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This is the online help for the Oil language. It underlies the help
For example, typing help proc
in the shell shows you how to use the proc
statement. A link to this same text appears in the command
group below.
To view this index inside the shell, use:
help oil
An X next to a help topic means that the feature is unimplemented.
You may also want to browse OSH Help Topics.
[Usage] bundle-usage oil-usage
[Oil Lexing] docstring ### X single-command ...
proc proc p (x, y, @rest, &block) { echo hi }
equal = = 1 + 2*3
underscore _ _ push(x, 3)
oil-block cd /tmp { echo $PWD }
[Keywords] const var setvar setref setglobal setlocal/set
[Literals] oil-numbers 42 3.14 1e100
oil-string c'line\n' r'[a-z]\n'
char-literal #'a' #'_' \n \\ \u{3bc}
bool-literal True False None
list-literal %(one two) ['one', 'two', 3]
dict-literal {name: 'bob'}
[Operators] concat s1 ++ s2, L1 ++ L2
oil-equals == != ~== is, is not, in, not in
oil-compare < <= > >= (numbers only)
oil-logical not and or
oil-arith + - * / // % **
oil-bitwise ~ & | ^ << >>
oil-ternary '+' if x >= 0 else '-'
oil-index a[3] s[3]
oil-slice a[1:-1] s[1:-1]
func-call f(x, y)
block-expr &(echo $PWD)
match-ops ~ !~ ~~ !~~
[Eggex] re-literal / d+ /
re-compound ~ (group) <capture> sequence
re-primitive %zero Subpattern @subpattern
'sq' "dq" $x ${x}
named-class dot digit space word d s w
class-literal [c a-z 'abc' \\ \xFF \u0100]
X re-flags ignorecase etc.
X re-multiline ///
inline-call $strfunc(x, y) @arrayfunc(z)
splice @myarray @ARGV
expr-sub echo $[42 + a[i]]
X oil-printf ${x %.3f}
X oil-format ${x|html}
[Oil Builtins] oil-cd oil-shopt compatible, and takes a block
fork forkwait Replace & and (), and takes a block
push Add elements to end of array
pp Pretty print interpreter state
write Like echo, but with --, -sep, -end
oil-read Buffered I/O with --line, --all, --qsn
run Re-enable errexit; exit status utils
X fopen Open multiple streams, takes a block
X use source with namespace, file-relative
X opts getopts replacement, sets OPT
X proc-main main() that dispatches to proc
X log X die common functions (polyfill)
[Data Formats] json X qtsv
X [External Lang] BEGIN END when (awk)
rule (make) each (xargs) fs (find)
X [Testing] check
[Option Groups] strict:all oil:basic oil:all
[Strictness] ... More Runtime Errors
strict_argv No empty argv
strict_arith Fatal parse errors (on by default)
strict_array Arrays don't decay to strings
strict_control_flow trap misplaced break/continue
strict_errexit Disallow code that ignores failure
strict_nameref trap invalid variable names
strict_word_eval Expose unicode and slicing errors
strict_tilde Tilde subst can result in error
X strict_glob Parse the sublanguage more strictly
[Oil Basic] ... Start Migrating to Oil
parse_at echo @array @arrayfunc(x, y)
parse_brace if true { ... }; cd ~/src { ... }
parse_paren if (x > 0) ...
X parse_triple_quoted ''' """
X parse_triple_dots Multiline pipelines
command_sub_errexit More errexit checks -- at command sub
process_sub_fail Analogous to pipefail for process subs
simple_word_eval No splitting, static globbing
xtrace_rich Hierarchical and process tracing
xtrace_details (-u) Disable most tracing with +
dashglob (-u) Disabled to avoid files like -rf
expand_aliases (-u) Whether aliases are expanded
[Simplicity] ... More Consistent Style
simple_echo echo takes 0 or 1 arguments
simple_eval_builtin eval takes exactly 1 argument
simple_test_builtin 3 args or fewer; use test not [
X simple_trap Function name only
[Oil Breaking] ... The Full Oil Language
X parse_amp ls &2 > /dev/null, disallow >& <&
parse_at_all @ starting any word is an operator
parse_equals x = 'val' (for cleaner config blocks)
parse_set 'set' instead of 'setlocal'
parse_backslash (-u) Bad backslashes in $'' and c''
parse_backticks (-u) Legacy syntax `echo hi`
parse_dollar (-u) Is $ allowed for \$? Maybe $/d+/
parse_ignored (-u) Parse, but ignore, certain redirects
X copy_env (-u) Use $[ENV->PYTHONPATH] when false
X old_builtins (-u) local/declare/etc. pushd/popd/dirs
... source unset printf [un]alias
... getopts
X old_syntax (-u) [[ $(( )) ${x%prefix} ${a[@]}
[Compatibility] compat_array ${array} is ${array[0]}
eval_unsafe_arith Recursively parse and evaluate
parse_dynamic_arith LHS can contain variables
verbose_errexit Whether to print detailed errors
[More Options] allow_command_sub For implementing strict_errexit
dynamic_scope For implementing 'proc'
[Oil Paths] ?builtins ?completion_plugins ?coprocesses
[Platform] OIL_VERSION
[Tracing] SHX_indent SHX_punct SHX_pid_str
[Exit Status] _status _pipeline_status _process_sub_status
X [Wok] _filename _line
Access silently mutated globals:
[Pattern] _match() X _start() X _end()
X [Wok] _field()
[Collections] len() copy()
X [String] find() sub() join()
split() $IFS, awk algorithm, regex
[Word] glob() maybe()
X [Arrays] index()
[Assoc Arrays] @keys() @values()
X [Block] setvar() for procs to set in outer scope
evalblock() procs evaluate block to namespace
X [Better Syntax] shquote()
lstrip() rstrip() lstripglob() rstripglob()
upper() lower()
X [Hashing] sha1 sha256 (etc.)