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Data Notation Table of Contents

These are links to topics in the Oils Reference.

Siblings: OSH Topics, YSH Topics

Table of Contents
J8 Notation (j8)
Packle (packle)
Errors (errors)

J8 Notation (j8)

  [J8 Strings]   json-string "hi"   json-escape \" \\ \u1234
                 surrogate-pair \ud83e\udd26
                 u-prefix u'hi'   b-prefix b'hi'
                 j8-escape \u{1f926} \yff
                 no-prefix 'hi'
  [JSON8]        json8-num   json8-str
                 json8-list   json-dict
  [TSV8]         column-attrs   column-types

All J8 notation is UTF-8.

Packle (packle)

  [Atoms]    Null   Bool   Int   Float   Bytes   Unicode
  [Compound] List   Dict

Errors (errors)

  [JSON]   json-encode-err   json-decode-err
  [JSON8]  json8-encode-err   json8-decode-err
  [Packle] packle-encode-err   packle-decode-err   
  [UTF8]   utf8-encode-err   utf8-decode-err

Generated on Sun, 04 Feb 2024 00:32:22 -0500