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OSH 0.5 - A Release with Many Contributors


This is the latest version of OSH, a bash-compatible shell:

Please try it on your shell scripts and report bugs! To build and run it, follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt.

If you're new to the project, see Why Create a New Shell?. OSH can run unmodified shell scripts that are thousands of lines long, as described in the announcement for OSH 0.4.

Table of Contents
Summary of Changes
Platform Support
From External Contributors
From Recurse Center Contributors
Other Features
Bug Fixes
Under the Hood
Reminder: Zulip
What's Next?
Appendix A: Selected Metrics

Summary of Changes

This section summarizes the raw changelog. If you notice anything missing, let me know in the comments.

Platform Support

From External Contributors

(in reverse alphabetical order)

From Recurse Center Contributors

I pair-programmed with everyone on these changes:

Other Features

Bug reports like these are particularly useful because they let me know where OSH falls short in practice.

Bug Fixes

Under the Hood

Reminder: Zulip

If you're interested in Oil development, please join oilshell.zulipchat.com, as described in this post.

For users of recurse.zulipchat.com: One thing I hadn't anticipated is that you can only be logged into one Zulip instance at a time. I assume that this is due to a browser security issue.

Possible solutions:

What's Next?

When I return to San Francisco in August, I plan to write some blog posts, including another project roadmap.

Feel free to send me feedback in the comments!

Appendix A: Selected Metrics

Here I summarize changes in the tests and metrics published with each release.

Native code size went down due to the removal of parts of CPython:

This is reflected in the smaller binary, which is faster to build:

Oil's Python source code only got a little bigger:

Excluding comments and blanks:

The bytecode size went up a bit: