Results for

pass 20
0pass single quoted -- implicit and explicit raw
1pass Implicit raw single quote with backslash is a syntax error
2pass single quoted C strings: $'foo\n'
3pass raw strings and J8 strings don't work in OSH
4pass J8-style u'' and b'' strings in expression mode
5pass J8-style u'' and b'' strings in command mode
6pass J8-style multi-line strings u''' b''' in command mode
7pass Double Quoted
8pass Multiline strings with '' and ""
9pass C strings in %() array literals
10pass shopt parse_ysh_string
11pass Triple Double Quotes, Expression Mode
12pass Triple Single Quotes, Expression Mode
13pass Triple Double Quotes, Command Mode
14pass raw strings and triple quotes
15pass Triple Single Quotes, Command Mode
16pass Triple Single Quotes, Here Doc
17pass Triple Single Quotes without parse_triple_quote
18pass here doc with quotes
19pass triple quoted and implicit concatenation
20 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped