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set -e / errexit in shell

Unix shell experts are divided on what the best way to handle errors is.
Existing mechanisms like set -e are unreliable, and shell scripts are often flaky as a result.

The goal of Oil is:

Don't give anyone an excuse not to use set -e

And this doc explains how.

Remember that bin/osh behaves exactly like a POSIX shell, so all your existing scripts will continue to work, with their quirky error handling.

bin/oil has errexit on, so you don't need to write it explicitly. It also has a bunch of options to fix the quirky behavior, including:

Table of Contents
The Fundmental Problem
Solution in Shell
Solution Oil
Style Guide


Here's some background knowledge on Unix shell, which will motivate the improvements in Oil.

(1) Shell has a global variable $? that stores the integer status of the last command. For example:

(2) "Bare" Assignments are considered commands.

(3) Assignment builtins have their own exit status.

Surprisingly, the exit status of local a=$(false) is 0, not 1. That is, simply adding local changes the exit status of an assignment.

The local builtin has its own status which overwrites $?, and you lose the status of false.

(4) You can explicitly check $? for failure, e.g. test $? -eq 0 || die "fail".

The set -e / set -o errexit mechanism tries to automate these checks, but it does it in a surprising way.

This rule causes a lot of problems:

The -e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list following the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline beginning with the ! reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list other than the last.

(5) Bash implement errexit differently than other shells. `shopt -s More details:

The Fundmental Problem


Solution in Shell

set +o errexit



set -o errexit

Solution Oil

shopt -u errexit {
  var status = 0 

  setvar status = $?

  setvar status = $?

Style Guide


if myfunc ...             # internal exit codes would be thrown away

if ls | wc -l ;           # first exit code would be thrown away


if external-command ...   # e.g. grep
if builtin ...            # e.g. test
if $0 myfunc ...          # $0 pattern

The $0 myfunc pattern wraps the function in an external command.


Generated on Thu May 21 12:33:04 PDT 2020