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This chapter in the Oils Reference describes the YSH expression language, which includes Egg Expressions.
Binds a name to a YSH expression on the right, with a dynamic check to prevent mutation.
const c = 'mystr' # equivalent to readonly c=mystr
const pat = / digit+ / # an eggex, with no shell equivalent
If you try to re-declare or mutate the name, the shell will fail with a runtime
error. const
uses the same mechanism as the readonly
Consts should only appear at the top-level, and can't appear within proc
Initializes a name to a YSH expression.
var s = 'mystr' # equivalent to declare s=mystr
var pat = / digit+ / # an eggex, with no shell equivalent
It's either global or scoped to the current function.
You can bind multiple variables:
var flag, i = parseArgs(spec, ARGV)
var x, y = 42, 43
You can omit the right-hand side:
var x, y # implicitly initialized to null
At the top-level, setvar creates or mutates a variable.
setvar gFoo = 'mutable'
Inside a func or proc, it mutates a local variable declared with var.
proc p {
var x = 42
setvar x = 43
You can mutate a List location:
setvar a[42] = 'foo'
Or a Dict location:
setvar d['key'] = 43
setvar d.key = 43 # same thing
You can use any of these these augmented assignment operators
+= -= *= /= **= //= %=
&= |= ^= <<= >>=
setvar x += 2 # increment by 2
setvar a[42] *= 2 # multiply by 2
setvar d.flags |= 0b0010_000 # set a flag
Creates or mutates a global variable. Has the same syntax as setvar
Oil uses JavaScript-like spellings for these three "atoms":
true false null
Note that the empty string is a good "special" value in some cases. The null
value can't be interpolated into words.
var myint = 42
var myfloat = 3.14
var float2 = 1e100
#'a' #'_' \n \\ \u{3bc}
Oil strings appear in expression contexts, and look like shell strings:
var s = 'foo'
var double = "hello $world and $(hostname)"
However, strings with backslashes are forced to specify whether they're raw strings or C-style strings:
var s = 'line\n' # parse error: ambiguous
var s = $'line\n' # C-style string
var s = r'[a-z]\n' # raw strings are useful for regexes (not eggexes)
var unicode = 'mu = \u{3bc}'
Lists have a Python-like syntax:
var mylist = ['one', 'two', 3]
And a shell-like syntax:
var list2 = %| one two |
The shell-like syntax accepts the same syntax that a command can:
ls $mystr @ARGV *.py {foo,bar}@example.com
# Rather than executing ls, evaluate and store words
var cmd = :| ls $mystr @ARGV *.py {foo,bar}@example.com |
{name: 'value'}
A range is a sequence of numbers that can be iterated over:
for i in (0 .. 3) {
echo $i
=> 0
=> 1
=> 2
As with slices, the last number isn't included. Idiom to iterate from 1 to n:
for i in (1 .. n+1) {
echo $i
var myblock = ^(echo $PWD)
var myexpr = ^[1 + 2*3]
var s = 's'
var concat1 = s ++ '_suffix'
var concat2 = "${s}_suffix" # similar
var c = :| one two |
var concat3 = c ++ :| three 4 |
var concat4 = :| @c three 4 |
var mydict = {a: 1, b: 2}
var otherdict = {a: 10, c: 20}
var concat5 = mydict ++ otherdict
a == b # Python-like equality, no type conversion
3 ~== 3.0 # True, type conversion
3 ~== '3' # True, type conversion
3 ~== '3.0' # True, type conversion
not and or
Note that these are distinct from ! && ||
+ - * / // % **
~ & | ^
Like Python:
display = 'yes' if len(s) else 'empty'
Like Python:
TODO: Does string indexing give you an integer back?
Like Python:
myarray[1 : -1]
mystr[1 : -1]
Like Python:
f(x, y)
The thin arrow is for mutating methods:
var mylist = ['bar']
call mylist->pop()
The fat arrow is for transforming methods:
if (s => startsWith('prefix')) {
echo 'yes'
If the method lookup on s
fails, it looks for free functions. This means it
can be used for "chaining" transformations:
var x = myFunc() => list() => join()
~ !~ ~~ !~~
Not implemented.