Warning: Work in progress! Leave feedback on Zulip or Github if you'd like this doc to be updated.

Procs, Funcs, and Blocks

Table of Contents
Builtins Can Accept Ruby-Style Blocks
Caveat: Blocks Are Space Sensitive
What's Allowed in Blocks?
cd now takes a Ruby-like block

Builtins Can Accept Ruby-Style Blocks

Example of syntax that works:

cd / {
  echo $PWD
cd / { echo $PWD }
cd / { echo $PWD }; cd / { echo $PWD }

Syntax errors:

a=1 { echo bad };        # assignments can't take blocks
>out.txt { echo bad };   # bare redirects can't take blocks
break { echo bad };      # control flow can't take blocks

Runtime errors

local a=1 { echo bad };  # assignment builtins can't take blocks

Caveat: Blocks Are Space Sensitive

cd {a,b}  # brace substitution
cd { a,b }  # tries to run command 'a,b', which probably doesn't exist


echo these are literal braces not a block \{ \}
echo these are literal braces not a block '{' '}'
# etc.

What's Allowed in Blocks?

You can break out with return, and it accepts Oilexpressions (not shell-like words) (note: not implemented yet).

cd {
  # return is for FUNCTIONS.
  return 1 + 2 * 3

The block can set vars in enclosing scope:

setvar('name', 1+2, up=1)

They can also get the value:

var namespace = evalblock('name', 1+2, up=1)

# _result is set if there was a return statement!

# namespace has all vars except those prefixed with _
var result = namespace->_result


Another issue is that I feel like people will tend to prefer funcs because they're more familiar. But shell composition with proc is very powerful!!!

They have at least two kinds of composition that functions don't have:


So that is another thing that I should write about.

In summary:

One issue is that procs take block arguments but not funcs. This is something of a syntactic issue. But I don't think it's that high priority.

Here are some complicated examples from the tests. It's not representative of what real code looks like, but it shows all the features.


proc name-with-hyphen (x, y, @names) {
  echo $x $y
  echo names: @names
name-with-hyphen a b c


shopt -s oil:basic

func f(a, b=0, ...args; c, d=0, ...named) {
  echo __ args: @args
  echo __ named:
  echo @named | sort
  if (named) {
    return [a, b, c, d]
  } else {
    return a + b + c + d
var a = [42, 43]
var n = {x: 99, y: 100}

echo ____
echo string $f(0, 1, ...a, c=2, d=3)

# Now get a list back
echo ____
echo array @f(5, 6, ...a, c=7, d=8; ...n)


cd now takes a Ruby-like block

This is enabled by shopt -s parse_brace, so the {} characters become special. Example:

cd subdir { 
  ls -l
  echo $PWD
cd other/dir { pwd; find . -type f }  # compact one-line syntax

Hopefully you can guess what this does! If not let me know :)

Again, you can try this from HEAD with instructions in the latest blog post.

This is the first example of many more to come. I started to document some of the semantics here, but it's not done yet:


Other builtins that will take blocks:

# this replaces an awkward idiom with eval I've seen a lot
shopt -u errexit {
   echo "temporary disable an option"

# generalizes the 'NAME=value command' syntax and the 'env' prefix helps parsing

# replaces sleep 5 &
fork {  sleep 5 }

# replaces () syntax so we can use it for something else.
wait { echo subshell; sleep 5 }

# probably used for a "syntactic pun" of Python-like "import as" functionality
use lib foo.sh {
  myalias otherfunc

Yes good question – this hasn’t been addressed by the docs yet, but it will be.

There are two kinds of composition / code units in Oil: proc and func.

funcs are called with Python/JS-like expressions:

var x = myfunc(42, 'foo')
do myfunc(42, 'foo')   # throw away the return value.

This is NOT legal:

myfunc(42, 'foo')

I will have a whole doc about this, along with some advice on where to use each. I do expect that it’s one of the more confusing things, but I think it’s justified because both mechanism are powerful and well-tested. I guess you kinda have to know shell AND Python to know when to use each.

I use shell as my “main”, if that makes sense. So generally speaking, procs calls funcs, and funcs won’t call procs as much.

Generated on Sat Dec 7 23:40:10 PST 2019