt 1 && setvar sigs = ""$sigs "$(vq \ "$CPP $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN -dD conftest.c" | \ grep '[ ]SIG[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]*[ ]' | \ sed 's/^.*[ ]SIG\([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]*\)[ ].*$/\1/' | sort)" test $NSIG -gt 1 || setvar sigs = '' for name in $sigs { case (sigseenone) { *:$name:* { continue } } setvar sigseenone = "$sigseenone$name:" echo '#include ' >conftest.c echo int >>conftest.c echo mksh_cfg= SIG$name >>conftest.c echo ';' >>conftest.c # GNU sed 2.03 croaks on optimising this, too vq "$CPP $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $NOWARN conftest.c" | \ grep -v '^#' | \ sed '/mksh_cfg.*= *$/{ N s/\n/ / }' | \ grep '^ *mksh_cfg *=' | \ sed 's/^ *mksh_cfg *=[ ]*\([0-9][0-9x]*\).*$/:\1 '$name/ } | sed -n '/^:[^ ]/s/^://p' | while read nr name { test $printf = echo || setvar nr = $(printf %d $nr ) test $nr -gt 0 && test $nr -lt $NSIG || continue case (sigseentwo) { *:$nr:* { } * { echo " { \"$name\", $nr }," setvar sigseentwo = "$sigseentwo$nr:" $printf "$name=$nr " >&2 } } } 2>&1 >signames.inc rmf conftest.c $e done. } addsrcs '!' HAVE_STRLCPY strlcpy.c addsrcs USE_PRINTF_BUILTIN printf.c test 1 = $USE_PRINTF_BUILTIN && add_cppflags -DMKSH_PRINTF_BUILTIN test 1 = $HAVE_CAN_VERB && setvar CFLAGS = ""$CFLAGS -verbose"" add_cppflags -DMKSH_BUILD_R=523 $e $bi$me: Finished configuration testing, now producing output.$ao setvar files = '' setvar objs = '' setvar sp = '' case (tcfn) { a.exe|conftest.exe { setvar mkshexe = "$tfn.exe" add_cppflags -DMKSH_EXE_EXT } * { setvar mkshexe = "$tfn" } } case (curdir) { *\ * { setvar mkshshebang = ""#!./$mkshexe"" } * { setvar mkshshebang = ""#!$curdir/$mkshexe"" } } cat >test.sh <<< """ $mkshshebang LC_ALL=C PATH='$PATH'; export LC_ALL PATH test -n "'$'KSH_VERSION" || exit 1 set -A check_categories -- $check_categories pflag='$curdir/$mkshexe' sflag='$srcdir/check.t' usee=0 Pflag=0 Sflag=0 uset=0 vflag=1 xflag=0 while getopts "C:e:fPp:QSs:t:v" ch; do case '$'ch { (C) check_categories['$'{#check_categories[*]}]='$'OPTARG ;; (e) usee=1; eflag='$'OPTARG ;; (f) check_categories['$'{#check_categories[*]}]=fastbox ;; (P) Pflag=1 ;; (+P) Pflag=0 ;; (p) pflag='$'OPTARG ;; (Q) vflag=0 ;; (+Q) vflag=1 ;; (S) Sflag=1 ;; (+S) Sflag=0 ;; (s) sflag='$'OPTARG ;; (t) uset=1; tflag='$'OPTARG ;; (v) vflag=1 ;; (+v) vflag=0 ;; (*) xflag=1 ;; } done shift '$'((OPTIND - 1)) set -A args -- '$srcdir/check.pl' -p "'$'pflag" x= for y in "'$'{check_categories[@]}"; do x='$'x,'$'y done if [[ -n '$'x ]]; then args['$'{#args[*]}]=-C args['$'{#args[*]}]='$'{x#,} fi if (( usee )); then args['$'{#args[*]}]=-e args['$'{#args[*]}]='$'eflag fi (( Pflag )) && args['$'{#args[*]}]=-P if (( uset )); then args['$'{#args[*]}]=-t args['$'{#args[*]}]='$'tflag fi (( vflag )) && args['$'{#args[*]}]=-v (( xflag )) && args['$'{#args[*]}]=-x # force usage by synerr if [[ -n '$'TMPDIR && -d '$'TMPDIR/. ]]; then args['$'{#args[*]}]=-T args['$'{#args[*]}]='$'TMPDIR fi print Testing mksh for conformance: grep -F -e Mir''OS: -e MIRBSD "'$'sflag" print "This shell is actually:'\'n'\'t'$'KSH_VERSION" print 'test.sh built for mksh $dstversion' cstr=''$'os = defined '$'^O ? '$'^O : "unknown";' cstr="'$'cstr"'print '$'os . ", Perl version " . '$'];' for perli in '$'PERL perl5 perl no; do if [[ '$'perli = no ]]; then print Cannot find a working Perl interpreter, aborting. exit 1 fi print "Trying Perl interpreter ''$'perli'..." perlos='$'('$'perli -e "'$'cstr") rv='$'? print "Errorlevel '$'rv, running on ''$'perlos'" if (( rv )); then print "=> not using" continue fi if [[ -n '$'perlos ]]; then print "=> using it" break fi done (( Sflag )) || echo + '$'perli "'$'{args[@]}" -s "'$'sflag" "'$'@" (( Sflag )) || exec '$'perli "'$'{args[@]}" -s "'$'sflag" "'$'@"$tsts # use of the -S option for check.t split into multiple chunks rv=0 for s in "'$'sflag".*; do echo + '$'perli "'$'{args[@]}" -s "'$'s" "'$'@" '$'perli "'$'{args[@]}" -s "'$'s" "'$'@"$tsts rc='$'? (( rv = rv ? rv : rc )) done exit '$'rv """ chmod 755 test.sh case (cm) { dragonegg { setvar emitbc = ""-S -flto"" } llvm { setvar emitbc = ""-emit-llvm -c"" } * { setvar emitbc = '-c' } } echo ": # work around NeXTstep bug" >Rebuild.sh cd $srcdir setvar optfiles = $(echo *.opt) cd $curdir for file in $optfiles { echo "echo + Running genopt on '$file'..." echo "(srcfile='$srcdir/$file'; BUILDSH_RUN_GENOPT=1; . '$srcdir/Build.sh')" } >>Rebuild.sh echo set -x >>Rebuild.sh for file in $SRCS { setvar op = $(echo x"$file" | sed 's/^x\(.*\)\.c$/\1./) test -f $file || setvar file = "$srcdir/$file" setvar files = ""$files$sp$file"" setvar sp = '' '' echo "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $emitbc $file || exit 1" >>Rebuild.sh if test $cm = dragonegg { echo "mv ${op}s ${op}ll" >>Rebuild.sh echo "llvm-as ${op}ll || exit 1" >>Rebuild.sh setvar objs = ""$objs$sp${op}bc"" } else { setvar objs = ""$objs$sp${op}o"" } } case (cm) { dragonegg|llvm { echo "rm -f $tfn.s" >>Rebuild.sh echo "llvm-link -o - $objs | opt $optflags | llc -o $tfn.s" >>Rebuild.sh setvar lobjs = "$tfn.s" } * { setvar lobjs = "$objs" } } echo tcfn=$mkshexe >>Rebuild.sh echo "$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o \$tcfn $lobjs $LIBS $ccpr" >>Rebuild.sh echo "test -f \$tcfn || exit 1; $SIZE \$tcfn" >>Rebuild.sh if test $cm = makefile { setvar extras = ''emacsfn.h rlimits.opt sh.h sh_flags.opt var_spec.h'' test 0 = $HAVE_SYS_SIGNAME && setvar extras = ""$extras signames.inc"" setvar gens = '', genq = '' for file in $optfiles { setvar genf = $(basename $file | sed 's/.opt$/.gen/) setvar gens = ""$gens $genf"" setvar genq = ""$genq$nl$genf: $srcdir/Build.sh $srcdir/$file srcfile=$srcdir/$file; BUILDSH_RUN_GENOPT=1; . $srcdir/Build.sh"" } cat >Makefrag.inc <<< """ # Makefile fragment for building mksh $dstversion PROG= $mkshexe MAN= mksh.1 SRCS= $SRCS SRCS_FP= $files OBJS_BP= $objs INDSRCS= $extras NONSRCS_INST= dot.mkshrc '$'(MAN) NONSRCS_NOINST= Build.sh Makefile Rebuild.sh check.pl check.t test.sh CC= $CC CFLAGS= $CFLAGS CPPFLAGS= $CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS= $LDFLAGS LIBS= $LIBS .depend '$'(OBJS_BP):$gens$genq # not BSD make only: #VPATH= $srcdir #all: '$'(PROG) #'$'(PROG): '$'(OBJS_BP) # '$'(CC) '$'(CFLAGS) '$'(LDFLAGS) -o '$'@ '$'(OBJS_BP) '$'(LIBS) #'$'(OBJS_BP): '$'(SRCS_FP) '$'(NONSRCS) #.c.o: # '$'(CC) '$'(CFLAGS) '$'(CPPFLAGS) -c '$'< # for all make variants: #REGRESS_FLAGS= -f #regress: # ./test.sh '$'(REGRESS_FLAGS) check_categories=$check_categories # for BSD make only: #.PATH: $srcdir #.include """ $e $e Generated Makefrag.inc successfully. exit 0 } for file in $optfiles { $e "+ Running genopt on '$file'..." do_genopt "$srcdir/$file" || exit 1 } if test $cm = combine { setvar objs = ""-o $mkshexe"" for file in $SRCS { test -f $file || setvar file = "$srcdir/$file" setvar objs = ""$objs $file"" } setvar emitbc = ""-fwhole-program --combine"" v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $emitbc $objs $LIBS $ccpr" } elif test 1 = $pm { for file in $SRCS { test -f $file || setvar file = "$srcdir/$file" v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $emitbc $file" & } wait } else { for file in $SRCS { test $cm = dragonegg && \ setvar op = $(echo x"$file" | sed 's/^x\(.*\)\.c$/\1./) test -f $file || setvar file = "$srcdir/$file" v "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $emitbc $file" || exit 1 if test $cm = dragonegg { v "mv ${op}s ${op}ll" v "llvm-as ${op}ll" || exit 1 } } } case (cm) { dragonegg|llvm { rmf $tfn.s v "llvm-link -o - $objs | opt $optflags | llc -o $tfn.s" } } setvar tcfn = "$mkshexe" test $cm = combine || v "$CC $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o $tcfn $lobjs $LIBS $ccpr" test -f $tcfn || exit 1 test 1 = $r || v "$NROFF -mdoc <'$srcdir/mksh.1' >$tfn.cat1" || \ rmf $tfn.cat1 test 0 = $eq && v $SIZE $tcfn setvar i = 'install' test -f /usr/ucb/$i && setvar i = "/usr/ucb/$i" test 1 = $eq && setvar e = ':' $e $e Installing the shell: $e "# $i -c -s -o root -g bin -m 555 $tfn /bin/$tfn" if test $legacy = 0 { $e "# grep -x /bin/$tfn /etc/shells >/dev/null || echo /bin/$tfn >>/etc/shells" $e "# $i -c -o root -g bin -m 444 dot.mkshrc /usr/share/doc/mksh/examples/" } $e $e Installing the manual: if test -f $tfn.cat1 { $e "# $i -c -o root -g bin -m 444 $tfn.cat1" \ "/usr/share/man/cat1/$tfn.0" $e or } $e "# $i -c -o root -g bin -m 444 $tfn.1 /usr/share/man/man1/$tfn.1" $e $e Run the regression test suite: ./test.sh $e Please also read the sample file dot.mkshrc and the fine manual. exit 0 : <<< ''' === Environment used === ==== build environment ==== AWK default: awk CC default: cc CFLAGS if empty, defaults to -xO2 or +O2 or -O3 -qstrict or -O2, per compiler CPPFLAGS default empty LDFLAGS default empty; added before sources LDSTATIC set this to '-static'; default unset LIBS default empty; added after sources [Interix] default: -lcrypt (XXX still needed?) NOWARN -Wno-error or similar NROFF default: nroff TARGET_OS default: $(uname -s || uname) TARGET_OSREV [QNX] default: $(uname -r) ==== feature selectors ==== USE_PRINTF_BUILTIN 1 to include (unsupported) printf(1) as builtin ===== general format ===== HAVE_STRLEN ac_test HAVE_STRING_H ac_header HAVE_CAN_FSTACKPROTECTORALL ac_flags ==== cpp definitions ==== DEBUG dont use in production, wants gcc, implies: DEBUG_LEAKS enable freeing resources before exiting MKSHRC_PATH "~/.mkshrc" (do not change) MKSH_A4PB force use of arc4random_pushb MKSH_ASSUME_UTF8 (0=disabled, 1=enabled; default: unset) MKSH_BINSHPOSIX if */sh or */-sh, enable set -o posix MKSH_BINSHREDUCED if */sh or */-sh, enable set -o sh MKSH_CLRTOEOL_STRING "\033[K" MKSH_CLS_STRING "\033[;H\033[J" MKSH_CONSERVATIVE_FDS fd 0-9 for scripts, shell only up to 31 MKSH_DEFAULT_EXECSHELL "/bin/sh" (do not change) MKSH_DEFAULT_PROFILEDIR "/etc" (do not change) MKSH_DEFAULT_TMPDIR "/tmp" (do not change) MKSH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED disable code paths scheduled for later removal MKSH_DISABLE_EXPERIMENTAL disable code not yet comfy for (LTS) snapshots MKSH_DISABLE_TTY_WARNING shut up warning about ctty if OS cant be fixed MKSH_DONT_EMIT_IDSTRING omit RCS IDs from binary MKSH_MIDNIGHTBSD01ASH_COMPAT set -o sh: additional compatibility quirk MKSH_NOPROSPECTOFWORK disable jobs, co-processes, etc. (do not use) MKSH_NOPWNAM skip PAM calls, for -static on glibc or Solaris MKSH_NO_CMDLINE_EDITING disable command line editing code entirely MKSH_NO_DEPRECATED_WARNING omit warning when deprecated stuff is run MKSH_NO_LIMITS omit ulimit code MKSH_NO_SIGSETJMP define if sigsetjmp is broken or not available MKSH_NO_SIGSUSPEND use sigprocmask+pause instead of sigsuspend MKSH_SMALL omit some code, optimise hard for size (slower) MKSH_SMALL_BUT_FAST disable some hard-for-size optim. (modern sys.) MKSH_S_NOVI=1 disable Vi editing mode (default if MKSH_SMALL) MKSH_TYPEDEF_SIG_ATOMIC_T define to e.g. 'int' if sig_atomic_t is missing MKSH_TYPEDEF_SSIZE_T define to e.g. 'long' if your OS has no ssize_t MKSH_UNEMPLOYED disable job control (but not jobs/co-processes) === generic installation instructions === Set CC and possibly CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LIBS. If cross-compiling, also set TARGET_OS. To disable tests, set e.g. HAVE_STRLCPY=0; to enable them, set to a value other than 0 or 1. Ensure /bin/ed is installed. For MKSH_SMALL but with Vi mode, add -DMKSH_S_NOVI=0 to CPPFLAGS as well. Normally, the following command is what you want to run, then: $ (sh Build.sh -r -c lto && ./test.sh -f) 2>&1 | tee log Copy dot.mkshrc to /etc/skel/.mkshrc; install mksh into $prefix/bin; or /bin; install the manpage, if omitting the -r flag a catmanpage is made using $NROFF. Consider using a forward script as /etc/skel/.mkshrc like http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/mksh.git/plain/debian/.mkshrc and put dot.mkshrc as /etc/mkshrc so users need not keep up their HOME. You may also want to install the lksh binary (also as /bin/sh) built by: $ CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DMKSH_BINSHPOSIX" sh Build.sh -L -r -c lto '''